Spartan News
October 2024
Meet the Teacher
It's Fall, ya'll!
As September closes out and October begins, I can honestly say that we are settled and ready to dive deeper into learning. There are lots of things happening this month, so keep an eye on that calendar.
Parents, it is so nice to see so many happy faces each morning during drop off. We are also starting to see a few parents sign up to be volunteers! We love this! One parent volunteer is trying to help us get our library open, even though we don't have a librarian. If you think you might want to volunteer in the library, let us know! Ms. Steel, our parent liaison, is coordinating volunteer jobs this year.
We are still looking for a few parents to come together to form a PTA. Currently, we don't have any parents to form a board, so we aren't able to do things like a Fall Carnival, start a school spirit store or organize supports for our teachers. We are a large campus and I am hanging on to hope that some of you might be willing to lead these efforts. Come on Spartan Parents, WE NEED YOU!!
Like the students say everyday... Learn.Lead.Level Up ;)
Hope to see you at our Open House,
Ms. Parker
Look for a symbol at the top to translate into a different language.
Open House Family Event, October 10, 2024
To honor your time and effort to attend school activities, we are pulling three things together at one time: our Hispanic Heritage Celebration, our Title 1 parent meeting (required for all Title 1 schools) and Open House! Here is a breakdown of Thursday, October 10:
4:45 - Sno Ball Dude Shave Ice on site
5:20 - doors open
5:45 - a guest Flamenco dance performance as well as a little musical performance from some of our own students.
6:00 - a short parent meeting to hear about the state of our school and to finalize our school and family compact.
6:20: parents will be dismissed to classrooms to hear presentations from the teachers and ask questions.
In the main hallway, we will have a few organizations on hand to share opportunities with families. If you want to enjoy a cool refreshment, Sno Ball Dude Shave Ice will be on site selling their tasty treats.
Homework 😉
Take a look at the Parent Compact. If there are suggestions or changes you would like to see, please share at our Open House. We will have a station to gather input before we finalize it and send it home for your signature. Thank you in advance for collaborating on this with us!
Picture Day
Student Fall pictures are Friday, October 4, 2024. Our goal is to have all pictures taken before lunch begins. If you happen to miss this day, retakes will be on Friday, November 1.
The order form was sent home last week. The office should have a few left if you need one. I am also attaching a flyer with information from the photographer.
Coffee with the Principal
What a great turn out to the September Coffee with the Principal. I enjoyed the conversation and engagement as we talked about school safety and beginning of the year assessments. Because we have so many things going on in October, including a week long vacation, I will push our next gathering out a little longer.
I will host the next Coffee with the Principal on Monday, November 4 at 3:15.
A Spanish translator will be in attendance for those who may need it.
Spartan Events
- Oct 2:
- Custodian Appreciation Day
- National Walk to School Day.
- Oct 4:
- Picture Day (Say cheese!)
- Oct 7-11:
- Math & Reading: 1st 9-weeks assessments
- Oct 10:
- 5:45 - 7:00 Open House Family Event: Hispanic Heritage Celebration
- Title 1 meeting
- Oct 11: End of the 1st 9 weeks.
- Oct 14-18: NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!
- Oct 24: Trunk or Treat
- Oct 25: Awards for the 1st 9-weeks
- Kinder: 8:30
- 1st & 2nd Grades: 1:30
- 3rd - 5th Grades: 2:00
- All visitors must sign in using a valid ID. Come early to sign in.
- Oct 21 - Nov 22: Fall Parent Conferences (Face to Face meetings with all parents)
- Oct 31: Book Character Parade! Get your book character costumes ready!
Truancy: Tardies
As a parent, I certainly remember a few mornings when the alarm didn't go off or my son wasn't feeling like he wanted to go to school. Life happens! We understand and we appreciated you making every effort to get your child to school! If you are running late and the doors are already closed, please remember that you are required to come in and sign them in. If you have a special circumstance, call and talk with us so the arrival goes smoothly.
Every tardy means a class / teacher will be interrupted to greet your child as they enter. Last week alone, we had 158 tardies / interruptions to learning. Please help us start our mornings successfully by arriving on time.
Congratulations to Ms. Gandarilla (Attendance Associate) and Ms. Thorn for leading us in some fun attendance theme days. As a result of students and teachers participating, Lagos won 1st place in the district attendance contest. Way to go everyone!
This is a friendly reminder that classes start at 7:30.
Stay Connected to the great things happening at Lagos!
Call the office & leave a message, 512-278-4360
Email: carolyn.parker@manorisd.net
Use your Talking Points App
Location: 11817 Murchison Street Manor, TX 78653
Phone: (512) 278-4360
Lagos Calendar
MISD Calendar