Hastings Boys' High School
Newsletter 2025 Week 6 Term 1
M.P. Summerfield MSSL (Dist.), B Sc , Dip. Tchg., PG. Cert. DCL
Message from the Headmaster
Ākina Honours Blazer Awards
Congratulations to these fine young Ākina Men who have all worked very hard to achieve this prestigious honour. They were awarded these over the last two weeks at special assemblies.
- Blair Gordon
- Roman Lauvao-Purotu
- Phaizon Parkes
- Alexander Wilson
- Ropata Henare
- Shaedyn Tangohau
Mr Miller's Year 11 Science Class have been building yachts to investigate "forces".
In this lesson, students explore how push and pull forces can move objects and influence their motion.
Tālofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei, Bula, Kia Orana. Tama Ākina have started preparations for their performances this year, with their first big performance in Term 2, the Super 8 Cultural Festival. We will be having after school practices every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:45pm - 4:30pm. It is important that our members are committed to practices, they will also need to organize their rides home afterwards. If you have any questions please contact us via email: amanif@hastingsboys.school.nz or ianm@hastingsboys.school.nz
Fa'afetai lava.
Paifika Parent Fono
Year 9 Ākina Man Day Trips
This week our Year 9 classes have been out and about, from Te Mata Peak to Waimarama Beach.
The aim of this trip is to provide each student with a sense of identity, pride in themselves, pride in where they come from. More in the next newsletter.
University Visits - Year 13 Students
Which University is the right one?
The university visits started this week with very good attendance from a number of interested year 13 students comparing each institution. This week there were three university presentations.
Victoria University of Wellington
The University of Auckland
Lincoln University
The University of Waikato will visit on Tuesday 11 March.
This is a great opportunity to ask questions about degrees and diplomas, hostel accommodation and get a feel for each university. Later on in the year the universities follow up with another visit to help students plan their course structure for next year.
Gateway Programme - Can your business help?
We are looking for workplaces willing to take on some of our students!
What is Gateway?
Gateway funding enables secondary schools to give senior learners access to structured workplace learning integrated with school-based learning, which may align to one or more of the six Vocational Pathways.
Hastings Boys' High School offers a successful Gateway programme, providing students with hands-on experience in their chosen career paths.
The programme strength lies in its ability to provide real-world exposure, and to further enhance its impact, we are actively seeking to expand our network of workplace opportunities. More workplace posibilities will translate to greater student engagement and a richer, more meaningful learning experience.
This is where we need your help!
If you know of any businesses that would be willing share their workplace experience with a student for a day a week, to show them skills and opportunities to learn a trade, please contact- careers@hastingsboys.school.nz or claret@hastingsboys.school.nz
Āwhina Whānau Services - Hastings Boys' High School Hauora Roopu
The aim of this six week programme is to grow and strengthen students’ knowledge and use of hauora, health and wellbeing. Using Te Whare Tapa Whā model, we seek to challenge students to Identify what they are doing well.
- Their strengths.
- Areas of opportunity.
- Future goals.
- How they can positively impact their wellbeing and mental health?
- How they can grow as individuals while also building healthy relationships along the way?
- Provide practical resources that they can use to increase their hauora now and into the future.
Year 9 and 10 Parent Teacher Interviews
Year 9/10 Parent-teacher interviews will be held at the following times:
5:00pm to 7:30pm Tuesday 18 March 2025
To book your interviews, go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code in your browser, and enter the event code t29d4. Then follow these three simple steps:
- First enter your name, your student's name, and your email address.
- If you need to book for more than one student, change the “Book for x students” setting, and enter the other student's name.
- On the next page, pick the teachers you want to meet. First select the subject, then choose from the list of teachers.
- Then you'll see a timetable showing when your chosen teachers are available. Simply click on the times that suit you.
When you have finished, your interview timetable will be emailed to you. And you can return to the site and enter the event code t29d4 again to change or cancel your interviews.
If you need help please ring the Admin Hub 873 0365 or email antheab@hastingsboys.school.nz and Anthea will help you book.