Board of Education News & Notes
Flemington-Raritan Regional School District
Board Meeting Highlights - 9/12/24
The Flemington-Raritan Regional Board of Education held a regular meeting on September 12, 2024. Below is a recap of the meeting:
- All motions were approved: Agenda.
- Dr. McGann presented district goals, linked here.
- Dr. Burns presented FRSD Spring 2024 ACCESS for ELLs results, linked here.
- The Board approved our new Math/Science Supervisor, Mrs. Danielle Stewart. She will begin her new role in the district on October 2. A formal announcement will be shared with all families.
- The Board approved an annual agreement with local law enforcement to continue our partnership to provide Class III Officers in our schools.
- Click to access Audio Recordings of Board of Education Meetings.
Board of Education Open Seat
Our Board of Education invites interested citizens of Flemington Borough to apply for an open seat on the Board and serve through December 31, 2025. The deadline for submitting a resume and cover letter is September 30, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. The Board anticipates interviewing candidates on October 10 during the regular Board meeting. For details, click here.
2024-2025 District Goals
Our Board of Education approved the following District goals for the 2024-2025 school year:
- Goal 1: The District will demonstrate at least a 2% increase in student achievement and at least a 3% increase in student growth for a total impact of at least 5% in reading and mathematics for all students using the NWEA/MAP assessment from fall 2024 to spring 2025.
Goal 2: The Superintendent will develop, in partnership with the building principals, director of pupil services, and the assistant superintendent, a behavior chart of consequences for grades K-8 with grades 5-8 by September 2024 and K-4 by April 2025 that outlines clear, consistent, and equitable consequences for behavior and ensures that the chart includes both preventative measures and restorative practices aimed at promoting positive behavior.
Goal 3: Implement at least three (3) of the ten (10) Flemington-Raritan Regional School District Education Association January 2024 suggestions to alleviate the workload for faculty and staff.
Goal 4: The District will assign a grant coordinator and a grant committee to research potential grants from federal, state, and local sources, as well as private foundations, and subscribe to grant databases and newsletters to stay informed about new funding opportunities.
-- The District will apply to at least 6 new grants for the 2024-2025 school year that significantly impact instruction, learning, and facilities, not including applications to current grants such as the preschool education award.
Dr. McGann shared a presentation outlining these district goals, linked here.
Board Committee Reports
Please click this link to view Board Committee Reports prepared by the Board and presented by each Committee Chairperson during the meeting. Each summary provides a brief overview of the notable business of each Board committee that was discussed and approved this month but is not a comprehensive list of action items.
Policy & Regulation Update
1. P 1523 - Comprehensive Equity Plan (M)
2. R 1530 - Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Procedure (M)
3. R 2200 - Curriculum Content (M)
4. P 2260 - Equity in School and Classroom Practices (M)
5. P 2411 - Guidance Counseling (M)
6. P 2423 - Bilingual Education (M)
7. R 2423 - Bilingual Education (M)
8. P 3324 - Right of Privacy
9. R 5230 - Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
10. P 5330.04 - Administering an Opioid Antidote (M)
11. R 5600 - Student Discipline/Code of Conduct (M)
12. P 5750 - Equitable Educational Opportunity (M)
13. P 9100.1 - Board of Education Communication with the Public
14. P 9712 - Advertising in Schools
1. P 1642 - Earned Sick Leave Law (M)
2. R 1642 - Earned Sick Leave Law (M)
3. P 4324 - Right of Privacy
4. P 5230 - Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
5. P 5250 - Excusal from Class or Program
6. R 5330.04 - Administering an Opioid Antidote (M)
7. P 5500 - Expectations for Student Conduct (M)
8. P 5570 - Sportsmanship
9. P 7230 - Gifts, Grants, and Donations
10. P 9260 - Parental Liability for Vandalism
1. P 5210 - Absences and Excuses
2. P 5601.1 - Long-Term Suspension and Expulsion
3. P 6160 - Staff Grants Incentive Program
4. P 7511 - Use of the Public School Property for Skateboarding
All Board-approved policies and regulations are available online here.
Next Meeting - October 10
The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2024. All new hires will be introduced and recognized by our Board members.
Board Members (2024)
About the Board of Education
Board Committees & Contacts
Board Meeting Schedule, Agendas & Minutes
Our Mission:
As a Community of One, WE:
Foster social, emotional, and academic growth within a connected learning community;
Respect, honor and embrace diverse family and community values by building collaborative partnerships;
Strengthen opportunities that nurture creative and critical thinkers;
Develop and inspire personal excellence.
Every Student - Every Day - Every Opportunity