Jeffries Journal
February 2025
From the Principal
Dear Jaguar Families,
Happy February! It's hard to believe we're already in the second month of the year. Thanks for sharing your sweet kiddos with us each and every day. They are such a joy, and we are grateful we get to invest in their lives.
Dr. Glenn and Dr. Hodson
Announcements & Reminders
- Please call the main office 417-523-3900 if you'd like to visit with your classroom teacher. Mrs. Jennelle or Mrs. Linda will leave a note for your child's teacher and they will call you back during their plan time or after school. Please refrain from calling teachers on their classroom phones.
- If your student is going to be absent, please call the main office to let us know.
- Be sure to join the Jeffries Elementary Facebook page.
- The Jeffries Journal will come out once a month.
- Our Winter Parties were such a success, we are going to keep the same format for our Friendship Parties on Friday, February 14th. If you would like to volunteer for the party, you can sign-up with this link. Volunteer spots are first come, first serve. We look forward to seeing you at our Friendship Parties.
Super Bowl Spirit Week
Meet Mrs. Linda
Please welcome the newest member of our Jeffries team, Mrs. Linda! Linda is our new part-time secretary. Mrs. Linda moved to Springfield about 10 years ago and lives here with her husband and daughter. She loves to spend time with her family and friends, travel, garden, and be outdoors. We can't wait for you to meet Mrs. Linda!
LoveSPS Campaign
Show the love for our school during the Love SPS campaign February 1st – 14th. Your gift will help support our school through Foundation for Springfield Public Schools programs and initiatives like the Back To School grant program. This program allows our teachers to dream big and provide extra opportunity for our students. Don’t forget to designate for our school!
At the heart of this campaign we believe that every gift no matter how big or how small makes a difference.
Give now at www.supportsps.org/lovesps
February Attendance Challenge
New month, new attendance challenge! This month our theme is "Friendship Bracelets." Every day your child's class has 95% or higher attendance, they get to add a charm to their friendship bracelet. This month we will celebrate two classes, one from K-2 and one from 3-5.
Additionally, we are going to focus on bringing down our tardy count! When students get to school on time they begin their day with a consistent routine and are set up for success. Our scoreboards in the main hallway will display our tardy data. Each month, students who have no tardies will get to put a sticker up on the board. As a reminder, school starts at 7:20. We are excited to celebrate our Jaguars and their on-time arrivals!
PBIS Update & February Behavior Challenge
We have seen an uptick in student behaviors since Winter Break. Please continue reviewing the PBIS matrix (pictured below) with your student and talk to them about how they model these behaviors at school. This month, your child is earning signatures to spend on the following experiences:
1 Signature: Your pick! Read independently, write, or draw
25 Signatures: Valentine's Day Read Aloud with Themed Craft
50 Signatures: Spin the Wheel
100 Signatures: Extra Recess
200 Signatures: Cookie Decorating
"Paws"itive Office Referrals
We continue to have many students who are caught showing The Jaguar Way each day! We are ranging about 20-30 positive referrals to the office each day. WOOHOO! As a reminder, students who are caught showing The Jaguar Way may receive a Pawsitive Office Referral, in addition to the signatures they earn. At 8:00 AM each day, Dr. Hodson or Dr. Glenn call students to the office to receive a small prize (sticker, eraser, fidget, etc.) and get their picture taken. When you're in the building, be sure to check out our main foyer area, where we hang the pictures each day.
February Behavior Challenge
This month, we are working on the challenge, "At Jeffries, we treat each other with respect." Each day that a class does not receive an office discipline referral for disrespectful behaviors, they will earn a heart sticker on our schoolwide chart (posted in the cafeteria). At the end of the month, classrooms who have received 17/19 stickers will earn a small box of conversation hearts per student.
As you are reviewing the PBIS matrix below, you might consider asking your student, "What does it mean to show The Jaguar Way? How are you going to show The Jaguar Way today?"
From the Nurse
From The Nurse:
Greene County medical providers are seeing an increase in respiratory illnesses. Please monitor your children for signs and symptoms of the following: Pertussis (numbers are up nationwide), COVID, Influenza, RSV and Mycoplasma Pneumonia (symptoms are very similar to Pertussis). Links are provided below to information about symptoms.
If your child develops any symptoms associated with these illnesses, we request that you speak with your child’s medical provider about whether testing and or treatment is necessary.
Fact Sheets
- Pertussis (Pertussis has a longer incubation period (as long as 21 days from exposure; most people develop symptoms 7-10 days after exposure.)
- Influenza
- Mycoplasma pneumonia
From the Counselor
Here is the latest newsletter from Mrs. Livingston.
Mark Your Calendar
Black History Month
3 to 7: National School Counseling Week! Let's Celebrate Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. Nurnberg
7: PBIS Signature Spending (7:40-8:10)
7: Celebration Assembly (8:15-8:45)
11: Jaguar Junction
14: Friendship Parties (During Specials-Sign-up here)
14: 3rd Grade trip to SLT
17: School System Closed (Presidents’ Day)
18: PTA Meeting (5-6:00)
20: Family Engagement Event: Books and Bingo (5:30-6:30)
20: 3rd Grade Musical (5:00-5:30)
24-28: Student Council Coin War
28: Bowling Night (5:00-7:30) Sign-up here)
Jeffries Start and Dismissal Times
Doors Unlock (and breakfast begins) at 7:00 AM. The bell rings (and breakfast ends) at 7:20 AM.
School Dismisses at 2:20 PM.
*For safety purposes, please do not leave your child unattended or waiting outside the school entrance doors prior to the doors being unlocked at 7:00 AM.
About Us
Dr. Maddison Hodson
Assistant Principal
Email: cdglenn@spsmail.org; lahassell@spsmail.org
Website: www.sps.org/Jeffries
Location: 4051 South Scenic Avenue, Springfield, MO, USA
Phone: 417.523.3900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JeffriesSPS
Twitter: @DrCGlenn
Jeffries Elementary Mission
As a Jeffries Jaguar I will be safe, respectful, and responsible so we can Learn, Live, and Lead together.