The TES Times September
September 2024
Dear TES Families,
As we wrap up September, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wonderful start to the school year! Our students have jumped into their learning with enthusiasm, and it’s been heartwarming to see them engage in new activities and make new friends.
This month, we focused on learning classroom and school wide routines, rules, and procedures as well as building a strong school and classroom community. Our teachers have implemented morning meetings to get to know students better and to help develop collaboration and communication skills. It's exciting to witness the friendships blossoming in each grade!
We also held our Back-to-School Night, which was a great success. Thank you to all the families who attended. Your involvement is vital to our school community and it helps us create a positive environment for our children.
Looking ahead, we have some exciting events planned for October, including the Week of Respect, our Halloween parade, and the PTA's Trunk or Treat. I encourage you to participate and connect with your child’s teachers; your support plays a crucial role in your child’s educational journey.
Together, let’s make this school year a memorable one!
Lisa Moore
Thank You, Smith Family!
Lily Smith (Grade 2), Paige Smith (Grade K), and their parents, Lindsay and Derek, created this wonderful bus to welcome students back to school. And the bus driver is the infamous book character, Pigeon! Thank you to the Smiths for kicking off our new year of decorating the hay bale.
2024-2025 School Calendar
School Closing Days in October
October 3 - Rosh Hashanah
October 14 - Columbus Day (Teacher Professional Development)
Week of Respect October 7th to 11th
In the State of New Jersey, the week of October 7-11 , 2024 is designated as the ‘Week of Respect’. The staff of Tewksbury Elementary School have planned a week’s worth of comprehensive and inclusive programming to celebrate and promote respect, kindness, and a positive school culture in order to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all.
In celebration of the ‘Week of Respect,” our students will enjoy a meaningful spirit week. Please see below for our special spirit days:
● Monday October 7th : Wear bright colors to BRIGHTEN THE WORLD around you!
● Tuesday October 8th: Wear a hat to put a lid on bullying - ANTI- BULLYING PLEDGE reviewed and sent home
● Wednesday October 9th: Wear your sunglasses because it’s cool to be KIND.
● Thursday October 10th: Wear a sports jersey to join team RESPECT.
● Friday October 11th: Wear your den shirt and crazy socks to Celebrate DIFFERENCES
Picture Day - October 18th
Picture Day is Friday, October 18th. An order form will be sent home or you can pre-order using this QR code with the Picture Day ID of EVTVND7G3 at mylifetouch.com.
Pre-K Corner
New Pals in Pre-K
Preschool has welcomed so many new friends into our class! Students have been taking time to get to know each other and have enjoyed playing with new pals. The month of September has focused on helping the littles learn the classroom routines. Students have been practicing cleaning up after themselves, sharing with each other and transitioning from one activity to a new activity. Students have also begun to learn about the seasons. Preschool is excited to welcome fall, and all things related!
Kindergarten Happenings
Kindergarten is a Paw-some Place to Learn
Our Kindergarten classes are off to an incredible start! The students are quickly getting the hang of our classroom routines and are learning to work together as a kind and caring community. Each day, they’re practicing how to be good friends, helping each other and showing kindness, which is making our classrooms feel like one paw-some place to learn!
In math, we're counting our way through numbers 0 to 5, and students are really getting the hang of quantity, practicing visualizing and identifying numbers on a ten frame, and learning how to write their numbers. We’ve also started working on proper letter formation, letter identification, and sounds—it's amazing to see how their love for learning is alphabet-ically growing! In science, we are beginning our apple unit and we are all excited to celebrate apple day! The year is just getting started, but these kiddos are already on their way to becoming superstars!
First Grade Chronicles
Respect and Kindness Grow in First Grade
First grade has had a busy start to the year. We have been working on identifying, representing, and comparing numbers 1-10, while also identifying and completing number patterns. We are learning to build independence by rotating through literacy centers. We have written a goal for the year and are learning to write complete sentences that have more detail. We continue to build a classroom community of respect and kindness. We were excited to end the month with a visit from the therapy dog! We loved getting to practice our reading skills.
Second Grade Scoop
Building Community
Second Graders are well on their way to an exciting school year. Each classroom has been involved in various activities that help to build the all important classroom community. Some of these activities include creating a cooperation picture, where each person could only use one colored crayon, playing games to get to know one another better, reading stories about including others and kindness, and working in cooperative groups throughout the day. To complement our work with creating a cohesive classroom community, we have begun our Social Studies unit on Types of Communities and Meeting Our Needs and Wants within a community. The students are beginning to understand the Tewksbury Community that they are all a part of! We are looking forward to a wonderful year of growth and learning with our new students!
Third Grade Buzz
Flexing Our Math Muscles
Math Update from 3rd Grade: We are hitting the ground running in Math, building upon prior skills from 1st & 2nd grades and reviewing the skills needed for our first chapter "Numbers to 10,000." The children are excited to learn about larger numbers! We will build skill knowledge with lots of hands-on practice using manipulatives like place value blocks. This first unit is the number sense foundation for our year of learning. We are comparing numbers using the <, >, and = symbols. (ex. 1,234 > 234 by 1000, 566 < 766 by 200, etc.) We are also patterning by adding 1, 10, or 100 (2125, 2135, 2145, etc.) and practicing math fact basics. This will help us to build a strong foundation for a year of problem solving and collaborative learning.
Fourth Grade Press
Where Are We? Study Maps and More...
What a month! The fourth grade spent the first few weeks of school building a community within each of our classrooms. Students completed activities that allowed them to share what makes them unique while learning about their classmates. In math we reviewed place value, addition, and subtraction. In reading, we read Judy Blume’s beloved book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Upon completion, students finished their first book review and assessment. In writing, students learned the components of realistic fiction and are working to complete their first realistic fiction story. In social studies, students completed a mini unit on maps. They are learning the different types, the parts of a map, how to read them, and how to make them. At the end of the month we enjoyed our first Den Day! We have accomplished so much in one month and we are excited for what lies ahead.
Ask your Fourth Grader about saving Fred.
Art News
September is All About Lines
The weather is changing and the creativity is changing like the beautiful autumn leaves here from inside the TES art room! Preschool artists has been stamping with apples, ripping and using fine motor skills to fill apple art, and dabbing and painting fall leaves too. They are getting into the spirit! Kindergarten students have been learning about color mixing, cutting, tracing, and gluing collaged apples in a three apple layout. First Graders are learning about the art element, line. They are beginning a multi-stepped project which includes line designs, watercolor paints, and creating a Line Monster! Second Graders are also learning about lines by using Sharpies to create a Folk Art tree. The students will be using unique lines to design four tree trunks and the final step will be adding color with watercolor paint in a colorful fall layout. Third and Fourth Graders have been using their talents and personal creativity to develop a sketchbook to use throughout the year. They have been using crayons, Sharpies, and adding unique details to express more about who they are. I hope they enjoy using this book as a place to doodle, reflect, and also learn more about the elements of art.
- Mrs. Pecora
Health & Physical Education Update
Learning the Rules and Playing Soccer and Football
Kindergarten and First Grade students have started the school year learning the rules of the gymnasium. We are currently working on location, directions, and pathways through games and activities in order to safely navigate our classroom (gym) surroundings. Second through Fourth Grade students have begun a soccer unit with Ms. Sconda and a football unit with Mr. Wooby. Students are learning how to dribble a soccer ball under control, how to trap the ball, and to pass the ball to a partner through various games and activities. In football, they are concentrating on the proper technique for throwing and catching. All emergency protocols have been reviewed with each of the grades.
- Mr. Wooby and Ms. Sconda
The Library Review
It has been wonderful to welcome back TES students to their Library Media Center and see the excitement of new students as they explore the Library Media Center for the first time! Students have been showing lots of enthusiasm and responsibility as we read stories, learn about our amazing Library Media Center, and review how to take care of books. Ask them about the “Dangerous Box for Books”! It was great to have so many parents checking out library books at our Back to School Night! If you have any Library Media questions, don’t hesitate to reach out (email is best): arose-mason@tewksburyschools.org.
Ms. Rose-Mason
Expresiones Españolas
Septiembre and Access Rockalingua At Home
We're off to a great start to the school year in K-4 Spanish. We're learning new routines and practicing old ones, singing songs, and playing games! If anyone wants to support Spanish learning at home, check out Rockalingua.com. Our username and password are both holatewks and there are lots of great songs and games to play. I am looking forward to a great year of seeing everyone learn and grow in Spanish!
- Senora Obercian
Technology Talk
Check Out Our New Furniture and Flexible Seating!
ACCEPTABLE USE: Here are some highlights of what your children have been up to in technology class. All students have reviewed and signed the Acceptable Use Policy for using the Chromebooks in school.
NEW FURNITURE AND FLEXIBLE SEATING: Students are enjoying the new furniture and flexible seating in our newly designed tech lab.
GRADE LEVEL TECH NEWS: Students in Kindergarten are working on memorizing their login password. Parents please help them with this at home so they can be successful when logging in.
Our First and Second graders are reviewing some important technology terms and proper use of the mouse and keyboard. Typing Agent was introduced this past week to our 2nd graders. A letter was sent home about how to access this program at home. Please encourage them to practice this important skill at home if possible. I will be spending time with proper finger placement but practicing weekly is important. Our Third and Fourth grade students have also been given logins to practice typing. Typing Agent is used for all Third graders and Typing.com for all Fourth graders. Their teachers and I encourage students to really practice typing at home. This is a useful skill to have in and outside of the classroom. They can login from home with Clever. Any questions please reach out to me Krinehart@tewksburyschools.org
- Ms. Rinehart Havens
Musical Notes
TES Tigers Growing in Creativity, Confidence, and Teamwork
Excitement is in the air as our musical TES Tigers hit key milestones this fall! Kindergarten through Second Grade students have been busy mastering the concept of a steady beat. Through clapping games and rhythmic exercises, they’re developing a strong sense of timing that will lay the groundwork for future musical learning. Third Graders are diving into rhythm creation, experimenting with crafting their own patterns using percussion instruments and hand claps. Their creativity is shining as they explore how different rhythms can express various moods. Meanwhile, our Fourth Graders are thrilled to have just received their new instruments. They’re excited to start learning how to play and care for their instruments, marking the start of a new chapter in their musical journey. The TES Music Program is fostering creativity, confidence, and teamwork in our TES Tigers. We can’t wait to see how our young musicians continue to grow and shine!
- Mr. Shaffer
Gardening Help Needed
Grown-Up Gardening Help Needed
We are looking for a few volunteers to pull weeds and do a fall clean-up in our outdoor learning space. Did you know that we have a space in the back of the school that has a butterfly garden, an author's chair with seats, planting beds, etc.? We even have a stage for performances and presentations! Please consider helping out. Contact Karen Morrow with any questions at kmorrow@tewksburyschools.org.
From Mrs. Donovan, School Counselor
Welcome Newcomers, New Interns, and New Lunch Bunch Attendees
TES NEWCOMERS: One of the most exciting parts of back to school is welcoming new students and families to our TES family. We welcome our 47 new Kindergarten students and 5 new first through fourth grade students. I am so fortunate to be able to meet our newest members with confidence that they will find us a friendly and welcoming community. Thank you to all of our students and families who create this culture here in Tewksbury.
TES SCHOOL COUNSELOR INTERN: We are excited to welcome Amy Horensky our School Counselor Intern for the 2024/2025 school year. Ms. Horensky has worked for the past year and a half in our district as a paraprofessional, and we are looking forward to supporting her career.
Ms. Horensky is currently pursuing a Masters degree in School Counseling and will be working to support our students. She will be under the supervision of our school counselor, Sheila Donovan, ensuring that all interactions with students are both professional and beneficial.
Throughout the year, Ms. Horensky will be involved in a variety of activities to support all our students, including meeting with students, lunch bunches, small groups, classroom visits and assisting with school-wide initiatives aimed at fostering a positive and supportive school environment. She is dedicated to helping students thrive and is enthusiastic about working with our school community. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to know more about Ms. Horensky and her role, please feel free to reach out to Sheila Donovan ext. 2007. We are confident that she will make a valuable contribution to our school community.
Lunch Bunches are back at TES. Lunch Bunch is a fun opportunity for a small group of students to eat together with our school counselor, Mrs. Donovan, away from the busy lunch room. It is the perfect setting to chat about our school day around a lunch table and get to know our classmates. Any student may request a lunch bunch, and sometimes a student may be invited by another student to “join” their lunch bunch. It is wonderful to see our students talking, laughing and enjoying spending time together. If your child attends a lunch bunch, you will receive an email or note to let you know. Typically students really enjoy attending a lunch bunch. If you do not want your child to attend a lunch bunch, please send an email to: sdonovan@tewksburyschools.org
- Sheila Donovan
From Mrs. Morogiello, School Nurse
Important Preschool Information and Annual Health Screenings for K through Grade 4 Students
PRESCHOOL: The New Jersey Health and Senior Services require children under the age of 60 months attending PRESCHOOL receive one dose of the seasonal influenza vaccine by December 31, 2024. If your child is in preschool, please submit this documentation by December 22, 2024. If you are seeking an exemption from vaccination, please contact the Health Office.
GRADE K THROUGH 4 HEALTH SCREENINGS: Annual health screening pursuant to N.J.A.C. will begin in October and run until completed for each student. Screenings for height, weight, and blood pressure are conducted annually for students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Hearing screenings for auditory acuity are conducted for students in Kindergarten through Grade 3. Screening for visual acuity is mandated biennially and is conducted for students in Kindergarten, Grade 2 and Grade 4. If there is a deviation for the recommended standards parents will be notified. If you wish to opt your child out of the screenings, please contact the Health Office.
All students in third grade are required to have a physical completed within the last twelve months. If you have not submitted the physical for your student in third grade, please do it by October 15th. If you have a physical scheduled after October 15th, please let me know.
Nancy Morogiello
School Nurse
Ext. 2011
Tewksbury Education Foundation
The TEF is volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing and expanding educational opportunities at TES and our middle school, OTS. The TEF governed by a board of dedicated volunteers and includes representation from Tewksbury schools. The TEF is a 100% volunteer-run organization. They have several opportunities for you to get involved... from assisting with our fundraising events to serving as a board member. Please use the Volunteer Interest Form to join.
PTA Upcoming Event
After School Clubs:
There are a few spots left. Click here to go to the registration page: PTA After School Clubs
And sign up for Trunk or Treat! Registration is limited and must be done on the PTA website, www.tewksburynjpta.com, starting on October 12th.
Support Our Police Department
Lunch at TES
Maschio's Food Service
Maschio's Food Services, Inc. is the contracted lunch provider at TES. See the following links for more information about the lunch service provided by Maschio's as well as PaySchools, our point of sale service system. You can find their menu on our school website at the following link:
Save the Dates
Upcoming Dates:
October 3 - School Closed - Rosh Hashanah
October 14 - Columbus Day - School Closed for Students - Teacher Professional Day
October 18 - Lifetouch Picture Day
October 26 - PTA Trunk or Treat
October 31 - Halloween Parades