Dolphin News
Francis A. Desmares School - February 2025
A Note From Mr. Masessa and Mrs. Custy
Dear Desmares Families,
During the month of January, our students completed the Winter NWEA Map Growth Assessment and their Benchmark Assessments in Reading and Mathematics. That’s a lot of testing! Proudly, we would like to share that our students are making steady progress toward our goals for them and towards their own personal goals. The results of the NWEA Map testing will be sent home in the upcoming weeks. Our teachers are taking time to meet with the students to discuss both their progress and areas to focus on so they meet their academic goals by the end of the Spring. Our data platform has different reports that allow us to drill down to specific areas where students are showing opportunities for growth and increased achievement. With this in mind, it is very important that your child consistently attend school, illness aside. These winter months are powerful learning months, and we want your child to have every opportunity to grow and learn. If you have any questions regarding the report or your child's progress at this time please contact the classroom teacher, Mrs. Custy or Mr. Masessa.
It’s Kindergarten registration time!
Kindergarten Registration begins Tuesday, February 18th at 9:30 am. Staff and translators will be here to assist all day on February 18th and every morning from 9:30 - 12:00 during the week of February 18th - 21st. Please share this information with anyone you know who has a rising kindergartener so we can have a firm idea of our enrollment when the budget reopens later this spring. Call the main office at 908-284-7540 or visit the district website for more information and registration packets.
Please mark your calendars for the following special days:
- February 3rd – 7th: School Counselor Appreciation Week - We love our School Counselors, Mrs. Monks, Mrs. Powers, and Mrs. Moncada!
- February 14th – 17th: President's Day Weekend - School Closed on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th
What's Next with Assessments?
The Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT-8) is the next assessment to be aware of in the upcoming months. Please read this information carefully as it outlines what grade levels and how we determine which students are going to be tested.
Last week, letters were sent to the families of those children who received a teacher recommendation for gifted programming (math and/or Stretch). The purpose of this letter is to get parent permission to test. If you received a letter do not hesitate to reach out with questions.
On Friday, January 31st, Dr. Clifford Burns sent out letters to families regarding the CogAT testing.
Grades 2, 4, 6, and 7 - Click here to review the letter informing parents about the CogAT testing. It outlines the process for parents to follow to request consideration for their child to be tested if their child was not recommended by a teacher. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Custy or Mr. Masessa.
Grades 3 & 5 - Click here to review the letter that explains the CogAT testing process for all students to be screened for gifted programming. It includes directions for parents to "opt out" if they don't want their child tested.
At the end of the day on February 7th, all opt-outs, parent permissions, and parent recommendations are closed. Dr. Cook and Mrs. Stewart (ELA and Math Supervisors) will begin the process of finalizing the CogAT testing list.
It’s very important that you read over the letters you receive and contact either Mrs. Custy or Mr. Masessa if you have any questions.
Thank you for your continued support at home and your partnership with our staff here at Desmares.
~ Mr. Masessa and Mrs. Custy
FRSD 2025-2026 School Budget
Please take some time to learn more about the 2025-2026 FRSD school budget and the public vote to raise the tax levy scheduled for March 11, 2025. A vote to approve the question will enable the district to maintain 25 teaching positions, 6 Class III Security Officers, 5 STEM teachers, and Junior Varsity Sports at JP Case. Families and community members are encouraged to visit the FRSD Budget Information webpage linked below. The next Town Hall budget meeting is February 26 from 6:00-7:30 pm. Click here for details or the link to join the meeting virtually.
Desmares Literacy Coach - Ms. Rowe
February (and every month!) is for Family Reading
While the weather remains cold and we hope for an early spring, there is a lot to celebrate in February: Black History Month, Valentine's Day, Ramadan, and more! To check out some awesome book titles to read as a family, check out this great resource!
Super Bowl Food Pantry Drive!
Send in your nonperishable food items from February 3-7 for our Super Bowl food drive! Add your items to the table that represents the team you think will win this year's Super Bowl! Will the Eagles soar or will the Chiefs win for the third year in a row? All items will be donated to the Flemington Food Pantry. Thank you to Mrs. Lake, Mrs. Koelle, and our FAD PTO for coordinating this event!
Enter the Preschool Lottery - Deadline is February 21, 2025
It's Math Time!
School Counseling Corner
January was a busy month at Desmares. We taught Second Step lessons in kindergarten and first grade classrooms where we learned about identifying and managing emotions like frustration, sadness, and anger. In February, we will continue delivering lessons to the upper grades.
During the last week of January, we also celebrated the Great Kindness Challenge week by participating in School Spirit days to embrace the importance of being kind and caring. Our Desmares Dolphins designed cards with positive messages to encourage patients who receive treatments at the Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center to continue battling their illnesses with positivity. We will deliver the cards with small chocolates during the first week of February. We are proud of the creativity and hard work of all students!
This month, we are excited to celebrate National School Counseling Week from February 3rd-7th. During this week, we will continue to impress upon families and students the purpose of our role here at Desmares. We strive not only to advocate for our students' rights and social/emotional needs, but to support and provide resources to the families as well. We are here for you!
From the Health Office
Hi Families!
Did you know that February is Kids ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Month? Click here to review some information shared by Mrs. Sellers on how you can keep your child's ears, nose, and throat healthy, and when you might need to see an ENT specialist.
February is also Heart Health Month. Here is some important information about signs and symptoms of heart disease as well as tips for prevention.
To speak with Mrs. Sellers about your child's health, please call 908-284-7545 or email alexis.sellers@frsd.us.
Important Dates
- February 7 - School Spirit Day - Wear your FAD gear or Blue and White!
- February 12 - 100th Day of School!
- February 14 - NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
- February 17 - NO SCHOOL - Happy President's Day!
- February 18-21 - Kindergarten Registration for September 2025
- February 24 - PTO Meeting (Virtual) at 7:00 pm - Click here to join!
- February 28 - Eyes of the Wild Assembly Program - sponsored by the PTO
Francis A. Desmares Elementary School
Nurse's Office: Mrs. Sellers: 908-284-7545
School Counselor: Mrs. Powers (leave replacement for Mrs. Monks): 908-284-7542
Bilingual School Counselor: Mrs. Moncada: 908-284-7553
Email: firstname.lastname@frsd.us
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/284
Location: 16 Old Clinton Road, Flemington, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-284-7540
Twitter: @desmaresschool