HHH September 13, 2024

September 13, 2024
All Schools News
For this week's information about our School Committee, after school enrichment opportunities, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below to read this week's All Schools News.
An archive of previous All School News' can be found here, or by clicking the link on the front page of the Wayland public Schools' website.
Dear Happy Hollow Families,
Thank you to the 44 families who have confirmed that they have read the HH Family Handbook by completing this two question Google Form. You can always find requests like this right in "The Hawk" as well as our Family Newsletter. If you haven't done so already, I ask that you kindly do this as soon as possible.
Additionally, you may have noticed the new Happy Hollow Logo being used in our letters and website. Our educators did much work throughout last year in collaborating on, exploring, confirming, and committing to our school values. A number of our staff, including art, music and library specialists along with classroom teachers teamed up over the summer to create our beautiful new logo and We Soar song.
We are proud to share the values that will serve as the foundation for our community culture and will inspire the work we do for ourselves and others:
Work Hard
Enjoy School
Show Kindness
Open Our Minds
Act Responsibly
Respect Others
You will see the logo and values displayed throughout our building. We’ll celebrate the values in our classrooms, at our assemblies, on the playground and throughout the school day. We even have a new Happy Hollow stuffed Hawk (soon to be named by our students) that will rotate amongst the classrooms.
We know that together at Happy Hollow, WE SOAR!
Nicolette Foundas, Principal
Principal's Coffee
Wednesday September 18th, 8:15-9:00 AM in the art room. This will be an in-person event but we will also provide a zoom/dial-in option.
Agenda items: 1) Goals of the year 2) Anxious Generation (introduction) 3) Core Values
Room Parents
One more call for: Ms. Leo (STILL NEED 2), Ms. Aronian (1), Ms.Reardon (1).
Gift Your Child
Donate to the PTO today and stop by our table during curriculum night! https://waylandpto.org/gift-your-child/
Are you wondering what Gift Your Child is all about or how your donation to the PTO is put to use? Check out the new GYC Bulletin Board outside the front office to learn how your donation to the PTO adds value to our school! 100% of your donation is applied to the PTO’s many initiatives including faculty support, enrichment and activities.
The Gift Your Child fundraising campaign is the main fundraising opportunity for the PTO along with the backpack auction in the spring. By donating to the PTO, you support all of the incredible enrichment and resources that enhance your child’s educational experience.
NEW THIS YEAR! When you donate, you will be entered to win a delicious baked good delivery from one of our talented local bakers.
Get Connected!
Follow the HH PTO Facebook and Instagram pages for updates on PTO events and enrichment activities this year at Happy Hollow. Don’t miss out on photos of all of the happenings throughout the year, and keep up to date on fundraising info! Follow today!
Anyone who walks the halls of our building must be CORIed or escorted. This means that everyone who visits their child's classroom, volunteers in the building, visits the book fair/field day or attends field trips must be CORIed.
- CORIs completed with other town departments are NOT transferable to the schools.
- We cannot allow you into our building without a valid Wayland Public Schools CORI on file
To complete a CORI application please present in person at any Wayland Public School Office (or central office) with valid government issued photo identification