Central Scoop
June 2024
Thank you!
As we wrap up this school year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for making my first year as Central principal so wonderful. Your support, enthusiasm, and dedication have significantly impacted our school community. Together, we have achieved many milestones and created a nurturing environment for our children to learn and grow. I am truly grateful for your partnership and look forward to continuing our journey together in the future. Starting next year, I will send the Central Scoop through email and Remind in the form of a Smore like this newsletter.
Warm regards,
Melissa Williams
Transportation for 24/25 (Current 4th-graders)
This is a friendly reminder that all current 4th-grade students must submit an updated and completed transportation form by June 6th for the 24/25 school year. This form is crucial for ensuring proper transportation arrangements for your child at Hahn. If you have not completed the form, please do so as soon as possible. If you have misplaced the form sent home, I have included a link to the document to print or contact the office to get a new form. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
4th Grade Clap Out
You will find information about our 4th grade Clap Out below.
Please have your pickup number card or ID with you for those wishing to take their students home immediately after the 4th grade Clap Out. We will begin the dismissal process when the students return to their classrooms to gather their belongings. This will help us ensure a smooth and secure dismissal for everyone.
Lost and Found items
Our Lost and Found is over flowing! Please stop by during the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM to go through these items and claim anything that is yours. When the school year is over any remaining items will be donated to a local charity. Thank you.
Schedule of Events
- Long, McDunnah, Parrott: Field Trip to For-Mar
- Board Mtg @ 6 pm
- Carnell, Graham: Field Trip to Library
- Pastor, B. Seymour: Field Trip to Library
- Smith, Legant, J. Seymour: Field Trip to For-Mar
- CAP classes to Library
- All library books due
6/7 - No School
- PTO Sponsored Fun Run
- 2nd grade: Field Trip to Potter Park Zoo
- Smith: Field Trip to Library
- PTO Mtg @ 4 pm in Media Center
- 1st grade: Field Trip to Regional Park (AM)
- 3rd grade: Field Trip to Regional Park (PM)
6/14 - No School
- 4th grade: Field Trip to Regional Park
6/18 - 1/2 day; dismissal begins at 11:20
6/19 - 1/2 day; dismissal begins at 11:20
6/20 - LAST DAY; 1/2 day; dismissal begins at 11:20
- 4th grade Clap Out - 10:45
- Report Cards Mailed Home
- Last Day for Parents to Pick up Medication
- Last day Central Elementary office is open
- Traveling Library