WOCC Treehouse Kids Newsletter
January 2025
Ready or Not.... A New Year Is Here!
Fresh Beginnings
Happy January, Treehouse Kids families!
Wow! It doesn't quite seem possible, yet somehow we are starting a brand new year together at Woodland Oaks. I just love the start of the new year. Fresh beginnings, new goals, big dreams, all while looking toward growing closer to our awesome God together! What are some of your goals for this year? Reading your Bible daily? Serving others on a more regular basis? Trying to put some positive things into your daily habits routine? Whatever they are, let's embrace them together!
This year we have some old, and some new, things planned for our Treehouse Kids! Quarterly service projects, regular socials, enriching Bible classes, leadership classes, Sprouts, Bible Builders, Bible Bowl and more are still going strong! We also have some new fun things planned like some fun new changes to VBS, looking forward to THK Terrific Tuesdays in the summer, new themed socials, and more will all be some wonderful things to look forward to! 2025, we are ready for you!
It's that time yet again- pull out those planners, parents! Let's mark down on January events!
1st: Girls Lock-In
5th: 3rd-6th Grade Boys Lock-In
10th: 3rd-6th Grade Boys Devo at the Fleming Home
22nd: Sprouts Storytime
26th: THK Rainbow Social from 5-6pm in the FLC
26th: Memory Verse Check-In
29th: Sprouts Storytime
29th: 5th Wednesday Boys Lead Singing and Worship
29th: Go to 4th rotation of Journey Land due to no class on the 1st of January
The Beauty of the Rainbow
Our first social of the year for our Treehouse Kids will be held on Sunday, January 26th from 5-6 pm in the FLC. Our kiddos are currently studying the book of Genesis in their Bible classes, and we will be exploring all of the wonderful things about the rainbow during this social! Please feel free to wear your favorite color of the rainbow.
We will be having rainbow crafts, snacks, science activities, and more! We hope to see you there!
3rd to 6th Grade Boys Lock-In
Our boys lock-in will take place on January 5th, after services. Please let Kevin Wilkerson know if your son will be attending no later than January 4th. DADS: if you are willing/able to help chaperone the event please let Kevin Wilkerson know ASAP. Thank you!
Memory Verse Challenge 2024
I am SO proud of each and every one of our kiddos that took place in the 2024 Memory Verse Challenge! Whether your child memorized and recited one verse, or all twelve, I could not be more proud of them for taking the time to commit to writing God's Word on their heart! We have an awesome group of kiddos that successfully completed all 12 Memory Verses, and we will celebrate their awesome accomplishment with a Bahama Bucks snowcone party on January 12th at 5:30 in the FLC.
The program was for all Treehouse Kids, up through 6th grade, and also our current 7th graders who started the program as 6th graders in January 2024. The program was open for them to finish what they started, even though they had transitioned to the Youth Group.
Our kiddos who successfully completed all 12 of the Memory Verse Challenges are: Miles Wilkerson, Harper Wilkerson, Zethan Rodriguez, Declan Sparks, Brynn Arnold, Levi Fracht, Henry Fracht, Elise Haynes, and Bennett Blake. Let's give these awesome kiddos a round of applause!!!
January 5th Wednesday
If your son is planning to read scripture or lead a song for our January 5th Wednesday service on January 29th, please let Kevin Wilkerson know as soon as possible. Thank you!
Memory Verse Challenge 2025
New year, new challenge! Please have your child join the fun in writing God's Word on their heart! Every month, we will memorize a new scripture verse. Have your child come see me beside the Memory Verse posters across from the Welcome Desk on the designated day each month. They can come by between Bible classes and Worship services on the designated Sunday.
Our January Bible Verse will be Genesis 9:13 " I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of My covenant between Me and the earth."
Ready or Not- VBS is coming!
I know it doesn't seem possible, but VBS is coming! Hip hip HOORAY! If you are interested in serving at VBS in any way, please let Janna Wilkerson know. We have some fun changes coming this year, and we need all hands on deck to make this a success for our kiddos!