Ninth Grade News
The Latest from the Turner High School Freshman Team
Admin Update
Today was an incredible day with your students and I am so humbled to get to work with them and our amazing teachers. We are so happy to OFFICIALLY welcome the Class of 2027 to THS!
Link Crew and their teacher leaders planned a busy day for your students to help them get settled and comfortable. Freshmen met staff members, played games, learned policies, toured the building, attended a club fair, and had an early lunch before heading back home.
Today was also the first day of Fall Sports! If your student is interested in joining a team, it is not too late. You can contact Mr. Byers, our athletic director, for additional information. Our goal is for every student to find a way to get involved in our many activities- research shows that increased involvement leads to increased success!
As we transition to back to school and shift to our new block schedule, we have made a few adjustments to this week's calendar. Tuesday and Wednesday will be "T Day"s, days when students go to all seven classes and seminar. Thursday will be "Black Day", hours 1, 3, 5, and 7. Friday will be "Gold Day", hours 2, Seminar, 4, and 6. We will also be holding class meetings this week with some important information for your students. Starting next week, Mondays will be T Days, Tuesday/Thursday Black Days, and Wednesday/Friday Gold Days.
Student schedules are available on Infinite Campus- please encourage your student to look at this before tomorrow morning. For families that can't access schedules, we will be handing them out in the gym during breakfast tomorrow. Schedule changes must be requested by August 16 using the form on Schoology; a change on August 17 or 18 will require a hard copy form with teacher permission. Please know that we cannot accommodate every request, but that we have automatically placed your student in courses they will need to be successful and progress towards graduation.
Computers will be issued in Seminar tomorrow, August 15. Please make sure you have read through our technology policies and completed all sign-offs. Our front office staff is happy to help you if you have any questions about completing these!
Finally, THS Back to School Night is August 22 at 5:00. We can't wait to see you there!
Thank you, again, for sharing your students with us- it is our privilege to be part of their educational journey!
Go Golden Bears!
Alex Supple
Email: supplea@turnerusd202.org
Website: https://www.turnerusd202.org/our-schools/turner-high-school
Location: 2211 South 55th Street, Kansas City, KS, USA
Phone: 913-288-3300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurnerHighSchool/
Twitter: @THSMrsSupple
In This Issue
- Admin Update
- Freshman First Day
- Students of the Week
- 9th Grade Phone Policy
- Teacher Feature
- Counseling Corner
- Key Contacts
- Upcoming Events
Freshman First Day
Handing out Name Tags
Smiling for a First Day Photo
Freshmen and Link Crew Doing the Wake Up Activity
The Class of 2027
Relay Race to Start the Morning
Members of the Indiana Jones Group
The Pirate Group
Visiting the Club and Activity Fair
Signing up for Multicultural Club
Students of the Week
Our THS Link Crew gives up a day of their summer for training and also returns to school early to help welcome the freshmen to Turner High School. These students and their sponsors, Ms. Burch and Ms. DeFeo, did a phenomenal job!
Freshmen students interested in paying forward their experience can join Link Crew during their sophomore, junior, and senior years.
Check back next month to see August's Freshman Student of the Week honorees!
Link Crew Training 8/7
Link Crew Leaders in the Assembly
Link Crew Leaders Giving a Building Tour
9th Grade Phone Policy
If you have an emergency, the BEST way to communicate with your student is by contacting the front office, especially since cell service varies throughout the building. We can locate your student, discreetly pull your student from class, provide a private place for you to speak with them, or get them ready to be picked up. We want to support you if these moments arise!
9th Grade Phone Policy
You have already been told to put your phone away. Now, your phone will be placed in the envelope until the end of class.
The envelope will sit on your desk and remain closed until the end of class.
If you choose to not put your phone in the envelope, you will receive a detention for not following the expectations and be escorted to the office for the remainder of the class period.
Should this occur again, a referral will be written which will result in a full day of In School Suspension (ISS) being assigned by Mrs. Supple.
If this becomes a recurrent issue, you will be placed on a technology and reasonable requests contract by Mrs. Supple which may result in ISS or Out of School Suspension (OSS).
Teacher Feature
Mr. Steffen
Teaches: Transition, Social StudiesOther Roles: THS Football Offensive Coordinator, TMS Head Basketball Coach, THS Assistant Track Coach
Outside of School Activities: I love spending time with my family! We enjoy camping on the weekends, playing golf, fishing, and going on long walks to the park!
Favorite Aspect of Teaching Freshmen: My favorite part about being able to teach freshmen is to see how they are adjusting to high school. My goal is for every one of our freshmen to join an activity.
Counseling Corner
- Connect with others through activities and conversations
- Build relationships with teachers and staff as well as other students
- Prioritize your mental health- let an adult or trusted peer know if you are struggling
- Get organized- this will serve you throughout high school and beyond
- Have fun- you only get one high school experience and it will go fast
- Get involved- THS has a ton of sports, clubs, and activities for students with all interests
- Show up- go to the games, attend the dances, participate in the pep assemblies, watch the concerts
- Let people help you- everyone in our building is cheering for you; don't be too proud to accept or ask for help
- Give yourself permission to grow- the person you were in middle school doesn't have to be the person you graduate as; high school is a time to grow, change, and find yourself
- Get to know your teachers- these are the people who will advocate for you, use their network for you, get through bad days with you, and serve as references some day; plus, we have the best teachers at THS
- Be kind- I have never regretted choosing kindness
Who Should I Contact with Questions?
9th Grade Assistant Principal - Mrs. Supple
913-288-3311 supplea@turnerusd202.org
9th Grade Counselor - Ms. Sandoval
913-288-3377 sandovals@turnerusd202.org
Front Office - Ms. Salazar (Spanish and English)
913-288-3303 or salazarT@turnerusd202.org
Attendance - Ms. Rinehart
913-288-3350 or rineharts@turnerusd202.org
Athletics - Mr. Byers
913-288-3354 byersr@turnerusd202.org
Registrar - Ms. Fitzgerald
913-288-3320 or fitzgeraldk@turnerusd202.org
Fees and Bookkeeping - Ms. Tolle (Spanish and English)
913-288-3304 or sanchezk@turnerusd202.org
KCKPD School Resource Officer - Officer Bradfield
Upcoming Events
- 8/14 Ninth Grade First Day; First Day of Fall Athletics Practice
- 8/22 5:00 THS Back to School Night
- 8/25 6:30 Home Football Jamboree
- 8/28 3:00 Varsity Golf @ Ottawa; 4:00 Home Volleyball
- 8/29 3:00 JV Golf @ Spring Hill; 4:30/6:00 JV/Varsity Soccer @ Bishop Ward
- 8/31 4:00 Cross Country @ Basehor; 5:00 JV Soccer @ Olathe South; 6:00 Home Varsity Soccer
Want to Add Schedules to Your Personal Calendar?
Make it easier by downloading athletics schedules to your personal calendar and subscribing to reminders and notifications of game times, changes, and cancellations.
You can view a video guide on how to do this here: https://youtu.be/SWLfLoRG55k
And the PDF guide can be viewed here: https://www.turnerusd202.org/fs/resource-manager/view/2bcd29ff-6360-477a-b32e-8a1a22322159