Kentucky Trail Elementary
August 2024
Kentucky Trail Elementary School
The KT office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the school year on days school is in session.
Principal: TJ Winkelmann
Counselor: Carey Hughes
Lead Secretary: Amy Dunn
Office Para: Lyndsey Pickens
Nurse: Stacie Williams
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Hello KT Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. My name is Dr. Winkelmann, and I will be serving as your principal at Kentucky Trail this year. I have spent the past nine years as an administrator at the STEAM school in Belton. Prior to that, I was a teacher in the Park Hill School District. I am very excited to join the KT family this school year.
I wanted to take a few minutes to provide you with some important information to begin the year. Remember to follow us on Facebook as our page is updated regularly. Additionally, I will continue to send out a monthly newsletter that includes important pieces of information.
Browse through this Back to School Newsletter, and contact us with any questions. We are happy you are here with us!
Dr. TJ Winkelmann
Staffing Updates
Welcome to the following Staff Members
Ms. Cisetti - 2nd Grade Teacher
Ms. Jackson - 2nd Grade Teacher
Ms. Richards - 3rd Grade Teacher
Ms. Megan - Daytime Custodian
Ms. Pickens - Office Para
Ms. White - Reset Room Para
Back to School Night
We are excited to have Back to School Night on Thursday, August 15 from 4:00 - 6:00pm. This event will be held in person at KT.
During Back to School Night, you can meet your teacher, drop off school supplies, and see friends. At this time, you will also confirm PM transportation methods with your child's teacher. You will also be able to pick up car rider signs. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Updates from the Nurse
Students Taking Medications at School
Please read over the following form regarding students taking medication at school.
Arrival and Dismissal
We want to ensure that your child always receives the correct mode of transportation.
In order to accommodate any changes that may be made to your child’s transportation
for that day, we ask that you notify us before 2:30pm so that we can relay the
information on to your child’s teacher. You can email us at kteoffice@bsd124.org or send a
handwritten note to school with your student.
Please do not call with transportation changes.
Important: Student Handbook Reminder - Birthday Treats
Please note the following from the Student Handbook:
Please also refrain from sending in trinkets, toys, etc. on birthdays.
Teacher Assignment
Bus Routes
School Supply Lists
Note: Breakfast will be free for all students this year. We still strongly encourage all families to apply for free/reduced benefits to fill out the form as additional benefits are provided based on lunch status.
KT PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Updates
Welcome back KT Families! With the beginning of a new school year, it is the perfect time to come and join the KT PTO! Have a voice in ideas for Winter and Spring Parties, help organize our annual fundraiser, help at our annual Grandfriends Breakfast, make new friends and so much more! Meetings are every first Thursday at 5 p.m. in the library, mark your calendar for September 5th as our first meeting! To become an official member use the sign up link below. Email any questions to Ktrailpto@gmail.com.
See you soon KT!
- KT PTO Board
Safety Procedures at Kentucky Trail
Safety Procedures for You to Know
Call Box at Front Entrance: All schools in Belton have a Call Box at the locked Front Entrance Doors. All entrance doors will be locked when school is in session. Office staff will ask for your name and the reason for your visit before the door is unlocked. Each time a parent or a family member visits KT, a photo ID is required to check out a student or enter KT beyond the school office area.
Visiting KT: Visitors are welcome at KT! Visits should be prearranged with the appropriate KT Staff member at least one day in advance of the visit. All visitors must check in at the office, identify the purpose of the visit, and will receive an ID sticker to wear during the visit.
Student Arrival Guidelines: Students will be allowed to enter the building at 8:15 am. The first morning bell rings at 8:15. The second morning bell rings at 8:30. Any students who arrive after 8:30am will be considered late. If your child will be absent from school, please contact the school office at 348-1100 before 8:00am. We will begin making phone calls to families when their child is absent at 9:00am. Thank you!
Student Dismissal Transportation Changes: Please avoid making last minute transportation changes when possible for your child/children. If last minute changes are unavoidable, please call or email the office by 2:30pm. This gives us time to update the classroom teacher about these changes.
At times, students share transportation changes with us: however, we will only honor transportation changes communicated by a parent or guardian through email or a written note. If you choose to email transportation changes, please email kteoffice@bsd124.org.
Student Check Out Process: Please be prepared to show a photo ID when picking up your child early from KT. Students will not be allowed to leave with siblings or other family members unless the sibling or family member is listed on the child’s authorized pick-up list. A picture ID is required when picking up students.
Bus Riders: Students are not allowed to ride a different bus home at the end of a school day. Prior arrangements need to be made with the school office and DS Bus Lines if parents need their child to be released at a different bus stop other than the regular assigned stop. The school office will generate a bus pass to communicate this bus stop change with the driver. ***Kindergarten Families - An adult must be at home in order for a kindergarten student to be released off the bus.****
Car Riders: Car riders will be escorted by a staff member to the gym. Staff members will supervise car riders as they are dismissed to meet their ride outside of the gym. Please remain in your car and form a single car pick-up. Please display your Family Car Rider Sign in the front passenger window. Staff members in the front parking lot will radio inside the building for children to come outside when their ride arrives. Having a car rider sign saves time because without the sign, you will have to park your car and go inside the building with a photo ID to pick up your child.
Walkers: Walkers are dismissed out of the northwest side of the building. They will have a staff escort to the corner of 163rd Street. We have a crossing guard at this place.
Questions: If you have any questions, please reach out to the KT Office. We are happy to help! Our office phone number is 816-348-1100.
Important Dates in August
15 - Back to School Night @ KT - 4:00-6:00
Our Mission
The mission of Kentucky Trail Elementary, as a vibrant partnership of our students, staff, families, and community, to ensure all students pursue growth throughout life with innovative mindsets, emotional health, and strong character while meaningfully contributing to the world around them through extraordinary school experiences distinguished by:
- a culture of high expectations
- engaging learning opportunities
- activities that foster connection and joy
- collaborative relationships built on trust, safety, compassion, and support.
Kentucky Trail Elementary
Email: kesoffice@bsd124.org
Website: https://kentuckytrail.beltonschools.org/
Location: 8301 E. 163rd St. Belton, MO 64012
Phone: 816.348.1100
Facebook: KT Facebook