Longacre Weekly News
August 25, 2020
Welcome to the 2020-21 School Year! On behalf of Longacre Elementary staff, I would like to welcome all of our families, new and returning, to an exciting school year that will be filled with tremendous growth and educational opportunities. We take great pride in our family partnerships and will continue to work collaboratively in our efforts to provide a high-quality educational experience for all of our students.
1st day of school information:
Our teachers and staff are busy planning for the first week of school. The first day of school is a half-day on Monday, August 31st. Your child's teacher will communicate specific details regarding the schedule for the first week along with a link to your child's first Google Meeting link. The focus during the first week of school is to create classroom communities where students feel welcomed, loved and a have a sense of belonging.
Learning at a Distance school day schedule:
The school day will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. Per the Farmington School Board, all students will be participating in remote learning through at least October 30th. The school day will be structured with:
- Synchronous (live teacher instruction) and asynchronous (pre-recorded lessons and digital curriculum materials) learning activities in literacy, math, science, social studies, art, music, and PE.
- Morning and afternoon check-ins
- Small group instruction throughout the week in the areas of literacy and/or math.
*Your child's teacher will email a more detailed daily schedule to you by the end of this week.
Chromebook & Student Material Pick Up Dates:
Please be reminded that we are hosting two Chromebook Pick-Up and Student material pick-up days this week. The dates are:
- Wednesday, August 26 from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Thursday, August 27 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
*We made a change to the pick-up to allow for an outside distribution process. Please use our circle drive in our main parking lot. Staff will be stationed by our gym doors. Please stay in your vehicles and staff will bring instructional materials and Chromebooks to you.
- All students will receive instructional material packets for the beginning of the school year. Please be prepared to tell staff what grade your child is in.
- If you need a Chromebook, please state your child's name and a staff member will bring a Chromebook out to you. We have Chromebooks already signed out to families who completed the Chromebook Google Form. Families that are moving or have a broken device can exchange their device for a new Chromebook. This is also a chance to receive technology for any family who is in need of another device in your home or if you are new to Longacre.
- We will also have some essential grade level school supplies available for families who need them (crayons, scissors, glue sticks, etc..).
- For returning families, if you weren't able to pick up your child's belongings at the end of last school year, you can pick them up during this time. All materials not picked up will be donated or discarded.
Keeping Families Informed:
We will be communicating weekly news and updates via our listserv, school messenger and on our website. Please share the Listserv sign up with anyone you know who will benefit: https://fpslistserv.com/admin/?p=subscribe&id=1
MiStar Access For Families New to Farmington Public Schools:
Farmington Public Schools uses a web based program for families to access important information about your student. Prior to the start of the school year, you should receive an email regarding MiStar Parent Portal. The email will include your login and password. Please watch for this important information, as you will be using this valuable tool often. If you do not receive this email by August 27th please contact the Longacre office at 248-489-3734.
We look forward to welcoming our students on the first day of school! As always, feel free to contact our main office should you have any questions at (248) 489-3733.
With Longacre Pride,
Rhonda Henry
The month of August at a glance:
Week of August 24- Staff professional development
Wednesday, August 26- 12:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.- Material pick-up for all students & Chromebook pick-up for students who need a device. Please use our circle drive in our main parking lot. Staff will be stationed by our gym doors. Please stay in your vehicles and staff will bring instructional materials and Chromebooks to you.
Thursday, August 27- 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.- Material pick-up for all students & Chromebook pick-up for students who need a device. Please use our circle drive in our main parking lot. Staff will be stationed by our gym doors. Please stay in your vehicles and staff will bring instructional materials and Chromebooks to you.
Monday, August 31- First day of school with students- Half-day of school
Tuesday, September 1- Thursday, September 3- Full days of school- 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Friday, September 4- No School- Labor Day
MiStar Online “Back to School Packet”
TO: Parents/Guardians of students who attended school in Farmington LAST YEAR need to go into Parent Portal and complete an online “Back to School Packet.”
The “Back to School Packet” will be open until Friday, September 11, 2020. Please sign into Parent Portal, and the packet will be located in the upper right corner with “Back to School Packet” in RED letters. Please contact the office if you need your Parent Portal PIN and Password.
Update Contact Information:
Approve demographics, and verify your address. If you have moved, there is a place to upload new proof of residency in Parent Portal. Your address will not change until we review your documents and approve it.
Update emergency contacts and emergency information.
There is a new request and approval statement for Student Cell Phone Numbers for students in grades 6 - 12. If you approve, please add your child’s cell phone number.
Yearly Notices for Approval:
Acceptable Use
Concussion Awareness
Immunization Disclosure
Media Release
Military Directory Release (high school only)
Pesticide Policy
Positive Culture Handbook
Virtual Course Enrollments - Needed for remote learning
Longacre Elementary School
Email: rhonda.henry@fpsk12.net
Website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/lon
Location: 34850 Arundel Street, Farmington, MI, USA
Phone: 248- 489-3733
Facebook: facebook.com/longacreleopards/
Twitter: @LongacreElem