MacArthur Elementary School
October 4, 2024
A Message from Principal Buchko
Dear MacArthur Families,
September has flown by and now we are four days into October and the busyness continues, but in a good way. You should have received a message from your child’s teacher to sign up for Parent/Teacher conferences. The goal is for 100% of our parents to attend a conference for their child/children. I know the teachers look forward to getting to spend a little bit of time with each parent(s) and working together to help each of our students become the best that they can be.
The end of the 1st nine weeks is on October 11th, so please be sure to look at your child’s grades to see how they are doing. The week of October 14th – October 20th is Fall Break. On behalf of all of us here at MacArthur I hope that you and your family enjoy this week to recharge and refresh. Thank you to everyone who is making a very strong effort to have your child/children here at school and thank you for not taking vacation time during the “regularly” scheduled school days. As of today our average attendance rate is 96% and that is amazing! The State of Indiana has put into law a new attendance policy that has very strict guidelines. Please familiarize yourself with the CPCSC attendance policy found on page 5 of the Elementary Student Handbook.
Did you know that the month of October is Bully Prevention month, Red Ribbon Week, and Fire Prevention month? Miss Bellamy, our school counselor, and Mrs. Relinski, our PBIS paraprofessional work in each of our classrooms educating our students on the lasting effects that bullying can have on an individual. Our students are encouraged to speak up against bullying because their voice can make a difference. Together we can create a culture of kindness. Being kind is a simple yet profound act that can transform the giver and the receiver. Kindness can be as small as a smile or a compliment. Each act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to brighten someone’s day. As I stated earlier in my message, life can often feel rushed and disconnected at times and kindness serves as a gentle reminder to encourage one another with empathy and compassion. If everyone practiced kindness, we would be a part of building a better world that is a safer place for all.
Have a great weekend!
Marian Buchko
Upcoming Dates
3rd: Picture Day
7th: Bully Prevention Week Begins
14th-18th: Fall Break-No School
21st-25th: Red Ribbon Week
24th: Parent Teacher Conferences & E-Learning Day
25th: Grandparents' Day & PTO Trunk or Treat
Physical Fitness Challenge
During the month of September, 1st - 5th grade students participated in 4 fitness tests in Mr. Wise's Physical Education classes. The students pictured below are the winners from each grade and fitness test. Students competed in a group shot, pacer test, shuttle run, sit and reach, and flexed arm hang to earn this recognition.
Parent Safety Presentation
The 3rd week of October is National School Safety Week.
CPCSC is hosting a presentation about school safety for parents and caregivers later this month. This 90-minute session will cover the district's steps to prevent and respond to safety issues, and how parents can help support our schools to be safe environments for students.
Students in grades 6+ are welcome to attend with their parents, but we ask that you consider whether the content and length of the presentation would be best for your elementary children.
- Tuesday, October 22nd from 6-7:30 pm at Taft Middle School OR
- Wednesday, October 30th from 6-7:30 pm at Col. Wheeler Middle School
To help our team prepare for this event, please sign up to attend the presentation.
College & Career week was a SUCCESS!
Grandparents' Day
Grandparents' Day information is coming home in your child's backpack today!
The Book Fair is coming!
Students will shop during their library specials the week of October 28th-November 1st. The book fair will also be open during Grandparents' Day on Friday, October 25th from 12:30-2:30 pm.
Parents & relatives can shop online at
2024-25 Grading Information
During the 2022-2023 school year, our elementary schools joined our middle and high schools in reporting grades at the end of each semester. Previously, elementary report cards were finalized each nine weeks. We have shifted to reporting at the end of each semester so that students have a longer time to demonstrate what they know and can do. Our focus is on mastery learning and supporting a growth mindset in our learners.
The end of the first 9 weeks is Friday, October 11, 2024. While parents can always monitor their child's progress through our Buzz Learning Management System, this review period at the end of the 9 weeks is a great opportunity to assess how your child is doing. There will still be plenty of time to ask for help if needed, complete work, and bring grades up before the end of the semester when grades are finalized. If you have not yet verified your email address in Buzz, this is an important step to ensure that you are receiving all relevant alerts and information about your child’s progress. Instructions for accessing Buzz are linked here.
Please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher should you have any questions about their progress or to learn more about how you can partner with us to support your child’s academic development.
We look forward to welcoming you to Parent Teacher Conferences in late October. During Parent Teacher Conferences, we encourage a collaborative dialogue that highlights how your student is transitioning throughout the first semester. We look forward to addressing questions parents/caregivers have, sharing relevant information (engagement, strengths, NWEA, classwork, socialization, areas for growth), and establishing on-going means for communication.
Counselor Corner
October is National Bully Prevention Month! Monday, October 7th is #blueup day where children and adults all around the globe will be wearing blue to show solidarity in bully prevention! I strongly encourage you to have a conversation with your child about preventing bullying, how to stop it, and the harmful effects of it. It is also very important that we distinguish the difference between something rude, mean, and what is truly bullying. Children often feel that if they are not the person being bullied then they should not have to stand up or say anything. Being a bystander means you witness bullying and sit back and do nothing to change the situation or help. More than half of bullying situations (57 percent) stop when a peer intervenes on behalf of the student being bullied. This is huge! If we continue to educate our children on not being a bystander and standing up to bullying, we can make a huge difference.
For more information, please visit
Kindergarten Letter Shirts
Our Kindergarten students are earning their letter shirts left and right!
PTO News
Taffy Apple forms will be coming home on 10/7 and will be due back on 10/16 with delivery the morning of 10/25.
Also, be on the lookout for a signup on our Facebook page to help Mrs. Hasty with the Book Fair on 10/25 or the week of 10/28-11/1.
PTO still has Mustang and CP blankets for sale for $31.
Trunk or Treat
Strack's Receipts
Strack & Van Til helps local schools by providing FREE classroom supplies. All you have to do is collect your receipts from Strack & Van Til and send them in an envelope to the school office with ATTN PTO on them. Receipts need to be dated from September 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025. Receipts are due by April 15, 2025.
Ask your family and friends to save their receipts, too! Every dollar spent earns a point towards FREE classroom supplies.
Cafeteria News
New MealViewer System
Our Department of Food Service is excited to announce the launch of online, digital menus for our district!
With our new MealViewer system, you can:
View what is being served each day
View the nutritional information for each meal
See if any of the Big 9 allergens are being served
Get notified when your student’s favorite meals are being served
Print menus by week or by month that include favorites and/or allergen information
Rate menu items to provide feedback for our Food Service team
Menus are always viewable without an account. Parents who want to sign up for an account can customize notifications, allergens, and more for each child in your family. Payments to your child’s meal account will continue through My MealTime.
Find more information and your school’s menu at If you have questions, please contact our Food Service team at 219-663-3371 x 10601.
Our printable PDF menus will still be available on our website through the first semester. However, the most up-to-date menus will be the new digital version.
We look forward to the additional information and accessibility that this new tool will provide for parents and students!
🎂 Birthday Treats
Birthday ice cream treats are $1.00 each. Money can be uploaded via the Mealtime app or cash/check sent to the cafeteria. Treats are paid for the day the money is received. A 1 week notice is needed to order the treats.
Spirit Wear
MacArthur Elementary School
Laura Florek, Assistant Principal ext. 16003
Carla Gard, Treasurer ext. 16000
Kim Wasserott, Secretary ext. 16002
Jodi Kvachkoff, Nurse ext. 16081
Location: 12900 Fairbanks Street, Cedar Lake, IN, USA
Phone: 219-662-3600