St. Charles County CAPS
Healthcare Update
General Update
Professional Skills Bootcamp
Clifton Strengths
Dan Vincent of Kaleo Coaching giving a detailed interpretation of the top 5 results of the Gallup CliftonStrengths. Deryk Rieves of LDA Coaching, also came to speak about utilizing strengths.
Resume and Interviews
Tina Asher describes the do's and don'ts of interviewing and resumes.
Several professional guest speakers, including Naretha Hopson and Kelly Chandler, discuss first impressions, LinkedIn profiles, and proper handshakes during Kick Off at Lindenwood University and during Professional Skills Bootcamp.
Mock Interview Event
Business Partner Highlight - BJC Healthcare
Emergency Department tour of BJC-St. Peters.
Associates walking through triage at BJC-Progress West.
Respiratory Therapy demonstration with pig lungs.
Getting the feel of arterial blood draws using oranges.
Associates testing peak air flow.
Peggy Dubowski presenting about infection control.
Business Partner Highlight - SSM Healthcare
Special thanks to SSM President Lisle Wescott for speaking to associates about her background and career as well as Tanner Smith for their support of SCC CAPS Healthcare.
Learning to intubate with the SSM-St. Joseph St. Charles Emergency Department.
Practicing for bio-hazard response in the Emergency Department.
Know your bones activity with Katie Smith from SSM Physical Therapy.
Associates practicing their CPR skills with the SSM-St. Joseph Lake St. Louis Emergency Department.
Dressed up for a tour of the NICU in St. Charles.
SSM Dietetics letting associates taste test thickened liquids for speech therapy patients.
Business Partner Highlight - St. Charles County Ambulance District (SCCAD)
Getting a first hand look at the equipment and tools of a paramedic.
Exploring SCCAD's new disaster response bus with Deputy Chief of Special Operations and Logistics Jeremey Hollrah.
Deputy Chief of Operations Craig Boschert presenting to associates about the importance of knowing heart anatomy and physiology as a healthcare professional.
Crosby Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center
Delmar Gardens and Villas of O'Fallon
CAPS Associates Give Back!
Kids Against Hunger
Day of Play
Are you in the medical field of know someone that is?
- guest speakers
- site visits
- mentors
- authentic projects - Let us help you with a project/problem!
Go to and click on "Engage"
Upcoming Events
Prospective Student Night-Global Business-11/26 @ Spencer Road Library 6:30-8:00
Prospective Student Night-Heathcare-11/27 @ Spencer Road Library 6:30-8:00
Prospective Student Night-Technology Solutions-12/3 @ Spencer Road Library 6:30-8:00
Last day of 1st Semester 12/21
CAPS resumes 1/8