Fox News
February 2025
Upcoming Events
February 2- Groundhog Day
February 3- Lethbridge Soup Kitchen opportunity for Gr 8 students who volunteered
February 3- Grade 8s are curling
February 3- Divisionals start for our basketball teams
February 5- Grade 6s are swimming from 11-12
February 5- Winter Walk in period 8- weather permitting
February 5- World Read Aloud Day
February 6- ISP meetings for students with extra supports
February 10- Grade 8s are curling
February 11- Parent Council Meeting at 12:15pm
February 11- Hot Lunch DQ meal
February 13- Parent Teacher Interviews 4pm-8pm
February 14- February 24 No School due to February family day break
February 15- DAF French class meet at the school at 3:30 to start our journey to YYC and on to Quebec for the break
February 22- DAF French class returns to the school at 8:30pm from Quebec
February 24- Horizon School Division PD day- No school for students
February 26- Pink Shirt Day
February 26- Lockdown drill at 12:50
February 28- Grade 7 Theme 5
We want your feedback so we know how we are doing and how we can continually be making improvements. Please click on the link and fill in this survey created by Horizon School Division so we can get some solid feedback. The survey should only take a couple of minutes. Please click on the green 'School Survey Link' above to fill in our survey. The more voices we hear the better. We appreciate your time.
Pink Shirt Day
Here are two links to places you could get your pink shirts for Pink Shirt Day
Hydroponics Garden Tower
We have now received a grant from Desjardins Insurance for a hydroponics garden tower project.
We will be using the soil from our worm farm and planting some veggies in our hydroponic garden towers for our weekly snacks.
VR Learning Experience
We sent our Grade 6 students into outer space in January! The virtual reality company VRCORE travelled to DAF from Calgary to give our students the opportunity to experience outer space through the means of virtual reality. Each session allowed students to visit the planets, go on a scavenger hunt, and play space dodgeball! It was quite the educational experience and memorable day! Thanks to our School Council for supporting us in offering this opportunity to our students.
DAF School Video
Our yearbook class with the help of Mrs Cayford created this amazing video to highlight our school. Please take a minute to watch.
The Amazing Shake
Our grade 7s participated in the Amazing Shake which puts an emphasis on teaching our students manners, discipline, respect, and how to conduct themselves in a professional environment. This contest allows us to test our students on these skills through fun and memorable experiences and enables us to engage with local business leaders on behalf of the school. During the Amazing Shake, students learn and develop professional qualities — from the mechanics of a proper handshake to how to “work the room” — so that they are able to present themselves exceptionally well for opportunities today and in the future! Thank you to Sharla Kane and our community helpers who provided our students with such a cool, hands on experience! Congratulations to Jonah and Alex as well as Rachel, Fatima, Sadie, and Tamsin for your high scores during the day. The future looks bright!
We had our Foxfest last month and our kids did not disappoint! Our girls and boys teams took home the gold in each of their tournaments.
We have been doing well with our division and tournament play bringing home lots of wins and more medals from other tournaments and most importantly we are continually getting better and have fun.
A huge thank you goes out to our coaches who are putting in tireless effort and volunteer time to help our students continue to improve and reach for new team bests.
Second Annual Grade 8 Ski Trip
Our grade 8 ski trip fell on a beautiful day in January with the best kids and an amazing staff to hit the slopes to have the best day ever! Here are some picutres of our amazing ski trip. Many students were skiing for the first time and some students were already quite skilled on the hill. No matter the level all students had a great time.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent teacher interviews are open for booking on our school website. Booking will be open until Wednesday February 12th until 8am. Click here to take you to the booking page.
Art Club
Mrs J Wilson has started Art club up again on Mondays from 3:30-4:30. All skill levels are welcome. Stop by Mrs. Judy Wilson's classroom at the end of the day on Monday if you would like to let your creative juices flow.
Games Club
Games Club has taken a short hiatus but will begin again this month. We will have games club on Thursday Feb 8th, and 29th. There will be no games club on the 1st due to grade 8 ski trip, 15th due to parent teacher interviews and 22nd due to Family Week break. Games club runs from 3:30-4:30 each week.
*New* Esports Club
Mrs Cayford is starting up an Esports club here at DAF! We are excited to potentially see them compete in their first competition in March. Please have your child reach out to Mrs Cayford if they are interested in joining this team.
Snack Shack
Our snack shack is up and running. Our Fox Force sells chocolate bars, chips, twizzlers, drinks and more. Please stop by and order hot dogs, taquitos, subs or corn dogs for lunch for $3 each or make it a meal for $5 and get a bag of chips and a juice box.
Hot lunch program
We have a group of amazing moms who are offering our students a hot lunch every other week. Please keep your eye open for an email which will direct you to pay on our school cash online if your child is interested in our hot lunch program.
DAF Swag
Please click the picture above to get linked to the website to get your newest DAF swag.