Trailside Elementary Update
March 22, 2024
Week in Review
Second graders learned to draw realistic animals in art.
Mathematicians solved the magic square puzzle in second grade.
Kindergarteners worked together to research for an informational writing project.
Dear Trailside Students and Families,
As we sprint towards the end of the month, mark your calendars for the upcoming events noted below. Something on everyone's calendar is Spring Break! Spring Break will begin on Friday, March 29, and school will resume on Tuesday, April 9. GROW is offering Access days at PVE on March 29-April 5. See the GROW blurb at the bottom of this newsletter.
Good Luck, Steel Eagles!- We want to wish the best of luck to Mrs. Seward and the Trailside Steel Eagles who will be competing in the state robotics competition this weekend at Lucas Oil. We are proud of all you have accomplished this season. Thank you for representing Trailside so well. We are cheering you on!
Beach Day- On Thursday, March 28, in celebration of Spring Break, the entire school is invited to dress as if traveling to warmer weather. For example, wear shorts, bright colored clothes, flower printed clothes, short sleeve t-shirts, maxi dresses, sandals, etc! Please make sure to dress appropriate (no swim suits) and wears/brings clothing appropriate for the weather, as we will still head outside for recess.
Electronic Device Reminder- We want to bring your attention to the handbook language regarding electronic devices in school. This would include smartwatches, such as Gizmos. Students bringing and using devices at school has become a growing issue. Please review the handbook information below. Thank you for your cooperation in reducing student distraction during the instructional day.
Electronic Devices and Other Restricted Items in School- The following items are restricted on school grounds: toys, trading cards, valuables, and electronic devices not academically necessary including but not limited to cell phones, tablets, and smart watches. These items may NOT be used by students in the building or on school-sponsored transportation, unless the student has permission by the supervising adult. Electronic devices are to be used for educational purposes only. When not in use for educational purposes they need to be off and stored in the student’s locker or backpack during the school day. A reminder that communication for a student’s dismissal change should not be made through a student’s electronic device but always needs to be made directly to the teacher or school office. The school accepts no responsibility if these items are lost, stolen or damaged and is not responsible for investigating the loss or damage of these items. The student and parents/guardians accept full responsibility for these items.
Page 20, ZCS Elementary Handbook
Kindergarten Round Up/Registration: Kindergarten pre-registration is now open! If you have little ones ready to start their educational journey, don't miss this. Also, be sure to share information with neighbors and friends in our community with students ready to enter Kindergarten next school year.
Third Quarter Progress Reports- Standards Based Report Cards will be available in PowerSchool beginning March 26, 2024.
Assessment Reports- Parents/Guardians of students who took CogAT and/or IREAD during second quarter will receive this information via secure document delivery today. These scores will be updated in PowerSchool on March 25, 2024.
Buddy up Fun Night- Buddy up Fun Night will be held this Saturday, March 23rd, at ZCHS. To sign up, use this link: https://register.ryzer.com/camp.cfm?sport=19&id=264211
Before and After Care Registrations: Plan ahead for ZCS care options. Spots fill quickly and are limited by capacity.
Look for the next newsletter when we return in April. Wishing you a safe and memorable break ahead!
With gratitude,
Mrs. Jen Raycroft and Ms. Deb Pickett
Trailside Elementary
Upcoming Events
March 11-28 NWEA Spring Benchmark Window
March 26- Kindergarten Round Up in ZCS
March 27- Third Grade Animal Specialties Fair
March 28- Beach Day
March 29 - April 8 - Spring Break
April 8- Solar Eclipse
April 9 - School resumes
April 10- Kindy Field Trip to Children's Museum
April 9-May 3 - ILEARN Testing Window
April 26- Second Grade Field Trip to Children's Museum
April 29-May 3 Book Fair
May 6-10 Staff Appreciation Week
May 4- Dads Club Campout
May 10- Second Grade Market Day; Third Grade Field Trip to Overly Worman Park
May 13-May 15 First Grade Young Authors Nights
May 15- Kindy 500
May 16- Third Grade Field Trip to Sullivan Munce
May 18- Dads Club Campout Rain Date
May 21 and 22- IREAD Retests
May 22- First Grade Field Trip to Holliday Park
May 23- Fourth Grade Field Trip to Indiana Statehouse
May 24- Field Day
May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)
May 28- Field Day Rain Date
May 29- Fourth Grade Celebration
May 31 - End of 4th quarter/Last Day of School
June 3 - Last day for certified staff/teacher work day
June 9 - ZCHS Commencement
23-24 ZCS School Calendar 2023-2024 ZCS Calendar
TSE Breakfast Interest Survey
Trailside is considering providing a breakfast option. Breakfast includes a main entree, a fruit/fruit juice and a milk. Breakfast would be served in the cafeteria from 7:45-8:00 and would cost $1.40. Please let us know if this is a service you would be interested in taking advantage of at Trailside by completing this one question survey:
Youth Art Month
Youth Art Month (YAM) is an annual observation each March to emphasize the value of art education for all children and to encourage support for quality school art programs. Established in 1961, Youth Art Month celebrates the skills that are fostered through experience in the visual arts. This March is our 14th Annual Youth Art Month celebration in Zionsville. Congratulations to the following Trailside students selected to have work on display:
Pavika Kalia, Jens Pittman, Harriet Swensson, Claire Hilligoss, Emery Mitchell, Yalini Ramasamy, Camden Beymer, Jack McCarty, Dhanyashree Sankarasubramaniam, Fin Goodman, Emmy Turnquist, Jovia Reynolds, Eliza Trulock, Aadya Mehta, Rome Kiser, Elliot Medeiros, Greyson Gross, Taylor Hons, Parable Linton-Highley, Lily Bennion, Lane Kurth, McKinley Shafer, Maddie Weaver, Ady Bennett, Layla Mansoori, Elsie Graves, Emma McKee, Vrai Kiser, Zoie de Souza, Addison Anderson, Anya Asthana, Annie Vidal, Lizzy Lindsay, Eli Dexter, Charly Spellmeyer, Braden White, Riley Burdick, Cassie Weirich, Clay Cottle, Robert Mitchell, Enzo Vitiello, Josephine Montei, Wendy Weisman, Georgia Gallup, Frankie Riggs, Rogan Bray
Food Service Information
- Lunch visitors- We are ready to accept visitors for lunch! You can use our online system to sign up to have lunch with your student in the office conference room. You will need to bring your ID to check in. Please no more than 2 guests per student due to limited space. So that others may have the opportunity, we ask that you not sign up more than 1 time per calendar month. When you sign up, please put your student name and classroom teacher in the notes. Here is the lunch visitor sign up link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/TrailsideLunchVisitors@zcsk12in.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/
Counselor Corner
Second Step
The Home Links for the entire year are linked below.
- Kindergarten Home Links
- 1st Grade Home Links
- 2nd Grade Home Links
- 3rd Grade Home Links
- 4th Grade Home Links
Visit the website at www.secondstep.org and enter your grade level activation code. You will first need to create an account and then from your account dashboard you can select Family Resources.
Grade Level Activation Codes:
Kindergarten: SSPKFAMILY70
Grade 1: SSP1FAMILY71
Grade 2: SSP2FAMILY72
Grade 3: SSP3FAMILY73
Grade 4: SSP4FAMILY74
If you have any questions about the Second Step program, please do not hesitate to reach out for more information. Thank you for supporting your child(ren) in learning the skills which lead to success in school and in life.
Family Assistance - When basic needs are met, students are better able to focus on education and learning. Therefore, there is assistance available for our students and their families to help with various needs which may arise throughout the school year. If you are currently in need of assistance, please fill out the form by clicking the link Family Assistance. Please know, this information is private and will be kept confidential.
Local Counseling Agencies and Groups - Zionsville Community Schools Student Services Department has compiled this list of professional counseling agencies as a guide for ZCS parents/guardians and students.
PTO News
Front Office Procedures
Dismissal Changes
Same Day Changes
- Prior to 1pm – please call the main office and press 1 in order to leave a message that will be received in time to communicate the change.
- After 1pm - please call the main office and press 0 to speak live with one of our administrative assistants.
- Please do not email same day changes to your child’s teacher. They may not have an opportunity to check email prior to dismissal.
Changes in Advance
- Please send a handwritten note to your child’s teacher or call the office instead of an email. There may be times that a substitute teacher has been assigned, that he or she will not have access to the teacher’s email.
- If you choose to email, please ensure you get a reply confirmation that your child's teacher received the change. If you do not, please call the main office.
Illness or Late Arrival
- If your child is ill, you are running late, or your child won’t be coming to school that day for any reason - please call the main office and press 2 to leave a message on the attendance line. If you do not, you will receive phone calls after a certain time so we can ensure your child is safe.
Pre-Arranged Absence
- Please complete the pre-arranged absence form, linked below or located on the Trailside Elementary website (under the Parent tab) at least two days in advance, and turn it into the front office.
Visitor and Volunteer Procedures
During the school day, all volunteers are expected to check in at the front office. Prior to the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check.. Necessary background check paperwork is available on the ZCS website at the Volunteers/BRAVO link and should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the intended volunteer date. Volunteers must also view the state mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website. The volunteer will pay the fee for the full background check which will expire after 5 years.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times. Visitors other than parents/guardians must be prearranged and organized through the main office.
GROW/ Child Care Options
ZCS-GROW will run Spring Break Access Days at Pleasant View Elementary from March 29th to April 5th.
- The hours are from 7:30 am – 5:30 pm please enter door 3 on the South side of the building.
- Attached you will see the flyer that can be included in your newsletters. Families must register through EZ Childtrack from a computer if interested (registration doesn’t work well on phones). Here is the link: https://www.ezchildtrack.com/parentportala/?c=zcsgrow
Bridge and Early Start Spanish are optional, fee based programs that “bridge” the time between the 7:50-8:00 arrival time for 1st-4th grade students, and the start of the instructional day for Kindergarten students, which is 8:50-9:00.
Before and After-School Care (BAC) is available for all Trailside students. Before school care begins at 6:45am and After school extends childcare from 2:30 to 6:00pm.
Eagle Rec offers fee based programs in a variety of interest areas throughout the school year.
One such program is the Trailside Choir- https://register.ryzer.com/camp.cfm?sport=24&id=252965
Community Events
Trailside Elementary School
Email: jraycroft@zcs.k12.in.us
Website: https://tse.zcs.k12.in.us/
Location: 4200 South 875 East, Zionsville, IN, USA
Phone: 317-873-8057