All Saints Academy Update
He is risen, indeed!
24/25 Enrollment now OPEN for new and returning students!
Spring Parent Conferences 4.16.24 and 4.18.24
Thank you for a wonderful Spring Musical on 4.12.24
Confirmation with the St. George Community on Tuesday, April 16th.
St. Mary of the Assumption Children's Mass on April 21!
First Communion with ASA - Friday, April 26th at 8am.
Join ASA for the Cinco de Mayo Parade on Sunday, May 5! All welcome!
Bring your scooters, tricycles, and wagons! The Cinco de Mayo Parade will feature the ASA Color Guard and ALL of our students and families are invited to walk as a school community. Parents must walk with the children. Wear traditional Mexican clothing or ASA Spirit Wear. More details coming!
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week - May 6-10
Please pray for our Catalina Island Science Camp participants - May 9-13
8th Grade Graduation - May 17 @St.Linus with Fr. Cesar Martinez
Need a Summer Camp Solution! How about VBS!?!
All Saints Academy of Stockton
We are a collaborative ministry of parishes engaging generations of families to learn, serve, and succeed.
All Saints Academy is a ministry of St. Edward, St. Gertrude, St. George, St. Linus, and St. Mary of the Assumption.
Please call the school office at (209) 463-1540.