Falcon Ridge Elementary
September 2024

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🏫 Principal's Message
From Mrs. McEachern
What an AMAZING start to the 2024 - 2025 school year at Falcon Ridge Elementary School. Routines have been established and instruction is in full swing. Thank you parents for helping to make this possible by bringing your students to school on time and following dismissal pickup procedures. Our afternoon car rider line may not be as efficient as Chick-Fil-A, but it is a close second!
I want to impress upon you the importance of students attending school daily and arriving on time while also remaining for the entire school day. Students who are consistently missing instructional time, will fall behind and gaps in learning will cause students to struggle. This responsibility falls on the adult at home to help with establishing routines and expectations of the importance for students to attend school daily. I want to share a few statistics that are shocking to me when you look at how much attendance matters and how much it can effect a child's learning opportunities. Please see the graphic attached.
I also want to remind parents that students can have no more that 10 parent notes for absences in a school year; doctors notes are only permitted beyond that threshold. Excused absences / tardies only include sickness / doctors appointments with documentation or death in the family / funeral with documentation. Students who accrue 8 or more unexcused tardies and/or early check-outs in a nine week period will receive a consequence. Students with 10 or more unexcused absences will begin truancy protocols. Please submit absence notes to the Attendance Clerk, Jennifer Bradford.
We have incorporated attendance incentives at every progress check for students to have the chance to win if they have no absences, unexcused tardies, or unexcused early checkouts. Students names will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win fun prizes such as scooters, tablets, cameras, games and more.
Reach out to our front office if you have any questions or concerns. We want to partner with our parents and work together with you to ensure a positive experience for you and your child at FRE.
Miss parent orientation? No problem! Please see below for information:
Hispanic Heritage Month is a month-long celebration of Hispanic and Latino history and culture. While we celebrate Hispanic and Latino communities beyond this month, from September 15 to October 15, we give extra recognition to the many contributions made to the history and culture of the United States, including important advocacy work, vibrant art, popular and traditional foods, and much more.
The 15th of September is notable because it marks the independence days of many countries in Latin America including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, on September 16 and 18, Mexico and Chile commemorate their respective independence days.
📆 Upcoming Events 📆
September 6th; 8:30 a.m.
Come enjoy refreshments, hear about the campus, and provide vital feedback!
PTO meeting immediately to follow.
September 12; 6:00 p.m.
September 25; 7:30 a.m.
- September 2 - Labor Day - Holiday - No School
- September 6- Coffee with the Principals (8:30am), PTO Meeting (9:00am), Community Room Closed
- September 9 - Clubs/UIL/Tutoring Begin (sponsors will reach out!)
- September 10 - Suicide Prevention Awareness Day (wear teal and purple)
- September 11 - Patriot Day - Wear Red / White / Blue - School Appropriate Clothing; PTO Monthly Meeting
- September 12 - Watch D.O.G.S. Kickoff (6:00pm)
- September 18 - Unity Day: Wear Yellow for Yellow House
- September 19 - Fall Book Fair Kick Off; Family Engagement Night (5:00-6:00pm), Bilingual Bingo 6-6:30
- September 20 - Go GOLD for Childhood Cancer Awareness! (Wear Gold)
- September 25 - See You at the Pole (7:30am)
- September 27 - CCMR Day
Coming Up:
- October 3 - Fall Individual (Yearbook) Photo
- October 4 - Pink Out $1 Day and Pink Out Game
- October 7-11 Fall Break
- October 18 - Homecoming!
Book Fair is Here!
Its time! Bookfair is almost here! Create a Scholastic BookFair E-Wallet for cash-free shopping! Convenient and secure, eWallet lets your child choose books they want to read. Plus, you can share your eWallet link so friends and family can help your child find even more to read. Unspent funds from a past Fair? To transfer them to this Fair, log in to your Scholastic account and create a new eWallet—then your previous balance will be available to transfer as an eGift Card. When you fund an eWallet, you can also contribute to Share the Fair, the giving program that benefits kids in your school who need help buying new books.
*NEW Parent Hub*
Our Parent Information can all be found in this Google Drive folder. It is also linked in Parent Square under "Links".
This is the information found in the first day packets.
PTO Information
Nurse Notes 👩⚕️
Nurse Thomasson
- It's the start of respiratory season- please wash your hands regularly!
Please keep extra clothes in your child's backpack.
Over the counter meds (Benadryl, Tylenol, etc.) can NOT be given without doctor's orders now.
💕Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Foster
*Can you help?*
In trying to take care of our community, we have some students who would benefit from new clothes and new shoes. If your family would be interested in helping contribute, please reach out to Mrs. Foster for ways to help.
Character Trait of the Month: Responsibility
Backpack Buddy (food assistance) Form (If you need a paper form, please reach out to Mrs. Foster)
For bullying reports or requests for your child to see the counselor, please use this form.
Bullying SB 179 ("David's Law")
House Spotlight of the Month📸
Yellow House
Kindergarten: Lauren Sheppard
First Grade: Jessica West
Second Grade: Tara Brown
Second Grade/Team Leader: Corona Nason
- School information is sent weekly in Tuesday Folders or through Parent Square.
- Students are counted tardy at 8:25 when instruction begins. If a student arrives after this time, you must walk your child to the front office to be checked in. For safety reasons, do not allow your child to cross the parking lot on their own.
- To contact the front office call: (281) 324-7100 between the hours of 8am-4:30pm.
- Latest news and additional information may be found on our school website, Facebook page, and through the Parent Square App.
Students MUST have backpacks with dismissal lanyards attached in order for us to dismiss your child correctly and safely.
Water bottles may only contain water.
Label all jackets, lunch boxes, and water bottles with student's first and last names.
Interested in volunteering?
Reach out to a house leader for volunteer opportunities. We offer a variety of ways to volunteer from working with students, making copies, assisting with special projects, helping with the chicken coop, etc.
Red House: Amanda Zientek
Yellow House: Corona Nason
Blue House: Nikki Latta
Purple House: Vanessa Jaspe
Green House: Taylor Jordan
Orange House: Kim Padgett
Teal House: Jennifer Underwood
Pink House: Pam Phelan