Falcon Family Newsletter
Week of January 20th-24th
Falcon Students and Families,
We hope this message finds you well as we honor and reflect on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this month. Dr. King’s commitment to justice, equality, and service reminds us of the importance of coming together as a community.
Important Dates & Events:
- No School on Monday, January 20: In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there will be no school.
- Civil Rights Assembly – Wednesday, January 22: We are excited to host a Civil Rights Assembly during the afternoon. The assembly will follow a PM Assembly Schedule (see below).
- Winter CandyLand Dance – Thursday, January 23:
- The dance will be held after school and end at 4:15 PM.
- Tickets: Tickets are on sale during lunches at the ASB window.
- Parent Pickup: Please use the back of the school for pickup. Parents may form two lines by entering the first FMS entrance and proceeding through the gate to the bus loop.
- Activity Bus: Students riding the activity bus can board in the front of the school at 4:45 PM.
Yearbooks on Sale!
Yearbooks are now available for purchase at the ASB window during lunches until January 31. Don’t miss your chance to secure this keepsake!
2025-26 Student Registration:
- We are in the early stages of planning the registration timeline for the 25-26 School Year. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
- Highly Capable referrals can be completed online at www.tinyurl.com/BethelHighlyCapable or you can get assistance with the referral at our main office. Referrals are due on January 31, 2025. More information about our highly capable programs can be found at https://www.bethelsd.org/programs-departments/highly-capable-program
- Student Transfer Requests: The first consideration deadline for accepting student transfer requests for the 2025-26 school year will be March 14, 2025 for all grades, K through 12. Requests received after the deadline may not be considered until the week of August 11. Learn more and submit your form today at: https://www.bethelsd.org/resources/enrollmenttransferstranscripts/transfers-2025-26
Upcoming Opportunities
There are several flyers below showcasing incredible opportunities happening around the district. Be sure to check them out!
Thank you for your continued partnership and support in helping us make FMS a great place to learn and grow!
~Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Arteaga, and Mrs. Roseboro
I am so excited to share some great news with you! Our FMS PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) application has officially been approved, and we are now open to take Charter Memberships!
A Charter Membership is a unique, one-time opportunity available only to newly formed PTSA organizations. The Charter Membership fee is $25, which is higher than a standard membership, but this helps to cover the startup costs needed to launch our PTSA and set us up for success. Anybody can register for a Charter Membership (students, staff, community members, family members, etc).
If you are interested in joining this very exclusive opportunity, please click the link below to sign up. You can even sign up your whole family! In fact, I have already signed up all the Wright family members because I truly believe in the positive impact our PTSA will have on our school community. Our goal is to have 100 Charter Memberships registered by February 14th.
We are also looking for officers for our new PTSA! If you are interested in more information email ptareg5@wastatepta.org! We need a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer- there is ample training provided!
Thank you for your support as we work together to create a strong partnership between our school, families, and community. I look forward to seeing many of you join this exciting new chapter for FMS!
FMS Parent Volunteers
If you are interested in volunteering at Frontier Middle School during the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the district’s Volunteer Registration process at LINK. We are currently seeking volunteers to assist with lunchtime supervision and in classrooms. Once you have completed the district process, please let us know your areas of interest by signing up at FMS Parent Volunteer Sign-up.
1/22: Civil Rights Assembly (PM Assembly Schedule)
Ruby Bridges is a play in Tacoma Arts Live’s Civil Rights Legacy program, a series of original,
all-ages theatrical works, which explore the on-going story of American civil rights and liberties
through the experiences of the nation’s diverse peoples. Designed to bring to life both history
and civics, each play is accompanied by study materials for varying ages. Included are both
original resources and links to high quality curricula developed by Tacoma Arts Live’s partners.
Winter Dance: 1/23/25
Yearbooks on Sale
Panorama SEL Survey
Our district-wide Panorama winter survey will be administered in the next couple of weeks. This survey helps us collect data on the social-emotional learning (SEL) needed to help support our students' emotional and mental wellbeing. If you would like to opt your student out of this survey, click the link below to fill out the form. If you have already completed it earlier this year, you do not need to do so again.
FMS Club Information
FMS Clubs are up and running!
See the list of Clubs below and sign up using RTI Scheduler on your iPad.
*Please note: Parents must fill out the Club Permission Form before their students can participate in an after school club. Click the button below to complete the form.
🍎 Breakfast and Lunch Menus 🍎
Frontier MS Band- Upcoming Events
Frontier MS Sports
Winter 2 Season Starts Soon
The Winter 2 Sports Season features Boys' Basketball and Boys' and Girls' Soccer. Practices kick off on January 27, 2025. Refer to the graphic below for detailed registration instructions via Final Forms. For any questions, please contact our Associate Administrator or Athletic Coordinators.
- Mrs. Roseboro- aroseboro@bethelsd.org
- Mr. Brar- nbrar@bethelsd.org
- Mr. Thomas- jbthomas@bethelsd.org
Here are the links to the Winter 2 game schedules:
This week in Advisory:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Civil Rights Lesson and Preparation for Assembly
Wednesday: Civil Rights Assembly
Thursday: WIN Time
Friday: Character Strong Session 9
*This week's Character Dare is Break Bread (see details below)
Once we get to a certain age, we can no longer get away with having big reactions to small, glitch problems. Coping strategies, such as counting to ten, taking a break, or doing an activity that makes us feel better can sometimes help us manage our emotions. In times when those coping skills don’t work or are not available choices, try these four strategies to help you on your journey:
1. Take care of yourself by eating healthy and getting enough sleep.
2. Take slow, deep breaths and think about your “happy place.”
3. Listen to your “inner coach.”
4. Identify your list of “go-to” people.
Check out the following video to explore these strategies more.
Community Connections- 2-1-1 helps connect you to community resources statewide. Looking for help? Dial the number 2-1-1 or visit the website. 211 is a vital service that connects millions of people to help every year.
Mr. Rogen, School Counselor A-K
Mrs. Zarling, School Counselor L-Z
Ms. Stallman, School Social Worker
Email: tstallman@bethelsd.org
Phone: (253) 800-8309
Helpful Links
24-25 Student Calendar
- January 20th - No School (MLK Jr. Day)
- January 20th - Wrestling League Tournament @ SLHS @9am
- January 22nd - Civil Rights Assembly (PM Assembly Schedule)
- January 27th - Late Start (1 hour)
- January 27th - Winter 2 Sports Season Starts
- January 28th - Cultural Awareness Assembly (PM Assembly Schedule)
- February 3rd- Late Start (1 hour)
- February 10th- Late Start (1 hour)
- February 14th- No School (or Snow Make Up Day)
- February 17th- No School (President's Day)
- February 18th- No School for Students (Professional Learning Day for Staff)
- February 24th- Late Start (1 hour)
Upcoming School Board Meetings
School Board meetings begin at 7 p.m. and will be held at Bethel School District's Educational Service Center (ESC), 516 176th St. E., Spanaway 98387 unless otherwise noted. The public is welcome.
January 28: Regular School Board Meeting
- February 11: Regular School Board Meeting
- February 25: Regular School Board Meeting
Stories of the Week
Calendar Reminders
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)
January 24: Elementary End of Semester (Early Dismissal K-5)
January 27: One Hour Late Arrival Day
You can find the full district calendar at https://www.bethelsd.org/about-our-district/district-calendar
Podcast Episode 117: Bethel's Print Shop
Printing has been around for hundreds of years, dating back to the second century in China. Even in our digital age, there is still a need for printed materials in schools. This week, we visit Bethel's very own Print Shop to get a tour and learn about this cost-saving operation that is printing millions of pages each year for our students. Listen at https://www.bethelsd.org/podcast or search “Bethel School District” wherever you listen to podcasts.
Word Search: Find your next job in Bethel!
For our most recent Bethel Pride magazine, we put together a fun word search puzzle highlighting some of the diverse roles that make our district so special. See if you can find all the positions that help keep Bethel running smoothly – and maybe even discover a few you didn’t know about! Enjoy! https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1736458007/bethelsdorg/xynjgiyid3pksejpntpn/BethelWordSearch.pdf
Conducting Creativity
Shannon Bolen’s musical journey has taken her from London to Glasgow and all the way to Cougar Mountain Middle School, where she currently leads the school’s orchestra program. Bolen has learned a lot during her globetrotting education, but her biggest takeaway is a belief that music isn’t just about playing instruments—it’s about building skills that last a lifetime. https://www.bethelsd.org/resources/news
Highly Capable Referrals
It’s time for Highly Capable referrals! Anyone (parents, teachers, community, etc.) can refer a student to be tested for potential qualification in next year's Highly Capable programs. Complete the online referral form at www.tinyurl.com/BethelHighlyCapable or get assistance with the referral at your school's main office. Referrals are due on January 31, 2025. More information about our highly capable programs can be found at https://www.bethelsd.org/programs-departments/highly-capable-program
Student transfer requests for 2025/26
The first consideration deadline for accepting student transfer requests for the 2025-26 school year will be March 14, 2025 for all grades, K through 12. Requests received after the deadline may not be considered until the week of August 11. Learn more and submit your form today at: https://www.bethelsd.org/resources/enrollmenttransferstranscripts/transfers-2025-26
Fish War screening
This month our Native American Program will be hosting a FREE Screening of the movie Fish War at Graham-Kapowsin High School. The film examines the events surrounding a 1974 federal judgement that upheld indigenous fishing rights in Washington, ending violent clashes with law enforcement and laying the foundation for environmental stewardship in this locally produced activism documentary. Space is limited to 400 people and will be available to ALL of our Bethel community. If you would like to attend with your families, please RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHTw9nBGI04UxoOSZidGbiuEiw1vwkfkZo8LVtj-XMm3pLGg/viewform
Bethel Pride Magazine: Digital Edition
Check out the latest issue of the Bethel Pride magazine online!
New BHS Construction Update
Construction on our biggest bond-funded project began in early 2024 and the building is taking shape! Thanks to our voters, who approved the 2019 School Construction Bond, the new Bethel High is scheduled to be completed in 2026! Check out the latest construction video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVMhXifn0Hs
Technology and Art Fair: Feb. 22
Mark your calendars! Our annual Technology and Art Fair will be held February 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Spanaway Lake High School! https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=988786486626670&set=a.630244575814198
Paraeducator Hiring Event: January 23, 2025!
We’re hosting a hiring event geared towards Special Education Paraeducators, including 1:1 Instructional Paras! Join our team to support teachers and students in special education classrooms. Responsibilities include assisting with classroom activities, working one-on-one or in small groups with students, and supervising student activities. These part-time roles are perfect for parents, grandparents and community members looking for work that aligns with school schedules. Enjoy working the same days students attend school, with the same breaks off, and make a difference in students’ lives.
Location: Educational Service Center (516 176th Street East, Spanaway, WA 98387)
Date: January 23, 2025
Time: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Next Transportation Hiring Event: February 4
Our amazing transportation Team hosted another successful hiring event recently! At these events there are opportunities for on-the-spot Interviews and potential day-of job offers. The next hiring event will be on February 4 from 2 to 6 p.m. at our Transportation Service Center (5625 192nd St E, Puyallup, WA 98375).
Chari Wright
Karen Arteaga
Alison Roseboro