Bobcat Bulletin
October 2024
From the desk of Dr. Frank
Bobcat Families,
Happy October! We are looking forward to our first-ever Momster Mash on October 29th. Our staff has planned a super fun event for our moms and kids. You can purchase tickets with school cash. Tickets need to be purchased by October 25th. Tickets will not be sold at the door for this event. Please mark your calendar for the Father-Daughter dance on February 7th. Have you checked out our Byrd app? This app has all the important information about Byrd in one location. Please see the details below on how to get the app on your phone. Today, Officer Delco, one of our CFPD officers, talked to the kids about how to be safe when traveling to and from school. Here is the information that he shared today. Please review these safety details with your children.
Bus riders, when crossing the street to board your bus:
- Stay on your side of the street, far away from traffic.
- Wait for the bus to stop and for your driver’s signal to cross the street.
- Check traffic both ways and then check again.
- Cross by walking directly across and in front of the bus, checking traffic both ways.
- Walk approximately 10 feet ahead of the front of the bumper, and board the bus quickly; and
- Stay alert and off cell phones.
Bus riders, when leaving your bus:
- Walk along the side of the bus 10 feet ahead until you can see the driver.
- Stop and wait for the signal to cross the street.
- Walk and look for traffic in both directions, crossing the street quickly after all vehicles have stopped; and
- Stay alert and off cell phones.
- Always wear a helmet when riding a bike.
- Choose the safest path, and only cross streets at a corner or a crosswalk; and
- Stay alert and off cell phones.
- You are 4X more likely than undistracted pedestrians to display unsafe crossing behaviors.
This is the time of year when your teachers schedule parent conferences to meet with you. I hope that you come to Byrd to meet and hear about your child’s progress. It is important that home and school work together for the success of your child. Thank you for your continued support and for sharing your precious students with us.
Dr. Amy Frank
Ollie Mae Byrd Elementary now has an app!
Upcoming Events
Counselor's Corner
Anti-Victimization Lesson
Anti-Victimization Lesson
Texas Senate Bill 9 requires all Texas school districts to notify parents of their district’s decision regarding the instruction of topics related to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking. The elementary school curriculum will use WHO (We Help Ourselves), developed by the Association of Mental Health America of Greater Dallas.
Each lesson will define the topic, provide resources, and share tools needed to obtain assistance if necessary. All materials are designed to meet student needs and are age-level appropriate.
Materials used in each lesson can be viewed on the CFISD Guidance and Counseling web page at Specific instructions for viewing the materials in person, if desired, will be located on the same web page under the “Anti-Victimization Curriculum” heading.
Parents/guardians must “opt-in” for their students to receive instruction in these topics. At least 14 days prior to the lessons being taught, a notification will be sent asking for students to either “opt-in” or “opt-out” of instruction. Should you decide to not allow your student to attend these informative sessions, an alternate plan will be created by the campus staff. There is no disciplinary action or academic penalty imposed.
Permission forms will be sent home for grades K-2 on Thursday, October 17th and due on November 1st. The lesson for grades K-2 will take place on Friday, November 8th during grade level P.E.A.M.
Permission forms will be sent home for grades 3-5 on Thursday, November 7th and due on November 22nd.The lesson for grades 3-5 will take place on Friday, December 13th during grade level P.E.A.M.
We are using PBIS Rewards at our campus. You can access your student’s points, school and classroom store purchases and referrals through the PBIS Family app. If you have not connected with your student’s account, please be on the lookout for a letter from the teacher with your student’s personal QR code.