Principal Welch's Weekly Update
February 3rd, 2025
This week is National School Counselor Week. Please take a moment to thank your counselor for all of the help and support they provide!
Your dedication to student well-being is truly inspiring. Thank you for always being there when anyone needs you!
Planning Ahead: Mark Your Calendars….
February 13th: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30 p.m.
February 14th: Half Day Release Time 11:25 a.m.
February 20th & 21st: No School-Rodeo Break
Spring Sports are Around the Corner
Any students interested in participating in Track, Tennis, Softball or Baseball who have not participated in a Rincon sport this year, need to begin working on getting their sports packet in order to be approved to tryout and participate. A physical examination is required. Please see Lance LaVetter and/or April Bull Calf in the athletics office to pick up a packet and make sure you are cleared, in advance, for tryouts to you don’t miss out!
College and Career Updates
Click Here to read this week's RHS College & Career Readiness Program Weekly Activities Update.
And Remember, this week is National School Counseling Week! Thank your Counselors
for all they do for You and our School Community!
Parent Conference Quality Survey
Your feedback will help us to ensure our parent conferences suite the needs of our families, so we can work toward improving our practices.
Student Announcements
-Batter up! The Arizona Diamondbacks are running an Attendance Matters campaign for the month of February. Any Rincon student with perfect attendance for the month of February will receive a complimentary ticket offer to a Diamondback's home game. Please see Ms. Callahan in the E. Library for more information.
-The Library is running a bookmark design contest! All students are encouraged to showcase their creativity, with the chance to have their design printed and shared throughout our community. Details are in the Library with Ms. Mitchell. Submissions are due by February 5th.
-M.A.N.O.S. is hosting an AP prep book drive in the Library from February 3-February 15. Please bring in used SAT, ACT, and AP prep books you no longer need to the M.A.N.O.S. resource book drive bin in the library. Collected books will be made available to the student body to prepare for their upcoming exams.
-Las tutorías en español se llevarán a cabo los martes y jueves de 3:15 a 4:15 pm en la biblioteca después de clases. Ven a practicar conversación en inglés y obtén ayuda con tus tareas con el apoyo en español de tus compañeros y compañeras de Rincón.
-Rincon students who submitted their online registration for the African American Youth Heritage Day event on February 28 at Pima Community College. Please see Ms. Ooka in room T5 to pick up your field trip form. If you are no longer able to attend the event, please contact Ms. Ooka so that another student on the waitlist may participate. Thank you.