Weekly Staff Update
2/29/16 - 3/4/16
3 hours:
PreAdmin - 10 min
- Reading - 55 min
- Writing/Language - 30 min
- Math (no calculator) - 20 min
- Math (calculator) - 40 min
- Variable - 20 min
Wednesday, Mar 2, 2016, 07:45 AM
YJH Cafeteria
Calendar Highlights
2/22: Credit Recovery; Volleyball @Armada; Quizbowl at Holland Woods
2/23: Brad at Admin
2/24: 8th Grade PSAT; T.H.E. Program
2/25: JAZ -Tutoring; Volleyball vs Capac
2/26: 6th Grade Writing Club; YJH Band Festival; PTO Raffle Drawing
Round Robin
M-STEP Student Practice
7th: ELA - ?; SCI - ?; Math - ?
6th: ELA - ?; Math - ?
Navigating the New ELA M-STEP CAT
Navigating the New Math M-STEP CAT
M-STEP Mathematics Information:
Keypad Input and Calculators
The Equation Builder used last year in the Spring 2015 online administration of the M-STEP mathematics test has been replaced with a new and improved Keypad Input. The
Keypad Input allows for the entry of numbers, expressions, equations, etc., but does not perform any actual computations. Students can also enter numbers using their keyboard, but alpha characters cannot be entered.
• The Keypad Input buttons will vary according to required components of an item. Any necessary variable will be included on the Keypad.
• Computations are to be performed using the online calculator associated with items that are calculator-permitted.
• Some items will have both the Keypad Input and a calculator. Other items will have either the Keypad Input or the calculator. Some items will have neither.
Grades 6–8 have both non-calculator and calculator permitted items. The mathematics Sample Items Sets are partitioned into sections to reflect this. The calculator used by students in grade 6 is a basic calculator, while students in grades 7 and 8 use a
scientific calculator. Students in grades 3–5 are not permitted to use a calculator on any portion of the mathematics test.
PTO Trip Raffle
Friday, Mar 4, 2016, 04:30 PM
Yale Junior High School, School Drive, Yale, MI, United States
Yale Junior High PTO
1. Download Shoparoo to your mobile device. You will scan any grocery, fuel, or non-grocery receipt. We also have a Yale Junior High PTO page on Facebook, please like us!
Be sure to select Yale Junior High
2. Please donate ANY AND ALL used ink cartridges and cell phones (even if they are damaged) by bringing them into the office. We will be recycling them and receiving money for our media center in exchange!
3.VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME! JOIN US AT OUR NEXT MEETING or assist us in counting Vinckier Rewards or Aunt Millies labels.
“Like” us on Facebook – Yale Junior High PTO (click on 'YJH PTO' above to link to the page)