Prospect Park Weekly Update
August 30th, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are enjoying the final days of summer. As we eagerly approach the start of the new school year, I wanted to take a moment to express how excited we are to welcome all our students back to school on Tuesday!
We are looking forward to embarking on another successful school year. Our dedicated team of teachers and staff have been working diligently to prepare for a year filled with enriching learning experiences, exciting opportunities, and memorable moments.
We deeply value the partnership we have with you in supporting your child’s education and growth. Together, we can create a nurturing and engaging environment that fosters each student’s success.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or ideas you might have as we start this new journey together.
Please ensure that you are reviewing the weekly SMORE. This is where ALL important upcoming information is housed!
Thank you for your continued support and collaboration. Here’s to a wonderful school year ahead!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Kim Boswell
Please use the link below to access the back-to-school paperless SMORE!
Please note arrival and dismissal doors for daily drop off and pick up!
9th Ave Announcement:
Attention Parents and Guardians,
It is extremely important that you drop your children off at their doors. Please do not drop your children off out front on 9th Ave. If your child is late and you are dropping them off, you may not park or pull into the bus lane during arrival and dismissal times. This causes back up of busses and traffic. You will be asked to move by staff members.
School Hours Changing!!!!!!
School Hours are changing:
Important to note:
- Breakfast will be served daily from 7:30 am until 7:50 am - No breakfast will be served after 7:50 am
- Doors will open at 8:00am daily- students will be marked late at 8:11 am
- The school day ends at 2:50 pm
Attention Middle School Parents:
Parents and Guardians,
Please review the new B.A.G program being utilized at Prospect Park this year!
Please make your calendars:
First Day:
September 3rd
Grades 2nd-8th
Doors open at 8:00am Late bell is 8:11 am - 11:35 am EARLY DISMISSAL
Grade 1- Orientation Day
12:30 -2:30 pm (parents should plan to attend orientation with their first grader)
PBIS Updates & Happenings:
Ask your children next week what our core values are! See if they are able to say:
Ask them what it means to display Positive, Productive and Proud behavior!
🖤School Counselors - Social Worker - Behavior Manager Corner💛
Prospect Park Proud
Special Shout-Outs:
This week we are looking for students who are displaying Positive, Productive and Proud behaviors! Ask your child next week if they have received a PBUC yet!
Prospect Park Home and School Section!
Huge Thank You!
Home and School was very generous and bought our students new recess equipment to play with.
Click the newsletter image below for full newsletter!
Important Information Regarding Reporting Attendance:
-fill out the online Absence Reporting form for all absences
-fill out the online Absence Reporting form for all late arrivals/early dismissals
-when your child is absent 3 days or more in a row we need a doctor's note
-students with 10 or more absences will have to have a doctor's note for all absences
-if your child is going away please fill out the Absence Reporting form>Non-Educational Trip form-please note these will not be excused absences
See Something... Say Something:
K-8 Handbook!!!!
Student/Parent Code of Conduct:
Community Events and Happenings:
Mark Your Calendar:
In this section of the SMORE you will find community events and Happenings! :)
Contact our Helping Team:
- Mrs. Kimberly Boswell - Principal
- Mr. Michael Hooven- Assistant Principal
- Ms. Rebekah Chirlin -Elementary School Counselor
- Christine Ewell- Middle School Counselor
- Ms. Maura Quigley - School Social Worker
- Ms. Amanda Hoffman - Behavior Manager
- Ms. Dawn Marshall- Title 1 Reading Specialist
- Ms. Kate Eicholtz- Reading Specialist
- Dr. Elana Weinstein- School Psychologist
- Mrs. Jayne Powers- School Nurse