Holy Rosary
✨ Step into the magic of Book Week! ✨ Our Library is bursting with creativity as students' enchanting artwork brings the theme "Reading is Magic" to life! 📚✨
A 'Thank You' for books.
For the places they show us, and the people we meet,
We say 'Thank You God' for books.
For fascinating facts and interesting information,
We say 'Thank You God' for books.
For creepy tales and funny stories,
We say 'Thank You God' for books.
For helping me with my homework,
We say 'Thank You God' for books.
For illustrations and cartoons,
We say 'Thank You God' for books.
For things to do on a rainy day,
We say 'Thank You God' for books.
For all the titles I've yet to read,
We say 'Thank You God’ for books.
Hi Everyone,
Book Week - something for everyone! Huge thanks to Holly and Anna for leading the charge this week - it has been just amazing. And many thanks to you for having your children join in the spirit of the week, and dress to impress for the parade today.
Our Choir performed at the Vasto Club on Monday as part of the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival, and were just great! Big thankyou to Michelle for having the choir so keen to perform, and also to Olivia M from Year Six for accompanying them on the piano - you too were amazing!
First Communion 6pm Saturday in our Church, Our Lady of the Rosary. This will be a lovely celebration. Please keep the children in your prayers.
Father’s Day breakfast and Pre-Primary assembly on Friday - see you there!
Have a great weekend - read a good book!
Best wishes
Newman Academic High Achievers Year 10-12
We enjoy receiving news of the successes of former Holy Rosary students and celebrate with them. The following students attending Newman College were recently acknowledged:
Year 10
Academic Excellence Awards for achieving an A grade and ranking in the top 10% of their subject. Students are recognised if they received more than 3 awards.
4 Awards
Thomas B, Alyssa P, Hannah W
5 Awards
Bobby B
Those with a predicted ATAR of 90+
Year 11
Jack B, Tomas M, Daniel M, Lucy P, James S, Chloe B, Laura N
Year 12
Zoe T
We congratulate all of these students and wish them much happiness for the journey ahead!
The Parish have advised that two large funerals will be taking place on the below dates and parking will be affected. Please allow yourself more time especially next Friday.
Friday 30 August 1:45pm - 3:00pm
Monday 2 September 12:30 - 2:00pm
Lost Bracelet
Health and Wellbeing
You may have heard on the news that Perth is experiencing an increase in the number of people suffering from Influenza A and B as well as COVID. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them home until they are feeling better and thank you to everyone who is already doing this.
We have also had a couple of confirmed cases of Conjunctivitis and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease within the school. Please read the below attachments for more information.
Merit Awards
School Fee Statements
An updated Fee Statement was sent out earlier this week to those families with a current account balance remaining. If you have fully paid your fees you would not have received one.
A reminder that it is a school requirement for your annual fees to be fully paid by the 30th November 2024. Please contact the office of you have any queries.
Choir Performance
Science Week
🌿🔬 Last week was an incredible celebration of Science Week! The theme, "Species Survival - More Than Just Sustainability," had us exploring the wonders of our world. A huge shoutout to Mrs. Walsh for organising so many exciting science activities and incursions! 🧪✨
From interactive lessons with buddies to unforgettable up-close encounters with animals, our students were fully immersed in learning about the importance of species survival. 🌍🦎
Year 4 - 6 Enrichment
Over the last few weeks, our students in the Year 4 – 6 Enrichment Program have been having fun learning about drones. From drone safety to the ways that drones can be used to help us in everyday life – they are fast becoming flying experts!
Year 2
🎉 Last week, the Year 2 Chairs had enough and went on STRIKE! 😱 But don’t worry, our persuasive students stepped up to the challenge, writing heartfelt letters filled with convincing reasons to bring them back. ✍️💼 We're happy to report that the chairs have returned, all thanks to our incredible Year 2s! 👏
Parent Volunteer Declaration
Please click on the link below and complete the declaration form - it will take you 10 seconds. Every parent volunteering in a school in any capacity is required to complete this. Thank you.
Write a Book in a Day Competition
This year, select Holy Rosary students are taking part in the national Write a Book in a Day Competition. This is a fundraising event, where our students will spend 8 hours at school working together to produce a book, that will be shared with children around Australia who are living with cancer. All funds raised during this competition go to the Kids Cancer Project - https://writeabookinaday.com/
If you would like to sponsor our students, please do so via these links:
Team 1 – https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=215
Team 2 - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=217
Thank you for your generosity!
Mr Kinder
Thank You P&F
🎉 A huge thank you to our amazing P&F for the stunning new library furniture! It's already been a hit during Numero Club and our recent chess tournament. 🪑📚 The library has never looked better! 🌟
Reading is Magic! We have celebrated Book Week in fabulous fashion at HR. From Tuesday’s magic art and craft to Wednesday’s Magic Show and Year Five Book Club celebration, Thursday’s school search for our teaching wizards and a fresh Book Club, finishing with our magnificent Book Week Parade today! Thank you to staff, families, students and the amazing Library Monitors for all their help to ensure the week was so much fun!!
Congratulations to our Art Winners – you have truly magical gifts! Chess Round 2 and Numero will return to the library next week. Please keep your eye on the whiteboard for any further information.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Butson
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
― Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling
🧩 Our Pre-Kindy students are putting their thinking caps on and having a blast solving puzzles! 🌟 It's never too early to start developing those problem-solving skills. Way to go, little learners! 👏
Saturday 24 August
Sacrament of Eucharist Year 4, 6:00 - 7:00pm
Friday 30 August
Father's Day Breakfast 7:30am
Friday 30 August
Pre-Primary Assembly
Important Dates
Term 3, 2024 - Wed 17 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
Please click below.
Sacramental Dates for 2024
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.
Community News
Woodlands Teeball
WA Football Commission
Subiaco Marist Cricket Club
October program
Wed 25 Sep to Fri 4 Oct 2024