KMS Newsletter Template

March Newsletter
From Mr. Morrow's Desk
News From The Principal
IMPORTANT: Student safety is of the utmost importance to us at KMS. Please continue to remind your student NOT to cross Division at the main entrance into our school, but to cross Division Ave. at 48th St. We have seen an influx of students dangerously crossing Division Ave. in between 48th St. and 44th St. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 532-1575.
Thank you!
From Mrs. Lanser's Desk
News From the Assistant Principal
As the warmer weather approaches, Kelloggsville Middle School will strictly adhere to the School Board’s policy concerning proper attire. The school has the right to remove a student from class and possibly send home any student wearing clothing that disrupts the educational programming or is deemed inappropriate. All sleeveless shirts must have a shoulder strap width of at least three fingers. Bare midriffs are also not acceptable as well as outdoor vests, mini skirts or short shorts. Please remind students that clothing that is acceptable out of school, may not be appropriate for our school building.
What is Happening in the Counseling Office?
Counseling News
On Wednesdays at KMS, students do Be Nice or Xello lessons during Pride. Be Nice lessons help our students learn about mental health and how to Notice, Invite, Challenge and Empower ourselves and others to stay emotionally healthy and reach out for help when we need it. Xello is a career exploration platform that encourages students to learn about a variety of careers and explore their personal interests and skills. Ask your students what they have learned during these lessons!
Congratulations to our January and February Student of the Month winners!!
Every day of school is important. The consequences of missing classes and instruction can be especially tough on your child, especially during the second half of the school year.
To support your child’s attendance, continue to:
• Emphasize to your child the importance of being in every class. He/she should arrive on time prepared and ready to participate.
• Accept no excuses except true illness or emergency for having your child miss a class.
• Avoid making appointments or plans for your child that would require him/her to miss a class.
Kelloggsville Public Schools takes student attendance very seriously. Parent/Guardian, please be sure to call the office if your student will be gone from school. Also, be sure to bring in a doctor’s note to verify appointments.
KMS has a Student Tardy Policy in an effort to improve punctuality and minimize classroom disruptions.
Here's a breakdown of the rules for our Student tardy policy:
4 Tardies - 1 lunch detention
5 Tardies - 2 lunch detentions
6 Tardies - 3 lunch detentions
7 Tardies - 4 lunch detentions
8 tardies - 1 day ISS
9 tardies - 2 day ISS
10 or more tardies - 3 day ISS
Tardies reset each Quarter, the 4th quarter starts March 17.
If you have any questions, please call the office or Email Mr. Jared Mills jmills@kvilleps.org
News from the Nurse
March is National Nutrition Month! The focus of this month is to make informed food choices and develop good eating habits. Home is a great place to start developing good habits such as eating breakfast, packing snacks, and choosing fresh foods. Cooking food at home can be a great way to introduce new healthy foods to your child. I encourage all students to eat a healthy filling breakfast. Having a full stomach can improve attentiveness and behavior throughout the school day.
Emergency Contact Information:
If any of your address, phone number, email address or emergency information has changed, we ask that you please stop in the main office to ensure school- related information is up to date. This information is extremely important in the event of an emergency so you can be notified as quickly as possible. Thank you!
Summer School
If your student does not earn enough credits during the year, they will be invited to attend our summer school program. This will allow them to make up credit in the core classes of math, science, language arts, and social studies. Students must attend all days and complete all work in order to receive credit. Students who are eligible to attend will be notified in May. More details to come.
Athletic News & Updates
Spring sports
If your student plans on playing a spring sport be sure they have a physical on file and also are signed up on final forms https://kvilleps-mi.finalforms.com
🥎Softball and ⚾Baseball will begin practicing on 3/10
🏃Track will begin practicing on 3/18
⚽Girls soccer will begin practicing on 4/14