Hyatt Elementary
December Memo
Linden Community Schools Faculty Follies
Thursday, December 5th is the annual Faculty Follies at 5 pm or 7 pm. Tickets are available in all school offices. Get your tickets before they are sold out!
Importance of Healthy Sleep Habits
Research supports setting up regular bed times for our students. Take a look at the following article as well as the recommended bed time chart below. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/excessive-sleepiness/performance/improve-your-childs-school-performance-good-nights-sleep
Please do not allow your child to bring toys and trading cards to school. Items are being traded, taken or lost and are beginning to have a negative impact in the school environment. Thank you in advance for your support!
Please refrain from sending technology to school. These items such as cell phones are not required as part of classroom instruction at this level. We are unable to secure these items. Many of our classrooms integrate iPads and chromebooks and interactive white board technologies to support our learners. In the event that your child's teacher has a tech day you will be notified of the opportunity.
Don't Forget the Snow Pants
It is that time of the year to be sure your child has gloves, snow pants, hats and boots for the wet winter weather. If you are in need of these items for your child please contact our office and let us know so that we can help your child stay warm this winter. Hyatt Main Office #810-591-8180
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hyatt hopes that you have a wonderful holiday season!