Panther Press
November Panther Press
Prairie Lane News
9 5th & 6th Music Program, WMS 6:00 pm
10 Picture Retakes
20 5th & 6th Band Concert, WMS 7:00 pm
22-24 No School
27 Classes Resume
28 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
5th & 6th Grade Band Concert
The Hillside, Westgate and Prairie Lane 5/6 Fall Band Concert is November 20th at the WMS PAC auditorium (rehearsal at 6:00 p.m. and concert at 7:00 p.m.).
Visitors for Lunch
If you choose to have lunch with your child, please call the office before 9:00 am so we can let the kitchen know, and to ensure that there will be enough space in our Learning Commons area for families.
Brrrrr! It’s Getting Cold!
Be sure students bring coats, hats and gloves so they are comfortable outside at recess! Also remember, students will wait outside in the mornings until the bell rings. Our cutoff temperature for inside recess and inside morning drop off is 10 degrees or below (“feels like temperature”).
*Don't forget to mark all items with your child's name, so they do not end up lost and found.
Prairie Lane Community Club Information
Prairie Lane Community Club Welcomes You
Our next meeting is November 28th @ 6:30 PM.
Suggestions or comments can be directed to
Prairie Lane T-Shirts On Sale Now
The webstore will be opening again on Monday, October 30th through Friday, November 10th and we will be offering our best selling design, the "Retro" print. Please note, we will only be offering this 1 design to help with the turnaround time from the vendor.
- Please make sure to pick the correct classroom/grade for your order to ensure it finds your student (Default is Kindergarten)
- Double check that you have correctly chosen either a youth or adult size
- Product descriptions will tell you whether it is the soft or classic fabric
- The sweatshirts have apparently been running on the smaller side
- Most have been happy with their true size for the Tshirts ( feel free to ask friends/family about how their's fit)
- Order HERE
WeSide Unified News
District News
Be Safe, Respectful and Responsible !
# Full Steam Ahead!