Miner Message
April 11, 2024

A Few Quick Updates
Friday, April 12th - Turtle Day 🐢
Quick Reminder...Friday is Turtle Day at Miner School. Students and staff are encouraged to wear something with turtles OR various hues of GREEN! Hopefully, Broccoli will be able to finally get out of the house and come back to visit his friends at Miner. He has grown so much since he last visited.
Special Olympics - Track and Field Meet: Sunday, April 14th
This Sunday, April 14th, Miner will have 12 students participating in the running and throwing events at the Special Olympics Track and Field Meet. The meet will be at Prospect High School, 801 W. Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect
Our students have worked so hard to prepare for this Meet and we are so proud of them.
Erin's Law Information
The state of Illinois passed a law mandating schools to assist youth in the state of Illinois with communication regarding sexual abuse. This law, frequently called “Erin’s Law,” requires all schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education annually for all students, PK-12. The law also requires educators to take part in trainings that cover sexual abuse and how to recognize warning signs. As a result, Miner School Therapists will discuss this topic in a developmentally appropriate manner starting in the month of April through May.
The lessons may focus on the following topics: 1) Uniqueness of self, 2) Personal Safety (Safe/Unsafe Touch, Saying/Gesturing “No” to Unwanted Touch, Personal Space, etc.), 3) Different types of relationships, and 4) Secrets vs. Surprises. Your child's therapist will be sending home a letter next week that outlines how they will be supporting students during these state mandated lessons. The letter will also include information on how to "opt" your child out of receiving these lessons should you chose to do so.
For more information regarding Erin's Law, please visit: https://www.erinslawillinois.org/
If you have any other questions or concerns, please so not hesitate to contact myself or your child's therapist.
Corrected Camp Schedule for April
There was an error on the Camp schedule for April 19. Ms. Schaffer's class will also be attending Sunrise Lake that day.