Conley Correspondence
Weekly Communication 2.7.25
Principal's Message
Dear Conley Families,
At Conley Elementary, we are committed to fostering a school environment where every student feels safe, respected, and valued. Recently, we have become aware of students making inappropriate comments related to race. While children are constantly learning and growing, it is important that we work together—both at school and at home—to help them understand the impact of their words.
We encourage families to have open conversations with their children about kindness, respect, and the importance of embracing differences. At school, we will continue to reinforce these values through our expectations, curriculum, and daily interactions. It is also important to note that any language or behavior that is harmful or discriminatory will result in appropriate consequences, as outlined in our school policies.
By working together, we can ensure that our school remains a place where every child feels a sense of belonging. Thank you for your partnership in helping us create a positive and inclusive learning environment for all.
Below, I am including information from our handbook regarding discriminatory language and outlined disciplinary action for this behavior. I am also including supportive resources for your family to assist you in your conversations and education at home.
We appreciate your partnership,
Katie Surjan
Conduct Motivated by Prohibited Discrimination
Conduct motivated in whole or in part by prohibited discrimination may be subject to increased disciplinary measures where determined to be appropriate by the administration. The Board of Education may also consider whether conduct was motivated in whole or in part by prohibited discrimination when determining whether to expel a student based on such conduct.
Prohibited discrimination means conduct based upon actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, academic status, pregnancy, parenting status, homelessness, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, military status, sexual orientation, gender-related identity or expression, or order of protection status.
Board Policy 2:270, Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited,
Support a Square Barn Family
Support the Sieck Family
Merry Sieck, a Paraprofessional at Conley, and mother of Cody (Heineman), Avery (Conley) and Carter (Mackeben) has been hospitalized since October because of complications from treatment for Stage 3 Melanoma.
If you know Merry, one of her greatest passions is working at Conley and loves the students and staff she worked with and misses them every day.
Our hope is to help ease some of the financial strain from medical bills and Merry's loss of income for several months. Please show your support for Merry and her family by purchasing a shirt today! Orders due by Friday, February 21st. You can order using the following link: https://huntleyschoolsfundraiser.deco-apparel.com/
We will also have a dedicated spirit day in March to wear our shirts in Merry's honor.
Conley Attendance
Year to Date Attendance: 94.86%
Chronic Absence: 11.17%
HHS Chuck-A-Duck Fundraiser: Ducks now only $5!
Huntley High School’s Raider Nation students invite the community to participate in the third annual Chuck-A-Duck fundraiser! The fundraiser consists of an online donation (purchase a rubber duck for $5), then a “duck toss” event on 2/14 at HHS to win prizes.
Want to support but can't make the event on 2/14? Donations made by those not able to pick up their duck or attend the event on the 14th will go directly to the Grafton Food Pantry and Andrew's Assist.
To donate, visit the district’s Webstore and click Donations/Fundraisers. Sales will be open until 6pm on 2/14. Click HERE for more information, including prizes!
Save the Date: Spring Pictures
February Special Education Talk Transitioning To Adult Services
McHenry County Workforce Network
Dear Families:
As part of our ongoing learning series for parents/guardians on planning for their student’s future, our Special Education Talk for November will feature a presentation focused on employment. Our speaker will be Elijah Wedwick, a Career Planner with the McHenry County Workforce Network’s Young Adult Program, will be presenting on the essential skills that employers are looking for in the workforce. Utilizing the McHenry County Workforce Network’s connections with local businesses, he will be sharing the soft skills that our local employers value the most in their employees and discussing how you can begin preparing for success by building these skills now. He will also highlight the services that the Workforce Network has available for Young Adults who are transitioning into the workplace.
See event details below:
Event: Special Education Talk: Transitioning to Adult Services
Topic: Preparing for Success: Essential Skills for the Modern Workforce
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Location: District Office Room 180
650 Dr. John Burkey Dr. Algonquin, IL 60102
Registration is not required, but is strongly encouraged. Please use this link to register.
This event will be recorded for future access and for those unable to attend. If you require any special accommodations or require a translator for this event, please contact Kelly LaTour at klatour@district158.org.
Thank you for partnering to prepare our students for their future. We look forward to expanding our understanding of these topics together.
Best Regards,
Deanna Gill, Ed.S.
Assistant Superintendent for Special Services
Keith Panke, LIGHT Principal
Jill Shadel, Family Engagement Liaison
Kari Breese, Director of Secondary Special Services
Jackie Allen, Director of Elementary Special Services
Upcoming Spirit Days
February 13: Valentine's Parties and Gear
February 21: Conley Spirit
February 28: Crazy Hair
From the PTA Den
Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board
The Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board (VBB) connects families with enrichment and educational events and programs in the community. Visit the district’s VBB webpage to learn about what’s happening for students and families in the community! To submit a program or event flyer for inclusion, organizations must be not-for-profit or a taxing body based in Huntley158 boundaries or a surrounding community.
Helpful Links
Conley Elementary School
3-5 Elementary School in Huntley Community School District 158
Address: Dr. John Burkey Dr formerly, 750 Academic Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102
Conley Main Office: 847-659-3700
Conley Absentee Line: 847-659-3711
Principal: Katie Surjan
Assistant Principal: Jeremy White
Principal's Administrative Assistant: Kathy Michel
Attendance Administrative Assistant: Lindsay Brunschon