Hisle Happenings
January 27

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Posts by Prindle
Welcome to March!
It's March 3rd, and I'm not sure how! Seriously, learning keeps happening at Hisle as most grade levels have done at least one field trip, and third grade goes this Friday! We're wrapping up the 3rd nine weeks right before Spring Break...teachers are planning for the LAST nine weeks of the 2024-2025 school year. Our ask is that families continue partnering with us to ensure children are reading nightly along with practicing their math facts.
We've shifted our "Hisle Huddle" to the first Friday of the month to celebrate all things learning, our Hounds of the Week, and attendance awards! We'll celebrate our DI team who placed third along with our spelling bee winner who has advanced to the BIG spelling bee! Last month, Ms. Aviles' class had the BEST attendance for the entire school....it'll be interesting to see who gets the BIG hound award this month for attendance! Stay tuned!
Remember, Hisle Hounds howl loud and proud!
Medication Safety
Hi! As live our Texas weather, cold, cough, and allergies can be fun to naviagate! Please remember that ALL medication should be handled by adults. As tempting as it can be to give your child a few cough drops or the allergy pill to take at lunch, this is something we can not do. Please reach out to Kim Dodd or visit her webpage for more information.