Go Big Red: DCHS Weekly Message
Week 28: Marching into Spring
Decatur County Community High School
605 E Commercial St, Oberlin, KS 67749
March 5, 2023 (Schedule at the bottom, Skip What You Want)
Follow us on Twitter at @DCHSREDDEVILS or
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Oberlin294/
Decatur community,
It's hard to believe that it is already March and that Spring Break comes up after this week. This break signals that you are truly about to hit the homestretch, the 4th quarter.
I have so many fond memories of Spring Break, a few that I would share here.
1. As an athlete, Spring Break so often coincided with "March Madness." Whether it was Kemper Arena in Kansas City, the time I saw Michigan and the "Fab 5" play at the Kansas Coliseum in Wichita, or simply watching from home, Spring Break often coincided with college basketball. Thank you to my elementary teacher Mrs. Brown back at Enterprise Elementary in Wichita, KS for allowing my dad to bring a black/white TV to school for the class to watch Wichita State vs Georgia back in '85, the last day before Spring Break.
2. Spring Break often meant family. As a kid that moved around a bit throughout my grade school career, it was often a week traveling to see loved ones. Whether it be from Arkansas to Kansas, Kansas to Arkansas, Kansas to Missouri, or any other variety of travel, there was almost always a return, only the 8th great Spring Break trip from Arkansas to Kansas when I went to live with my father was different.
3. Spring Break occasionally means "staycation," my personal favorite. When life is busy, sometimes the best thing to do is just stay put and enjoy the life you have around you. As boring as it sounds, this is my favorite. Besides, summer has the time you need to do all of the other things.
It's March, and we are marching into Spring!
Shoutout Carrie Morford and the Booster Club. Conferences are a mad dash, crazy day for teachers. The bell rings at 3:40 and the teachers have little time to think about what to eat. The Booster Club's Walking Taco and other desserts/snacks were greatly appreciated.
Shoutout to the Lady Devils' basketball team. Though the outcome was not what they were hoping for, they were an exciting team that fought tooth and nail throughout the whole season.
Shoutout to music teachers Lisa Johnson, Brad Persinger, and Jenny Tally for their tremendous contributions at the NWKL JH Music Festival. The festival rotates the responsibility yearly, and this was our year. They have been planning this festival for months, and everything went off well. There were so many people to help out behind the scenes. Here are a few more shoutouts to others that helped make this a success. (Make sure to check out Mrs. Johnson's heartfelt words below)
Shoutout to IT worker Jeremy Bundgard. We sent Mr. Bundgard along to print awards and make sure that there were no technology hang ups. Mrs. Johnson said that he was a godsend.
Shoutout to full time sub Mr. Brad Weese. Not only did Mr. Weese cover music classes that morning, he also rode over to Colby with the second group of students.
Shoutout to transportation director Brian Simonsson for coordinating with the music teachers and making sure that there were buses and Suburbans available, all while coordinating the Early Release schedule as well.
Shoutout to Mr. Jason Ketterl for being willing to drive one of the buses to the festival.
Shoutout to the students. It takes a lot of time, communication, teamwork, and dedication to perform well, and our students were great. See the results down below.
Things You Should Know
8th Grade Returns to Topeka
8th Grade Students Travel to Topeka
My first text from Ms. Davis came at 4:58 am on Thursday morning letting me know that they were on the road. After a few pictures in between, the last text letting me know they were home came at 10:54 on Friday night. It's amazing what can be done in a Thursday-Friday trip.
Shoutout to parents/sponsors Denise Bailey, Shayla Bailey, Amber Barnes, Jeremy Bundgard and Sarah Mohr for traveling with their students to help make this trip possible.
Topeka Field Trip
Topeka Field Trip
See more picture on our Facebook page.
NWKL JH Music Festival a Success
NWKL JH Music Festival a Success
Band and Choir Results
DCJHS Choir I,I-,I-
Devyn Stagemeyer Vocal I
Annabelle Bird Vocal I-
Shaylynn Osorio-Diaz Vocal II+
Gage Williby Vocal I
Harley Barnes Vocal I-
Henry Bundgard Vocal I-
Kaylee Kier Vocal II+
Quinn Ketterl Vocal Comments Only
Mixed Vocal Ensemble II
Ladies JH Ensemble II
Shaylynn Osorio-Diaz Piano I-
Shayla Kisner Trumpet I
Harley Barnes Xylophone I
Bella Diederich Flute I
Annabelle Bird Clarinet I
Devyn Stagemeyer Clarinet I
Shaylynn Osorio-Diaz Bells II
Woodwind Quartet I-In the Words of Mrs. Johnson
We are extremely proud of these students! What an excellent experience, and lovely performances! DCJHS was well represented today. There was a large amount of work involved for the students preparing for their performances today that included hours of practice and lessons with Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Persinger. On top of that, the students had to schedule rehearsals with their accompanist, Mrs. Tally. THANK YOU MRS. TALLY!!
Side Note: Our HS assistants for the day were MIRACLE workers! Several teachers and adjudicators including music faculty from CCC gave BIG compliments on how wonderful they did monitoring doors, helping judges, and setting up the auditorium. THANK YOU HS assistants! What a long, beautiful day!
Students to Take ACT this Week
This Wednesday, several of our junior students will take the ACT (Academic College Testing). I am including this information about the ACT that I put in an earlier message this year.
In 1959, the first American College Test (ACT) was given. Created by Everett Franklin Lindquist (pictured ) a college professor from the University of Iowa, it was a test created to challenge the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) which had been around approximately 20 years longer. The biggest difference was that the ACT had the goal of trying to test students on the direct competencies that they were studying in schools.
Today, there are over 2 million high school graduates that take the ACT each year, and Wednesday, several of our students will take the ACT, most for the first time. I have included the standard overview of the ACT, and what it looks like. I also included some sites with tips. For most of our students, they will take the ACT multiple times as they try to improve their scores..
- 75 multiple–choice questions
- 45 minutes
- Tests grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and rhetorical skills
- Learn more about the ACT English Test
- 60 multiple–choice questions
- 60 minutes
- Algebra I and II, geometry, and some trigonometry
- Learn more about the ACT Math Test
- 40 multiple–choice questions
- 35 minutes
- Four passages (prose fiction, social studies, humanities, and natural sciences) with 10 questions per passage
- Learn more about the ACT Reading Test
- 40 multiple–choice questions
- 35 minutes
- Questions on science-based passages presented with graphs, charts, tables and research summaries
- Learn more about the ACT Science Test
To all out there, I hope that whatever you do this break is both meaningful and memorable. When you get older, Spring Breaks run together, and, for many adults, they don't even exist.
Students, make sure that you treasure this time in your life, and, no matter how complex or simple your break may be, may you always remember these moments from your youth.
Enjoy your Spring Break!
Jeremy Holloway
Go Big Red!
Schedule for the Week of 3-6-23/3-10-23
Monday, March 6, 2023
Speech at Oakley
6:00 SOS Meeting
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
7:15am DCHS Singers' Practice
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
5:45 Booster Club Meeting
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Friday, March 10, 2023
Last Day of the 3rd Quarter
7:00 Site Council Meeting
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #2: And so It Begins
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #3:The Lights Return to Friday Nights
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #4: Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Present
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #5: Fall Homecoming
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #6: Picture Day
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #7: It Takes a Village
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #8: OctOberlin Begins
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #9: Undefeated
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #10: Mr. Lundquist’s Test
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #11: Happy Halloween!
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #12: Seussical the Musical
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #13: Firsts
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #14: Thankful
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #15: Let the Games Begin!
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #16: Snow Day!
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #17: ‘Tis the Season
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #18: ‘Twas the Week of Finals
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #19: Happy New Year!
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #20: A Knock at the Door
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #21: Naismith’s Game
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #22: 5 Day Week?
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #23: “The Monkey Is off Our Backs”
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #24: Bowl Week
Go Red: DCHS Weekly Message Week #25: Compute…..c-o-m-p-u-t-e…..Compute
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Decatur County Community Junior/Senior High School
Email: jholloway@usd294.org
Website: https://www.usd294.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/DCHS
Location: 605 East Commercial Street, Oberlin, KS, USA
Phone: 785-475-2231
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Decatur-Community-JrSr-High/372347636275932