3rd Grade Newsletter
Week of February 10, 2025 to February 13, 2025
February 12th - Wednesday - PIZZA DAY!!! - Pizza must be paid for before 3pm Tuesday afternoon. There will be no orders taken the day of! It is $5 for two pieces of pizza and water!
See Flyers below that show all the dates for popcorn, t-shirt day, and hot chocolate day!
Wednesday February 12th- Please remember to pay for the pizza order before Wednesday.
- Reminder - Each scholar needs to bring a lunch, two snacks, and a water bottle no bigger than 40 oz each day. If you would like to donate snacks to your classroom, let us know!
- Clever QR Codes- These need to come back to school EVERYDAY.
- i-Ready- Scholars will be benchmark testing this week! So please make sure that your child gets a good night sleep and eats and healthy breakfast.
✂️ Supplies Needed ✂️
- Make sure that your child has plenty of pencils in their pencil box!
- You may send extra pencils for your homeroom teachers!
What We Are Doing All Week!!!!
ATL - Approaches to Learning - Week of 2/10 to 3/13
- 3.ATL.CR.1a - Creativity - The scholar is to use techniques to use such as brainstorming and researching to generate new ideas. (During this week scholars will use what they know about coming up with ideas to create the answers to questions or papers they are working on in each of the classes.)
Math - Module 5 L 14- 17
- Monday - The scholars will recognize that equivalent fractions share the same location on a number line .
- Tuesday - The scholars will identify fractions on a ruler as numbers on a number line .
- Wednesday - Scholars will measure lengths and record data on a line plot .
- Thursday - Scholars will represents fractions greater than 1 on a number line and identify fractions equivalent to whole numbers.
ELA - Wit & Wisdom:
In Wit and Wisdom, scholars are working on our space module. We have been going through various texts. We are currently studying though many different texts to help us expand our knowledge about space. We are working on written prompts and writing and editing essays.
Fundations - Unit 7
- Monday - Scholars will learn pluralizing with y and sky write new uppercase letters.
- Tuesday - Scholars will review y and suffix spelling rule and talk about guess which one.
- Wednesday - Scholars will discuss word of the day, make it fun, and participate in dictation.
- Thursday - Scholars will discuss word of the day, practice letter formation, and participate in the spelling assessment.
Unit 7 Spelling Words
2/3/25 to 2/13/25
BONUS: emptiness
On Thursday February 13th will be the spelling assessment. Make sure to study at home!!!
Science - Module 4 - Forces and Motion
- Monday - In this lesson, scholars will use observations as evidence to explain that magnets can exert a force on other objects.
- Tuesday - In this lesson, scholars will use observations as evidence to explain that certain objects exert an electric force on other objects.
- Wednesday - In this lesson, scholars will obtain information about the use of magnets to solve problems.
- Thursday - In this lesson, scholars will apply the engineering design process to construct and refine a prototype to secure objects in space.
Wednesday is Pizza Day
The cost is $5 per scholar, and they will get two slices of pizza, a fruit, and drink.
All money must be turned in by TUESDAY as we pre-order the pizza Tuesday afternoon.
Have your scholar turn in money to their classroom teacher.
Checks can be made out to TOPAParent Vue
- Please login regularly to check your child's academic progress. This is where you will find missing assignments and grades.
- The front desk can help you access your account and provide you with password information as needed.
Teacher Contacts
Mrs. Robante - jrobante@topamail.com
Ms. Nova - snova@topamail.com
Spanish - Mr. Soza - fsoza@topamail.com
Music - Mr. Santana - jsantana@topamail.com
PE - Mr. Wallace cwallace@topamail.com
PE -Ms. Wallace bwallace@topamail.com
Please report absences to the front office.
Leave your scholars First & Last name, and grade.
- Phone: 623-444-9934 extension 1
- Email: attendancesiennahills@topamail.com