TGMS Weekly Update
September 23, 2024
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our Parent/Teacher conferences will be virtual through Google Meets. Middle School conferences will take place October 1 and October 10, from 4:15 - 7:45 and Oct. 14, from 7:55 - 3:40 pm. A conference request form is included for your convenience.
TGMS PTO Walk-a-thon is off and running!
Our annual TGMS PTO Walk-a-thon is off and running! All of the money raised will go directly back to the school for events and items for students and staff. This is our main fundraiser for the year. The event runs from September 16 to October 4 with no need to pre-register. Donations can be made online, checks should be made payable to TGMS PTO. Thank you for your generous support. See the flyer below for all the details!
Picture Retake day - Oct. 3
Did you miss getting your school picture taken? A reminder that picture retakes will be Thursday, October 3. Parents can order a picture packet online using this link: jostenspix.com The event code for Toll Gate Middle School is the same as our original picture day, FE51024.
Technology Devise Insurance Due by September 30
Technology Protection Plan payment due September 30, 2024
Act Now: Secure 2024 - 2025 coverage for your child's device with the Technology Protection Plan. Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and pay online. Pay by September 30th to avoid loss of coverage.
Explore the benefits under "Protection Plan." Don't miss out!
Notice of Required Full Scale Drill, Thursday, Sept. 26
Dear Toll Gate Families,
Required Full Scale Drill
This letter is to inform you that Toll Gate Middle School and Elementary will be conducting a combined set of drills on Thursday, September 26th at 2:00PM. This is something that is required by law to occur once every three years. Both schools are committed to the safety and education of all our students and staff. We also want to clearly communicate with parents about larger scale safety drills when they arise. Safety drills are a part of the state, school, and district-wide safety culture. These drills include fire drills, medical, tornado drills, and lockdown drills. This drill is to test our procedures in case there is ever an emergency, our goal is to make the drills as uneventful but as purposeful for students. The hope is also that these procedures we have in place will help our students feel safe and unafraid.
The simulated situation will be comprised of the following situational scenarios:
Lockdown Safety Drill - Lockdown drills are designed to keep our students safe if an unsafe event were to occur at school or in the surrounding area. On this day we will simulate an unsafe situation in the office area that will place both the elementary and middle school buildings in a lockdown procedure.
Evacuation Drill - Both schools will then be evacuated with all students and staff due to simulated “gas leak.”
We will be letting students know about this full scale drill to help relieve any nerves that students may have about the situation. Please feel free to call me at 614.834.6400 or email me at ryan_morford@plsd.us if you have any questions or concerns.
Dr. Ryan Morford
Upcoming Tollgate Road restrictions
We want to inform you about an upcoming road construction project related to the Rockford Home development that may impact your daily commute.
Starting on September 23, Tollgate Road will be reduced to one lane. Flaggers will be present to help manage traffic. I have spoken with the construction team to ensure that priority will be given to school buses, to minimize any delays and keep them running on time.
Please plan accordingly, as there may be some delays during drop-off and pick-up times. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated.
Fall Panorama Survey
Fall 2024
Dear Pickerington Local School District Families,
We thank you and your family for being our partners as we work together to educate the children in our district. Pickerington Local School District values input from our community, and we need to hear from your child(ren). Their voices are important as we work to improve the overall school experience for students and their families.
We would like your child’s feedback via a 20-30 minute online survey that they will be completing at school. The survey will provide us with social and emotional learning (SEL) information. SEL is the process through which children and adults apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. These are the skill sets that promote success in life.
We are asking that all of our students in grades K-12 participate in the surveys, as their feedback will provide important insights into their school experiences for direction in planning to meet their needs. If a student does not feel they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether.
We are partnering with Panorama Education to support us in the survey process. To view the PLSD survey content, please feel free to copy and paste the following links into your browser:
Grades K-2 SEL Competencies Supports & Environment
Grades 3-5 SEL Competencies Supports & Environment
Grades 6-12 SEL Competencies Supports & Environment
Please notify us if you do not want your child to participate in the survey by September 20. To opt-out, you may return the completed form or email your child’s School Counselor.
We thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact Marvella Allen, Director of Prevention & Intervention Services, at 614-835-2091.
October Calendar
October 1 - Parent/Teacher Conf. 4:15 - 7:45 pm
October 3 - Picture Retake Day
October 7 - TGMS PTO Meeting 6:30 - 7:30 Media Center
October 10 - No School for students - Prof. Development and Parent/Teacher Conf. 4:15 - 7:45 pm
October 11 - No School for students
October 14 - No School K - 8 Parent/Teacher Conf. 7:55 - 3:40 pm
October 18 - End of 1st gr. period
October 21 - No School - Teacher Records Day