Patriot News
May 2022
Message from Mrs. Reynolds
Testing Time is Back!
Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be continuing with FSA testing
Important information for families
-Make sure your student gets a good night sleep
-Have your child eat a healthy breakfast
-All testing will begin promptly at 10:15 am
-Make sure your child is at school on time
3rd Grade Math: 5/10 & 5/11
4th Grade Reading: 5/4 & 5/5
4th Grade Math: 5/10 & 5/11
5th Grade Reading: 5/2& 5/3
5th Grade Math: 5/6 & 5/9
5th Grade Science: 5/17-5/18
*All assessments will begin at 10:10am.
Kindergarten Registration
If you have questions, please call Melissa Schwartz at 813-794-0606
5th Grade PYP Exhibition
PYP Exhibition is a culminating experience where 5th grade students engage in an inquiry process that asks them to identify, investigate, and offer solutions to real-life issues.
Join us on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30pm in the PVES Cafeteria.
Learn global problems and hear ways students and the community can act locally.
Learner Profile of the Month: Open Minded
IB students have developed an ability to reflect on their learning and to articulate how they learn. They have learned that critical reflection is an important academic and life skill.
How can parents help to develop students who are reflective at home?
~Have your child stop and think throughout the day about their behaviors. Assist him/her with focusing on the following prompts:
~Is what I'm doing appropriate? If so, explain why it is. If not, explain how it is not.
~How can I change my behavior? Have your child think of positive ways to make changes.
~Is the situation I am in a positive situation? If not, how can I make it a positive situation?
~Am I doing my best? Am I working my hardest?
Parents can model the above thinking process by talking aloud to themselves, ask and answer yourself these questions about things you are doing throughout your day. This way your child sees you working through the Reflection process, and can use your examples as their models to learn from.
* Model how to make mistakes, how to fail. And then, how to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. It's okay to make mistakes, making mistakes is part of learning. Being Reflective teaches us how to grow and learn from both mistakes and from positive experiences.
Dissecting animals to compare body structures and functions
Earthworm dissection
5th grade scientists
Outdoor Classroom seating from 1st grade
Students using outdoor classroom
Helping to beautify the school
Contact Us
Location: 5333 Parkway Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-0600
Twitter: @PatriotsPves