Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
October 5, 2021
a note from the principal
Hello Easley families,
I hope everyone is enjoying the Fall Break and has found some time to disconnect and enjoy time with your children, family, and friends. This week will fly by and we'll be back in school before you know it. I am reaching out this week with an early addition of our Easley Weekly Update as I have an important announcement regarding COVID testing at school and a request for some assistance.
Onsite COVID Testing at Easley
Durham Public Schools, in partnership with MAKO Medical, will begin providing weekly COVID-19 testing at school to help identify possible COVID-19 infections among students even if they’re not showing any symptoms. Research has shown such testing can reduce the spread by 50%, especially in large settings such as schools.
The testing is a simple swab of the nose and not the test that tickles the brain. This is the same test families can administer from home or at local testing sites.
This is a voluntary testing process, so a parent or guardian must register their student to participate. The link to register may be accessed in the parent letter below. Paper copies are available in the front office and will be sent home with all students upon the return to school. All testing information and results will remain confidential. I encourage our families to register their students for this free opportunity. Together, we can keep our students safe, in their classrooms, and prevent community spread.
Parent Letter/Registration - English
Frequently Asked Questions/Preguntas frecuentes
Las Escuelas Públicas de Durham, en asociación con MAKO Medical, comenzarán a ofrecer pruebas de COVID-19 en las escuelas semanalmente para identificar casos de COVID-19 en estudiantes aún cuando no tengan síntomas. Los estudios demuestran que estas pruebas pueden reducir el contagio en un 50%, especialmente en entornos grandes como las escuelas.
La prueba se realiza tomando una simple muestra de la nariz y no es la prueba en la que el hisopo se inserta más profundamente en la nariz. Se trata de la misma prueba que las familias pueden hacerse en su casa o en los lugares de pruebas locales.
Se trata de un proceso voluntario de pruebas, por lo que los padres o tutores deben inscribir a su estudiante para que participe. Se puede acceder al enlace para registrarse en la carta para padres a continuación. Las copias impresas están disponibles en la oficina principal y se enviarán a casa con todos los estudiantes cuando regresen a la escuela. Toda la información de las pruebas y los resultados serán confidenciales.
Animo a nuestras familias a que inscriban a sus estudiantes en esta oportunidad gratuita. Juntos, podemos mantener a nuestros estudiantes seguros, en sus salones de clases, y prevenir la propagación en la comunidad.
Frequently Asked Questions/Preguntas frecuentes
Outdoor Eating Spaces
Our picnic tables have arrived but we need help putting them together. If you are available to help put together a table, or ten, please use this link to sign-up. In the meantime, our foam mats have arrived and students will be able to use those to sit on until we have enough table seating for all students.
Important October Dates
- Wednesday, October 13th is an Early Release Day and students will dismiss two hours early at 12:15 PM
- Monday, October 18th is the next PTA meeting at 6:30 PM via Zoom. The email link will be in that Sunday's email.
- Thursday, October 21st is the next SIT meeting at 5:30 PM via Zoom.
PTA News: Update/Membership
To purchase PTA memberships or make a donation, please visit: https://easleypta.memberhub.com/store
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here. The current monthly promotion is free shipping on orders over $60.
Duke Concessions
Duke Football Concessions have been a big fundraiser for Easley in recent years and we are partnering with them again this year. Typically we bring in about $10,000 for the season. Sara Harrell is the PTA chair/ stand manager for this fundraiser. The time commitment for most games is approximately 6 hours. Game times that have been announced are listed with times. Times TBA will be posted as soon as possible. It's it usually am mix of parents and staff who work the games and it really is a pretty fun time and a great way to connect with other parents and staff members. If you are interested in working a game, you can sign-up HERE.