Las Positas Updates
11/18/22 Volume 2 (16)
Happy Friday
Happy Thanksgiving~
Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful and to think about all the special people who have touched our lives. I am extremely thankful for your support and for trusting us with your most valuable treasures, your kids.
For thanksgiving, encourage our students to be open-minded and try new food. Help them maintain their balance and eat their vegetables along with their protein and dessert. Practice gratitude with your children by doing a gratitude activity such as,
- Fill out a gratitude card for other family members
- Make a list of all the things they are thankful for
- Read books on gratitude: Gratitude is My Superpower, My Attitude of Gratitude
- Did you thank someone today? Why?
- What places/people do you feel grateful for? Why?
- Tell me about one thoughtful action you showed someone.
- What is the best thing that has happened today? Tell me why.
- What made you smile today?
- Tell me about the most beautiful thing you saw today.
- How do you show your family and friends you care for them?
- I am thankful for ______ because _______.
This month we continue to celebrate the IB Learner Profile Attribute of being a Caring. Students who are CARING show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. They remember to treat others how they themselves would like to be treated.
Click here for more info on: IB PYP
Catch your child being a good "caring" and tweet it out @laspositaslions or send them for me to share.
Have a great weekend~
Being a Caring Friend on Thanksgiving
We Are Caring
Art Masterpiece
We are Thankful~
Listen and Sketch
DJ Party from Fundraisers
The top sellers for the fundraiser was invited to a DJ Party
Walk Thru California
4th graders get an interactive assembly on the CA history
Caminando Sing-A-Long
Students sing a song as they act out the words.
Community Resources
Community Resources
The Gary Center provides many resources: It is available for all La Habra residents for free, regardless of income. Visit them during their Center hours to shop at no cost.
341 S. Hillcrest, La Habra
La Habra Family Resource Center
Centro de Recursos de familia de La Habra
Christmas Together
Scan the QR Code and register today! Please see flyer for details.
Navidad Juntos
¡Escanee el código QR y regístrese hoy! Mire el folleto para obtener más detalles.
Friendly Reminders.....
Parent Workshops
Positive Discipline Parent Workshop
Disciplina Positiva Taller para padres
Wellness Newsletter
Important Dates
Wednesdays - Early Release
Thursdays - Think College Gear
Fridays - wear Las Positas Gear/color
11/21 - 11/25 - Thanksgiving Break
11/21 - Disciplina Positiva 9am - 10:30am (Spanish)
11/28 - Students Return to school
11/28 - Disciplina Positiva 9am - 10:30am (Spanish)
11/28 - PTA Meeting 3:30pm in Library
11/29 - Nutrition Classes begin - 8:30am @ IMS room 401
11/30 - Coffee w/ the Principal & IB Coordinator in front of the school at 8 am.12/1 - Positive Discipline 11am-12:30pm (English)
12/10 - Campus Beautification Day 8am - 12pm; parents must accompany
Other Important Information
Las Positas Elementary School
Location: 1400 Schoolwood Drive, La Habra, CA, USA
Phone: 562.690.2356
Twitter: @laspositaslions