Intermediate Staff News SPOT😍
May 16th, 2024
January Family Newsletter
Principal's Corner
Dear Hallsville Intermediate Families,
Happy New Year! We are so excited to welcome students back on January 8th and get our second semester started. This semester we will be really working hard on our academic goals and showing growth towards those. We will have our Spring Break March 17th-21st before we come back and get into our heavy testing season. This semester will bring more days that we close the campus to visitors due to testing. We will have a flyer of dates for you in next month's newsletter so you can prepare for those.
In Leader in Me - we are still in Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. We will focus on writing our personal mission statement. We will discuss how we want to live our life, the goals we want to achieve, and the person we want to become. Invite your student to share their personal mission statement with you and teach you how to write or revise your own!
Thank you for your continued support and partnership!
Jennifer Hoskins, Principal
🎉5th Grade🎉
🎉6th Grade🎉
Community Opportunity
🍔January Menus🍔 **Coming soon**
2024-25 UIL Academics!
And we’re off…! Practices began in mid-September.
Hallsville JH will host the district meet on Saturday, February 1, 2025. This year, the 5th graders will join the 6th, 7th and 8th graders at the JH Meet. There will be nine schools, including three that are new to the district (Nacogdoches, Jacksonville and Lufkin) so the competition will be tough. That’s why we’re starting our practices a little earlier this year.
Talking Points
Talking Points- Communication is KEY!
HISD will have one Parent Communication App!
Hallsville Parents - We have heard your plea for streamlined communication across the district. Please say hello to "Talking Points" and say goodbye to multiple apps. and signing up for various classes to keep up with your kids.
This year we will be using TalkingPoints to connect families with schools in your home language. You will be receiving messages in the upcoming weeks from your child's principal and teachers. Please save the numbers in your contact list so that you can reach back out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great school year!
Click HERE for more information.
iPhone App:
Google Play:
Lunch Info
- To setup or maintain your student's Lunch Money Now! account. please visit
- To begin the application process for free and reduced price meals at Hallsville ISD please visit
Breakfast $1.50 Lunch $3.00
The Reduced meal price for all of the students for all the schools in the district:
Breakfast $0.30 Lunch $0.40
Select students who qualify will have meals at no cost
For Adult/Visitor (adult and child) breakfast is $3.25 and lunch is $5.00
Need to Knows
💜 Intermediate 24-25 Schedule 💜
5th Grade Lunch Groups
6th Grade Lunch Groups
Learn English
Aprenda Ingles
📆 Important Dates 📆
December 23 - January 7th: Christmas Break! No School!
January 8th: Students Return! 3rd 9 Weeks begins!
January 9th: 5th grade library Bluebonnet Ice Cream Reward during lunch
January 10th: 6th grade library Bluebonnet Ice Cream Reward during lunch
January 15th: Kona Ice
January 16th: College Shirt Day
January 20th: Martin Luther King Holiday - NO SCHOOL
January 27th-31st: 6th grade book fair week
January 29th: Students turn in your Bobcat Bucks order forms