Bulldog Update October 14, 2024

Bring on the second quarter!
October 14, 2024
I type this newsletter with fingers exhausted from PTC yet giddy for the second quarter!
Below you will find new, important information to help you be successful in the upcoming week and key reminders that are foundational to the school year.
Week At A Glance
- Monday, October, 14th will be an B Day.
- Click HERE for complete A/B calendar.
- Normal week of learning!😁
- Monday, October 14th:
🏐 8th VB vs Hastings at Barr @ 4:15 PM - Tuesday, October 15th:
🎤 Bobby Truhe from KSB Law- sharing about digital citizenship, especially social media and appropriate usage.
🏐 8th VB Showcase vs Walnut (at Walnut) @ 4:15 PM
🏈7th FB vs Columbus (at Columbus) @ 4:00 PM - Wednesday, October 16th:
🏈8th FB vs Walnut (at GISH-Memorial Stadium) @ 5:30 PM
Our Week in Photos
Barr community at its finest!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thanks everyone!
State Cross Country
23rd-Vanessa Lopez Diaz (8th)
8th Grade
Reading a riveting story in ELA!
Safety on Campus
Morning Expetations
Reminder: the doors to the school open at 7:45 AM after the bell, so once your student is on campus they need to be in the building and in their assigned area.
Parents/Guardians, please help communicate the importance of this to your student.
Drop Off: Students need to get out of the vehicle on passenger side- nearest to the sidewalk instead of the driver side- in the driveway through lane.
Parents/Guardians, please help your student be safe at drop-off!
Roots and Shoots Club
Next Meeting: October 17! 💐🌱🌲🍀🌻
Are you interested in pollinators and plants? Join Roots & Shoots Club which meets the third Thursday of each month from 3:45-4:45. You must have a ride home at 4:45 pm. The first meeting is September 19th in the media center.
Computer Reminder
Students, your computer case should contain your computer, charger, and a pencil in the outside pocket. You are responsible for computer screens that break due to extra items in your case.
If you have a fine, please plan on paying that this week when you attend parent teacher conferences.
Homework Club
Homework Club meets Monday-Thursday and is for all students! From 3:45-4:30 PM, students can come and get support on school work.
If your student is going to use this opportunity, be sure to make transportation plans.
For questions, please call the main office so we will come alongside you in supporting your student's learning!
VFW Scholarship
Patriot Pen Program
See attached flyer for more information or email Mrs. Harpham at rharpham@gips.org
Save The Date!
Barr Musical- Zombeo and Juliet The Musical
Barr Junior Thespians Website: https://sites.google.com/gips.org/barrjuniorthespians/home
Join our Remind here: remind.com/join/xkkjgrt
Contact the director, Dr. Garcia, at ekgarcia@gips.org with any questions.
Activities Reminders
Activities at GISH
As the sports seasons start up, the admin team from Sr, High wanted to remind the middle schools:
Backpacks and other small bags are NOT allowed at Sporting Events/Activities. You will NOT be allowed in the event with a bag or backpack. You must have your school issued ID to enter.
Activities at Barr
Fans: during football games please do not stand or sit on the track, but do feel free to bring lawn chairs in order to enjoy the game.
Students: if you attend with your Bulldog pass (and not with your parents) you are only allowed to visit the concession stand in between sets, quarters, or games. Also, while attending games the expectations from the school day should be followed- including no cell phone use and staying off your computer.
Jr. Islander Power Club UPDATE!
A place to better yourself.
7th and 8th grade Barr Students
Starts Wed Sept. 4th
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday*
7:30-8:00 Am
*Moved to Thursday to accommodate students also in show choir
Focus of Training:
New (north) gym
Enter door 8
Equipment needed:
T-shirt, shorts, gym shoes
Questions Contact:
Coach Felber--cfelber@gips.org
Here is the District Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Activities Calendar
This calendar has all the activities at Barr, from volleyball to wrestling to orchestra concerts, and is one you can subscribe to so you never miss an event!
Click HERE to access the calendar! (The rSchool Calendar is on the left hand side!)
Reminders From Previous Post (That are still important!) 😉
Notes From the Nurse
Reminder: Please turn in all medications to the school nurse including over the counter medications such as pain relievers, cough drops, eye drops, etc... to ensure the safety of our students and to align to district policy
If you have further questions, please call the front office.
Backpacks/Bags/Trapper Keepers
Here is reminder/update on bags at Barr:
- Backpacks need to be put in students' lockers at the beginning of the day
- No smaller bags are to be carried during the day except for medical purposes that have been approved by the nurse
Thank you for helping communicate this to your student(s) and keeping our school a safe place!
Drop off and Pick Up
Drop Off
Doors open at 7:45 (do not arrive any earlier as there is not supervision before 7:45).
**Students will not be allowed in the vestibule before 7:45 AM**
Each grade will wait in respective areas (and they can eat school breakfast while they wait!). Please drop off in the following locations (and students will wait in the following areas):
6th Grade
Door 23 into the cafeteria on the east side (students wait in the cafeteria)
7th Grade
Door 3 on the west side (near the auditorium and old gym) (students will wait in the old gym)
8th Grade
Door 8 on the west side (north of main entrance) (students wait in the new gym)
Phones Away
Phones need to be off (at 7:45 A.M.) and stored in student's locker (at 8:10 A.M.). Phones are also not allowed at school activities or on the bus.
District policy will be followed regarding personal electronic communication devices (ECDs)*.
Please note the consequences for violation of district rules, state/federal law or school board policy:
- 1st Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by the student from the principal by the end of the day, unless the device is needed longer for examination by school or district IT personnel. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
- 2nd Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by the student at the end of the day along with parent contact. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
- 3rd Office Referral: The ECD will be confiscated, turned into the school office, and picked up by a parent at the end of the day along with parent contact. Document MAJOR incident in Synergy
- 4th Office Referral: Insubordination - 1 Day OSS
- 5th Office Referral: Insubordination – Individual student/parent plan
(See full policy HERE.)
*ECDs include: cell phones, smart watches, tablets etc...
Water Bottles
Water bottles are allowed at school so that students can stay hydrated throughout the day. Please make sure to use clear water bottles and that only water is in the bottles.
Also, cups will no longer be provided during lunch, so students are encouraged to bring water bottles.