May 2024
I truly cannot believe it is May already! There will be lots of events going on this month! Please keep the calendar handy to help guide you through the month.
Please remember that there is no school for students on Tuesday, May 7th!
Please be mindful that there should not be drop off or pick up in the front parking lot. This lot is for staff and buses only.
As we begin to make preparations for the next school year, please note that we do not accept requests for class placements for a specific teacher. We understand that sometimes there are circumstances that we need to be aware of - If this is the case, please send an email to the attention of Mrs. Shock no later than Friday, May 10th. In the email please indicate your child's name and the circumstances that need to be considered. We will not accept requests for specific teachers. We have an excellent staff who are dedicated to providing the best education to all students.
Our Fast bridge benchmark assessments in the area of Reading and Math will be administered this month as well. The dates we receive from these assessments provide us great data to help place students in an MTSS group that best fits their needs to grow as much as they can.
We are very excited to celebrate Huron's 50th anniversary on May 30th with a special event. Details are in this newsletter. It is an exciting time for Huron.
Take Care!
Kelly Shock
Huron Principal
I am asking that we all work together for the common good to follow the parking lot guidelines. This is to ensure the safety of all that are using the parking lot. Mrs. Shock