Family Newsletter

September 22, 2024
Dear Families,
On Friday, we celebrated our first Kind Day of the year. This year's shirt says "God call us to love one another. #BeKind" We are reminding everyone of God's never ending love and Jesus's teaching to 'Love thy Neighbor.' We can do this through kindness. We reminded the students to touch the heart on their shirts when making a choice as a reminder of God's call. Students may wear the shirts on Kind Days and on Spirit Fridays.
We also had our first Picture Day this week. If you ordered a class picture, these will not be sent with your picture order. They are sent later in the year once retakes are done in February.
This Friday is a Professional day for teachers. There is no school for students. We do have childcare. Students do not have to wear uniforms that day and may bring their own lunch or snack provided that it meets our school guidelines-no nuts or shellfish and no food brought in from other restaurants. You can sign your child up through this link. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffmmYQeniHFLgIY4Ie-OfOT4A6GMRkCLfbwZkaqEEgAc2dRQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Fundraiser packets went home on Friday. Our Fall Fundraiser is Affy Tapples. It runs through October 18th when all monies are due in the office. Please see the attached information below.
Our Flag Football played their first game of the year against Visitation yesterday. They played well but lost. Come out to cheer them on. They play on Saturdays at Leo HS field. Next game is on 9/28 at 8 am. GO TIGERS!
As a reminder, students entering K, 2, and 6 must have updated physical, dental, and vision forms. Any students in grades 5-8 who will play sports also need physicals and the signed concussion form.
If you have not already done so, please take the time to review our Family Handbook and sign the Tuition Policy and Handbook Acknowledgement pages. Please return them to your child's teacher or the office. We only need one per family. Thank you.
We thank you for continuing to partner with us and for entrusting us with your child's education.
Please reach out with any questions.
Mrs. Thornton
Assistant Principal
Academy of St. Benedict the African
Email: cthornton@academystbenedict.org
Website: academystbenedict.org
Location: 6020 South Laflin Street, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-776-3316
Facebook: Facebook.com/academystbenedictafrican
Instagram: asba_chicago
Dismissal Procedures
Please be kind and patient at drop off and pick up. Keeping the children safe is most important. All scholars will be dismissed at 3:10 daily to their designated dismissal spots. Scholars who regularly stay for Extended Day go to the cafeteria and do not dismiss outside. If you know your child will not go to Extended Day, please send a message to the homeroom teacher or call the Main Office.
We have included a map of each classroom's dismissal's spot. (A pdf is also linked below.) For the safety of all, please meet your child near their classroom's designated spot. (Kindergarten is the only class that will be on the front stairs.) At the designated spot, the teacher will sign the child out or ask you to sign out the child on the dismissal sheet. Thank you for your partnership and cooperation in advance.
Fun Fridays Spirit Wear
For the 2024-2025 school year, ASBA students are invited to wear school spirit gear every Friday!
All tops must be ASBA spirit wear and can include: t-shirts, polos, and sweatshirts.
Students must continue to wear uniform bottoms on these days.
*Kindness shirts will be worn on a separate day that will be communicated at a later date*
Our partners at Spiritwear are currently hosting a 30% sale for all ASBA gear. Visit our store at: https://1stplacespiritwear.com/schools/IL/Chicago/Academy%20of%20St.%20Benedict%20The%20African
Tuition Policy 2024-2025
Tuition payments are due on the dates stipulated in the Tuition Agreement Contract or on the dates arranged by an alternative payment plan. Academy Of St Benedict The African, via FACTS, will send monthly bills and statements. Please review our Tuition Policy 2024-2025 linked here.
Bloomz Codes
School Code NUUF2G (new users only)
PK; Garza-- UT8FJ8
PK; Hartnett-- UCXUD3
Kindergarten-- FFB5A6
1st Grade-- UTQSR5
2nd Grade-- H36HZC
3rd Grade-- VBW7TG
4th Grade-- UND6QB
5th Grade-- 9WBXDK
Middle School-- R7PXW9
Who's Who in the Office?
Main Office Line 773-776-3316
Mrs. Taylor, Principal, ext. 101 (please contact Mrs. Thornton with any matters for which you would typically contact Mrs. Taylor -see the letter from 8.28.24 attached below.)
Mrs. Thornton, Assistant Principal, ext.100
Ms. Kabat, Middle School Director/Asst. Principal, ext.116
Ms. Fernandez , Business Manager/Virtus, ext. 102
Mrs. Botello, Administrative Assistant (Tuition), 773-776-3316
Mrs. Martinez, Student Accounts/Action for Children, ext. 103
School & Office Hours
Morning Care: 6:15-7:15 am
Arrival for breakfast 7:15 am-7:35 am, 7:40 am cleanup and move to assembly (except All School Liturgy days)
Instructional time 7:45 am -3:10 pm; after 7:45 am is Tardy; no late entries after 8:30 am without a doctor's note; 2:30 pm is the early dismissal cut off time
Extended Day: 3:25 pm-6:00 pm
Office Hours: 7:00 am-3:30 pm and by appointment
Save the Date
September 4-Open House 5-6:30 pm
September 26th-4-8th Grade Liturgy (We will have Morning Assembly)
September 27th-Professional Learning Day-No School, Childcare Available
October 4th-Midterm Reports go home for 4-8th Grade, Please Sign & Return
October 10th-PreK-3rd Liturgy (We will have a Morning Assembly)
October 11th-Professional Learning Day-No School, Childcare Available
October 14th-Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day-NO SCHOOL-NO CHILDCARE
October 17th-Annual Prayer Walk for Peace, 9:30 am
October 18th-Fundraiser Orders and Monies due to the Office
October 31st Fall Festival
November 1st-All Saint's Day-All School Liturgy