September 2024

Fall Edition 2024
A Message From Your Administrators
Hey Rancher families!
We hope that you and yours are safe and getting back to normal after Hurricane Milton. Our community has been through a lot in the past month. Please reach out if you need any assistance, as we may have access to resources for you.
The end of the first quarter is here! Dr. Tidd and I are so excited to see students engaged in complex tasks and working hard each day in the classroom. Way to go, Ranchers! If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, be sure to contact the teacher about setting up a conference. Also, please make sure you check out our school website at https://dbes.pasco.k12.fl.us and follow us on Facebook for ongoing communication about news and events happening at the Ranch!
Mrs. Grimsley and Dr. Tidd
What's Happening at The Ranch?
Teacher and School-Related Personnel of the Year
We are so excited to announce our DBES 2024-2025 School-Related Personnel (SRP) nominees, Stormy Mercado and Giselle Erickson. Both are an amazing part of our fantastic front office staff!
We also had five wonderful teachers who were nominated as Teacher of the Year: Addie Ogden, Stephanie Liebman, Sara Blanco, Jordan Less, and Sarah Agnes. We are so proud of these amazing educators!
Drum roll please....Our 2024-2025 winners are Stormy Mercado and Addie Ogden! Congratulations!
Lunch Visitors
Thank you for your patience as we worked through setting up a new platform for parents to sign up to eat lunch with their child! We can no longer use Sign Up Genius due to data sharing laws.
Here is the link for you to sign up: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/DBESStudentLunch@live.pasco.k12.fl.us/bookings/
Lunch schedule
- 11:30-12:00 - 3rd grade
- 11:50-12:20 - 5th grade
- 12:10-12:40 - Kindergarten
- 12:30-1:00 - 1st grade
- 12:50-1:20 - 2nd grade
- 1:10-1:40 - 4th grade
These are the guidelines for lunch visitors:
- Lunch visitors will be welcomed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Visitors are to check in at the front office with your ID and receive a sticker for entry into campus. You can do this 5 minutes before the lunch period begins.
- Meet your child outside the cafeteria by the lunch tables. Please do not enter the cafeteria at any time due to safety protocols.
- Parents are to eat with their child only. Other students are not allowed to join you.
- Please send your child back into the cafeteria at the ending time so they can line up with their class for the next transition to recess or back to the classroom.
- Sign out in the office when you are leaving.
We look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
AV Club News
AV Club at Double Branch has started again. Keep an eye out on the Double Branch Elementary YouTube channel to see their work. We have so many talented members this year!
AV Club sponsors - Mrs. Baig, Mrs. Brushwood, Ms. Collins, and Mrs. Gullion
Student Council Corner
Student Council will soon be ordering shirts for all of our members to wear during fundraisers, after school events, and on meeting days. They will be sponsoring the Trunk or Treat event on Wednesday, October 30 from 5-6 pm. What a great way to bring our DBES community together!
The group is also planning to partner with PTA to assist with a food drive in November and will assist with PTA’s Barnyard Bash on November 8th. Student Council will also be conducting a Puppy Love Animal Donation Drive in February. Finally, Student Council plans to establish a Kindness Squad to welcome new Ranchers and show them around the school. Lots of exciting projects in the works this year!
Student Council sponsors - Ms. Duguid and Ms. Jennings
Nurse's News
Health screenings will take place on Friday, November 15 for all kindergarten, 1st, and 3rd grade students, as well as all students that are new to the state of Florida. Please complete your online parental consents prior to this date if you want your student to participate or to opt out. Please make sure students bring their glasses if applicable.
Here are the screenings that will occur:
- Kindergarten - Vision and Hearing
- 1st Grade - Height/Weight, Vision and Hearing
- 3rd Grade - Height/Weight, Vision
For more information, please contact Sarah Nystrom, RN, School Nurse.
Art Corner
Students in grades 3-5 have been working on rhythm and movement. Grade K-2 students have been working on making patterns with different lines. All students celebrated Dot Day by making some wonderful creations using dots. So many talented students on the Ranch!
PE Spotlight
It’s been hot, but starting to cool down! Students should bring water bottles to class each day.
Students have been participating in a variety of activities in PE. Frisbee, Dance, Jump Rope, Bowling, Horseshoes, Handball, Castleball, and Musical Hoops are just a few of the many activities that have been introduced so far this year.
Mileage Club started on October 7th. Start tracking your miles towards a marathon goal. New toe tokens are in and new marathon rewards are on their way.
Coach Senkbeil is keeping us all safe with her turtle rescue operations. 🐢
Red Ribbon Week
October 28-November 1, 2024
Theme: Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free!
This nation-wide theme was selected to encourage everyone to “play their part” in fostering safe, healthy, and drug free communities. Please look for a flyer next week outlining how we will celebrate throughout the week.
On Wednesday, October 30, we will host a Storybook Character Parade. Students can dress as their favorite storybook character and bring the book to carry if they like. Please adhere to district dress code guidelines. No play weapons, masks, or excessive blood/gore should be worn. The parade will begin at 10:15 am. The route will take students through the car and bus loop. Parents are invited to attend and stand along the sidewalk area of the car and bus loop. Please do not exit your vehicle or line up on the sidewalks until after arrival ends (9:45 am).
Red Ribbon Week 10/28 - 11/1, 2024
Great American Teach-In
The Great American Teach-In will be held on Wednesday, November 20th at DBES. If you are interested in sharing your career with students here on the Ranch, please reach out tto Tiffany Forti, School Counselor and GATI Coordinator, at tforti@pasco.k12.fl.us.
DBES School Fall Fundraiser
What: Fourth Annual Turkey Trot (Walk-A-Thon) in the PE field
When: November 18, 2024
Purpose: The proceeds from the Turkey Trot will be used to fund PBIS monthly student events, as well as student and staff incentives, materials, and other resources.
- Grades 3 & 5: 10:00-10:45 am
- Grades Kg & 1: 11:00-11:45 am
- Grades 2 & 4: 11:45-12:30
How: To make it easier this year, parents and other sponsors will be able to make donations online. More information will be coming soon.
Our music department will provide upbeat music to entertain students.
Approved parent volunteers are welcome to join us. Please reach out to Yahaira Pagan ypaganda@pasco.k12.fl.us to make sure you are an approved volunteer and to let her know the timeframe you plan to attend.
Thank you so much for your support with our only school-based fundraiser of the year! Your contributions are so vital! 😊
We have had a wonderful start to the school year with our new PBIS houses! All students and staff have been sorted into houses of perseverance (red), engagement (green), respect (blue), integrity (purple0, and dependable (yellow). Our staff believes that these are the qualities that help our students be successful in life which is our school vision!
New for Quarter 2 😀
We welcome our staff and students to wear their house colors on Wednesdays! Staff will also be going on the news to talk about their houses and what it means to demonstrate that quality. Monthly celebrations are now planned where students can trade in their Rancher Bucks to attend. Students may have no more than 3 incident reports and no office discipline referrals.
Upcoming Events
- Oct 25 Buccaneer Spirit Day
- Oct 25 Report Cards
- Oct 25 Mathematician of The Month
- Oct 28 Red Ribbon Week Begins
- Oct 28 SAC Meeting
- Oct 28 PTA Boo Grams Sale Begins
- Oct 28 All Star Student of the Month
- Oct 29 Picture Make-Up Day
- Oct 29 Chorus Concert at WCPAC
- Oct 30 Storybook Character Parade
- Oct 30 Student Council Trunk or Treat Event
- Oct 31 All Pro Dads
- Nov 4-8 CoGAT Testing (2nd grade)
- Nov 6 PTA Meeting
- Nov 7 3rd grade Parent Night
- Nov 8 Buccaneers Spirit Day
- Nov 8 K-2 Barnyard Bash
- Nov 15 Health Screenings
- Nov 15 All Star Student of the Month
- Nov 15 PTA Center Ice Spirit Night
- Nov 18 SAC Meeting
- Nov 18 Turkey Trot
- Nov 21 All Pro Dads
- Nov 22 Mathematician of the Month
The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a final rule, 40 CFR Part 763 Subpart E, Asbestos Containing Material in Schools. This rule requires all Local Education Agencies to identify asbestos containing materials in their school buildings and to take appropriate actions to control the release of asbestos fibers.
An Asbestos Management Plan for Double Branch Elementary has been completed and describes the results of the inspection, if applicable, and the action plan to control any asbestos found during the inspection. A copy of this plan is located in the administrative office of this school and at the Pasco County Schools Maintenance & Facility Services Department and is available for review upon request.
Double Branch Elementary School
31500 Chancey Road
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
(813) 346-0400 phone
Mrs. Lisa Grimsley, Principal
Dr. Charlene Tidd, Assistant Principal