EJMS Jaguar Weekly March 25 - 29
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
We hope everyone had a great week! We appreciate everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the Spring Showcase last week! We are heading into the final week of school before Spring Break. Our students will be taking the final iReady Diagnostic for this year on Wednesday 3/27/24 (Math) and Thursday 3/28/24 (Reading). We will also have our final club day of the year on Friday.
Lion King Musical
We are excited to present Lion King Jr the musical. Our students under the direction of Ms. Bishop have been working hard these last several months to prepare. We hope you can join for any of the upcoming shows. See flyer for showtimes and ticket information.
Online Registration Open for 2024-25 school year
ONLINE REGISTRATION (OLR) is now open for the 2024-25 school year. Please help by going online and registering for next year. You can register your entire family at one time, even if children attend different schools in the district. OLR completion is one required step to ensure your child receives their Chromebook at the beginning of next school year without delay. Thank you in advance! If you have any questions or need help remembering your password please call the school at (859) 885-5561.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, March 27th - iReady Math diagnostic
Thursday, March 28th - iReady Reading diagnostic
Thursday, March 28th - Lion King Musical performance at 7:00 PM
Friday, March 29th - Club Day
Friday, March 29th - Lion King Musical performance at 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 30th - Lion King Musical performance at 1:00 PM
Spotlight on our Spring Academic Showcase
The Culture Fair from Friday
It was such a wonderful exchange of cultures, traditions, and of course food from our student-directed Culture Fair last week. All of the colors and flavors and pride for homelands shone through so clearly as our students and staff learned from each other.
Participate with PTO
Join the Teacher Appreciation Team
If you are interested in helping plan and carry out Teacher Appreciation Week this spring, please contact Parent Leader Crystal Hamblin.
Join the 8th grade Semi-Formal Team
If you are interested in helping plan and carry out the 8th grade Semi-formal this spring, please contact Parent Leader Tasha Harilson.
What's Happening at EJMS this week?
Mon., March 25
🦁 4:00 - 6:00 Lion King tech week
⚾ 6:00 Baseball vs. West (home game)
🥎 6:00 Softball @ Garrard
⚽ 6:00 Girls Soccer @ Anderson
👪 6:00 Secondary "Be Well" Parent Workshop @ EJMS
Tues., March 26
🦁 4:00 - 6:00 Lion King tech week
⚾ 6:00 Baseball vs. Mercer (home game)
🥎 6:00 Softball vs. Bate (home game)
⚽ 6:00 Boys Soccer @ West
Wed., March 27 - iReady Math testing, alternate schedule
NO BETA - officers will meet to review new applications
🦁 4:00 - 6:00 Lion King tech week
👟 Track Meet
⚾ 6:00 Baseball vs. LCA (home game)
Thurs., March 28 - iReady Reading testing, alternate schedule
✝ 8:20 FCA Meeting
🥎 6:00 Softball vs. McKnabb (home game)
⚽ 6:00 Boys Soccer @ Bate
🦁 7:00 Lion King - opening night (cast and crew call time, 6:00)
Fri., March 29 - Clubs in afternoon, alternate schedule
🥎 Softball @ Estill
🦁 7:00 Lion King (cast and crew call time, 6:00)
Sat., March 30
🦁 1:00 matinee and final performance Lion King (cast and crew call time, 12:00)
New JAGS wear
Needing some new Jaguars gear? Check out these designs sponsored by the girls soccer boosters! Some super cute stuff at this link! https://www.bonfire.com/store/ejms-girls-soccer-boosters/
Looking ahead for our eighth graders
We hope to see you soon!
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms (check out our new website!)
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool