C.I.S. Newsletter
Parents - September 2024
Start of 2024-2025
The start to the school year has been wonderful! We are getting to know your child and are very excited about partnering with you throughout the year to provide the very best academic system for each and every child. We appreciate you sharing him/her with us!
Grading Scale
C.I.S. has the same grading scale as Parkview. We use P for proficiency on the standard, A for approaching proficiency on the standard, and N for needs improvement on the standard. Grades will be posted weekly in the following content area:
1) Reading/Speaking/Listening;
2) Writing/Language;
3) Math;
4) Science;
5) Social Studies.
The grades entered as "formatives" are just a checkpoint for us to know where students are with their understanding of the standard to guide our instructional plans. The child is not expected to be at a P during the formative checkpoints. The summative grade (unit assessment) is where we would like for students to be at a P.
We have had a couple of hiccups in the system and we are working through them. Thank you for your patience.
Pre-Order Password: 3D7T8S9S
Upcoming Events
Week of September 9 - STAR Reading assessment will be administered
Week of September 9 - UMKC School of Dentistry present
September 12 - Tornado Drill
Week of September 16 - NWEA assessment will be administered
September 18 - C.I.S. Fall pictures (see ordering information above)
September 19 - Fire drill
Week of September 30 - UMCK School of Dentistry present
Week of October 7 - Homecoming week
October 10 - Intruder drill
October 10 - Fire Safety week presentation by Fire Department
October 11 - Bullying prevention assembly
October 11 - 12:23 early dismissal
October 14 - No School - Teacher Inservice
C.I.S. School Hours
Cameron R-I School District Calendar (can also be found on the website)
Cameron Intermediate
Website: www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/cameronintermediateschool