Manheim Central Libraries
The Library is a Learning Place!
Doe Run Elementary and Baron Elementary
Tap the image below for an interactive slide with easy links to contact the elementary library teachers! You will also find a link to our Library resources. Our resources are open 24/7!
Manheim Central Middle School
Middle School Library
Librarian: Ms. Danielle Corrao
Manheim Central Middle School's Library offers a welcoming and supportive environment, one in which we are committed to making sure all learners are represented in literature and show respect and appreciation of others’ differences. Through inquiry, inclusion, collaboration, curation, and exploration, we ensure learners graduate as competent and ethical users of information technologies with a life-long love of reading, learning, and independent thinking. Learners visit the library once a cycle with their ELA class to interact with the media specialist and check out our vast collection of books. Learners are also invited to visit the media center during Baron Time. Collaboration, critical thinking, and fostering a love of reading are central to the curriculum at the middle school; therefore, teachers and students are always invited to use the media center space and work with the media specialist on research, digital citizenship, information literacy, or reading-based activities. Our media center is kept up to date with technology, print materials, digital resources, and of course, non-fiction and fiction books.