Pine Street Press
March 2025
Upcoming Dates
March 10 and 12: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 7: Report Cards Published
March 14 and 17: No School
March 18: Literacy Night
March 25: Instrument Fittings for 5th Graders
March 26: 5th Grade Visit to the Middle School
April 4: Spring Break Begins
April 14: School Resumes
May 9: Pine Street's Mile Run
May 22: Graduation for the Class of 2025
May 23: No School
May 27: No School - Memorial Day
June 4: Field Day
June 5: Last Day of School - Half Day
March is Reading Month!
Literacy Night
Pine Street's Literacy Night
March 18, 2025
You are invited to join us for a reading adventure. "Oh the Places You Will Go" while you travel from room to room exploring different activities. There will be treats, games, activities, and cats! We are excited to see you on March 18.
Author Visit
For March is Reading Month, we welcome a special guest: author and illustrator Emmy Kastner! A former high school teacher, Emmy taught English and science in San Francisco, California, before moving back to Michigan to co-found the youth writing center Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK).
Emmy lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan with her husband and three kids, their dog and two cats. She spends most days writing and making art in her studio above her family’s coffee shop. Her books include "So Tortoise Dug", "While You're Asleep", and "A Very Big Fall".
Our students will meet with her on Friday, March 21. She is offering a pre-purchase offer for a couple of her books. Here is the link for families to purchase signed books.
February ROARS Winners
Congratulations to our February ROARS winners! These students were nominated by their teachers to Recognize Outstanding Achievements in Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Congratulations to Isabelle Saczynski, Dominic Ewing, Kaycee Schwarz, Zackary Nielson, Lily Allers, Stella Snider, Lindsey Martin, Jeremy Ferris, Enzley Hall, Macie Burns, Alivia Bouma, Nathalia Pozos, Dakota Rotman, Peyton Fritze, Aubrey Dailey, and Ava Little!
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is once again over flowing! Please find time during Parent Teacher Conferences to swing by the cafeteria to look through the tables! Everything left will be donated by March 13th!
Pine Street Running Club
Pine Street Running club will start on April 14th. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about running and prepare for the Pine Street Mile Run in May! Running Club will be coached by Pine Street staff. If any parents would also like to volunteer to help please email Mrs. Robinson at robinsonr@waylandunion.org
Please complete the permission slip below and return it to the Pine Street office by Friday, March 21st!
5th Grade Musical
Pine Street's 5th Grade musical will be Tuesday, March 4th at the Fine Arts Center.
The concert will be broken up into two sections. The first section will be at 6:00 p.m. and will include Mr. Oostindie, Ms. Rickstad, Ms. Sturgeon, and Mrs. McCrumb's classroom. The second section will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will include Mrs. Adams, Ms. Draxler, Mr. DeVoogd, and Mr. Raab.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
The Capturing Kids Hearts theme for March is Courage. According to the CKH website, courage is the ability and strength to face something that may be difficult or challenging. Courage requires perseverance and the willingness to stand up for what is right or try something new. We are excited to learn more about courage this month through our Leadworthy Lessons.