Michigan Learning Channel Update
May 2nd, 2024

The Power of MAISA and MLC building professional learning together...!
Watch this video to learn about how we leverage one another's strengths to support teachers to learn about the Literacy Essentials as well as lift their expertise.
Many of you already have summer learning options set for the summer, but we hope that you will also share the Michigan Learning Channel “Summer of Fun” resources available to families and schools, either as a supplement or a program choice to support learning engagement over the summer months. Check out the Summer of Learning landing page and this flier to learn about this summer’s topics. This interest form will allow educators to send their interest in ordering books. Here is a flier
Coming soon! A FREE module will be coming out in the next two weeks from Michigan Virtual that will outline the program for educators and show connections to the Essentials Instructional Practices in Early Literacy with Read, Write, ROAR! Be on the lookout for this new course content!
ISD/RESA Read, Write, ROAR! Text Sets
We hope that you found ways to use your grant-provided books that connect to the Read, Write, ROAR! literacy series! We realize this is only one set for an entire ISD/RESA, but our hope was to lean into Essential 8 and provide your ISD/RESA with access so that people could start to see the connections and consider ways to utilize these with the content of the series to lift the Essentials.
Today we want to share one way we might see you using these - lending libraries!
A lending library for:
Teachers that are using Read, Write, ROAR! in their classrooms. This allows access to the physical book for kids to look at or reread after viewing the lesson in which it was used. Due to the episode length, or copyright, teachers often didn't read the whole book online. Lending the book out would be an opportunity for the teacher to access the entire text for additional learning.
- Librarians might want to use the books to highlight the show at story hours or when launching summer learning!
We want to lift the work of Sonali Deshpande, Kent ISD Early Literacy Coach, who created a lending library through REMC and shared it in a blog post! Thank you, Sonali!
Please share your stories of how you are using this content with Annie Spear: apsear@gomaisa.org.
EduPaths Courses can support Literacy Essentials & Read, Write, ROAR! learning!
K to 3 Literacy Essentials: Read, Write, ROAR! - Word Builders 1
Mystery Words and Word Ladders are fun, interactive lessons that give students an opportunity to play with sounds by segmenting, blending, adding, substituting, and deleting sounds as they study words and discover spelling patterns. These two lessons are aligned to the Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy: Grades K to 3, specifically practices 4, 5, & 6. In the course, you will learn how to replicate these lessons in your classroom as one way to support phonological awareness development (particularly phonemic awareness) and phonics development through explicit explanation of letter-sound relationships and patterns.
Check out a Read, Write, ROAR! Playlist
This YouTube Playlist has a sampling of shorter Read, Write, ROAR! segments.