September 25th - 29th
Important School Dates:
9/26 - Picture Day
9/28 - Student Council Elections
9/29 - Family Game Night @ 7:00pm
9/29 - September Spotlight Student Lunch @ 11:55
School Picture Day
Please mark your calendar – Picture Day is Tuesday, September 26th. All pictures will be taken in the morning with preschoolers invited to have their picture taken at 10:30 am. For online orders, please use code EVTW7J3JM
Fall Carnival Poster Contest
All students are invited to make a poster (no bigger than 12” x 18”) to help let people know about our upcoming Fall Carnival. All poster contest entries will receive an immediate prize and a grand prize will be awarded October 10th. As part of the grand prize this year, your poster will be published in the Homer News paper. Posters must be submitted by Friday, Oct. 6th. The poster must have the student’s name, grade, and teacher's name on the back and MUST have an event information label (available in the office) OR you may LEGIBLY write the following on your poster:
McNeil Canyon School Fall Carnival
Saturday, October 28th
3:00pm - 6:00pm at McNeil Canyon School
Please Bring Cash or Check
Additional information that you could include if you wish is: “Come Join the Fun!”. Food, Prizes, Games, Haunted House (pending 6th grade parent participation), everyone is welcome! Please make posters family friendly. Happy creating!
We are also collecting new or gently used stuffed animals for the prize stand. You can drop off the stuffed animals in the dragon box in front of the office with Joy.
Scholastic News Fee
If you have a student in K-5th please make sure to send in the $6 ($7 for 3rd grade) Scholastic News fee if you haven't done so already.
Thank you!
Coast Walk Clean-Up
Our Annual Beach Coast Walk Clean-Up Day was on Thursday, Sept. 14th. The monies raised for this event will go towards class accounts for future field trips and class enrichment. Our school collected a total of 557 pounds of trash! Great job Dragons!! All fundraising packets were due today. We still have some that have not been returned. Please send these to school even if you did not collect any pledges. Thank you!
Family Game Night
Family game night will be held on Friday, Sept. 29 from 7:00-8:30 pm. Bring board games to share. Join the Fun!
Talk & Dress-Like-a-Pirate Day at McNeil!
September Spotlight Students
***Parents are invited to join their child and the principal for lunch on Friday, September 29th at 11:55 am.
Spotlight Student forms went home with these children on Friday, August 25th. Please return them as soon as possible so they can be placed on our Spotlight Student bulletin board. Thank you!
Curious About Community Activities??
McNeil Canyon Elementary School
Location: 52188 East End Rd, Homer, AK, USA
Phone: 907-235-8181