Fredericktown Elementary
Newsletter August 30, 2024
Our first several weeks of school have been filled with excitement and learning. Students, teachers, and staff live daily what it means to be a Freddie through their kindness, responsibility and willingness to help one another. Thank you for being our partners in your child's education.
This week we had our Back to School Cookout! This could not happen without our community partners: Dumbaughs' Sweetcorn, Knox County Cattleman's Association, Dee Jays Custom Butchering, and Owl Creek Produce. A lot of our staff and volunteers work behind the scenes to make this tradition happen. Our menu of grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, sweetcorn, watermelon, fresh onions and tomatoes was a crowd pleaser!
We are making some changes to our drop off and pick up procedures to help insure safety and to speed up the process. More details are below.
Stay curious and keep reading,
Important Dates
- September 2nd, 2024 Labor Day no school
- September 3rd Grades 1st and 2nd Reading Celebration for students who completed the summer reading Challenge.
- September 4th School picture day
- September 4th Grades 3rd-5th Reading Celebration for students who completed the summer reading Challenge.
- September 6th 2 hour early release for the Tomato Festival
- September 12th 2nd Grade Field Trip to YES Theater Production to see Little Mermaid Jr.
- September 13th 3rd Grade Field Trip to YES Theater Production to see Little Mermaid Jr.
Car Pick up line changes
Pick up and drop off lines:
We are changing our pick up and drop off line procedure to provide more safety and decrease the time parents and students are waiting. I realize it will take time before it works as smoothly as we want, so I’m thanking you for your patience in advance.
We will load/unload five cars at a time.
Morning Drop off: The first car will pull up to the end of the building before the crosswalk. Staff will give a signal for students to exit the cars. Once all students are on the sidewalk and walking to the entrance we will signal for the five cars to move on and the next five will unload.
Afternoon Pick up: The first car will pull up to the end of the building before the crosswalk. Staff will line up the students for the first five cars. The students will be released to go to their cars. A staff member will signal the 5 cars to pull forward and leave once all students in the first five cars are loaded. This process will repeat until all students are picked up.
A reminder to not leave the line or pass on the left for safety as some families load students on both sides of their vehicle.
Updates from the School Counselor, Mrs. White
- Every month as part of the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) system, we focus as a school on a different positive character trait that helps build our school community. For the month of September we will be focusing on Safety which involves learning our safety procedures for fire drills, lockdowns, and evacuations, as well making safe choices every day in the classrooms, hallways, playgrounds, and bathrooms.
- Ways to encourage and explore safe choices at home:
- Remind your student to follow school rules that keep us safe (walking feet in the hallways, using school supplies appropriately, be respectful in the bathroom, etc)
- Talk to older students about online safety and check out these resources from
schoolsafety.gov - Review the district's new reunification plan. In the event of an evacuation from the school, students will be reunited with their families at Energy Field House in Mt Vernon
Adventures in Learning
What is 3D?
Students worked with Mrs. Brake using the design process to create 3D sculptures.