Mission Middle School
Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Ready
Important Information
I will send this bulletin out each Friday. If you receive this and have moved, please note that I cannot remove emails from the system, but I can let the district know that you have relocated.
Please remember that students must have a physical in order to practice or tryout for any of the sports. There will be a volleyball meeting on Monday, August 12th, during Guided Study. Volleyball tryouts begin on the 14th. There will be a cross country meeting on Tuesday, August 13th, outside of the office after school. Cross Country practice begins the 14th.
If students have questions about football, he/she should see Mr. Delaet. Practice for football begins on Thursday, the 15th. If you have any questions about activities or athletics, please contact Mr. Gocke at curtis.gocke@bpsne.net.
***We will practice a fire drill and bus evacuation next week. During the bus evacuation, students are asked to load and unload the bus and to listen to the directions from the bus driver. These are both required drills. The week of the 19th, we will practice a tornado drill.
Important Information
New Cell Phone District Policy
More Important News
All secondary students in Bellevue receive their own ipad to use throughout the school year. Students must keep track of their charging cords, and keep the ipad in good working condition. The ipad insurance ($20) is highly recommended. Please sign the ipad agreement form in this packet and return it with the student. Students will receive their ipads on Monday.
All 7th grade students and those participating in a sport must have a physical. Please try to schedule one as soon as possible. The One World Mobile clinic is available at Mission on Thursdays. Please contact them at (402)880-4870 to set up an appointment. See the attached flyer for details.
What is a Securly Pass??
In order to help students to transition smoothly from the middle school to the high school, our district purchased the same pass system for us as is used at both high school buildings. This pass system is called securly. Students will be able to create passes on their ipads to go to different areas of the building. We hope that this helps students to be familiar with this system when they transition to the high school.
School Bus Information
We have had some questions about transportation. Please know that our district transportation office is working hard to ensure that students arrive to school on time and get home on time in the afternoon. However, the construction at Bellevue West is affecting the arrival and departure times. Students' arrival and departure times will be impacted by these delays. Students will not be counted tardy from the building when this happens. Please let us or district transportation know if you have any questions.
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Please drop students off as close to 8:20 as possible. All students will enter through the main doors. We do have a staggered bell entry, with the 8th grade going first to class, then the 7th grade. School begins at 8:30.
Students are dismissed from the EAST side of the building. Please park in the North parking lot. Please do not park in front of the building. It is not safe for students. The crosswalk should be free of cars at all times.
School Schedule
We are back to 48 minute class periods this year. We will still have a purple/white calendar, but students will have all of their classes each day (with the exception of PE/BraveTime). Students will receive their schedules the last week of July. School will conclude at 3:35 PM this year. This is 20 minutes earlier than last year. Please have rides waiting.
Students may have water bottles at school, but they should remain in their lockers. Students will have the opportunity to get a drink as needed.