March 2024
Educational Programs
RIU6 Teacher Listserv
Lead & Learn 2024 - Facilitator Application
Riverview Intermediate Unit #6 is excited to be hosting Lead & Learn for a third year of teacher-led professional learning sessions! We are looking for teachers willing to lead a 2.5 hour professional development session for other teachers. Topics & content are not limited and can include a favorite lesson, mini-book study, instructional strategies, resources, and more! Facilitators will be paid $250 for preparation and facilitation.
This year, there will be Lead & Learn sessions in the morning and afternoon on three Thursdays: June 13, June 20, & June 27. The application to lead a session is due March 29, 2023. Please submit just one application. The link to apply is here: https://forms.gle/FfwDndWibLr2XrWN8
Email Ben Brobst (bbrobst@riu6.org) with any questions.
Robin Fillman
SchoolsPLP- Jeff Martin w/ Curriculum Contacts
jeff@schoolsplp.com or 814-397-1807 LUNCH & LEARN (alt ed, district cyber programs, hybrid learning, credit recovery...
Comprehensive Planning, School Improvement, and Educator Effectiveness
Website with Plan Requirements- 28 day public review is NOT a requirement or school improvement but may be used as a way to gather stakeholder feedback.
Slides (Feb. 9, 2024) Note: slide #3 trainings, slide #17 due dates
CompPlan Application
The CompPlan Application within MyPDESuite will no longer be available beginning July 1, 2024.
Click here to access the communication from the PA Planning Team which includes directions to download any plans/reports prior to the removal of the application.
Act 35 Personal Finance Course
- Implementation is 2026-2027 school year.
- Standards in CEW, economics, and family consumer science exist now and will be expanded as a stand alone "Personal Finance"
- Title matching the code and must appear in PIMS (1/2 credit) PIM Code=19262 Consumer Economics/Personal Finance
- Students must take a Personal Finance course but it is not a requirement to pass for graduation. Graduation requirement is a local decision
Link to PA State Board of Education/Standards/ Chapter 4 Documents
Roster Verification
***Dates of Roster Verification
Key Concepts- To answer many questions
Roster Verification e-Learning- Check it out to plan for RV season!
Roster Verification webpage updated with current dates, recordings, and webinar
More Roster Verification Professional Learning
● Ready, Set, Roster! Prepare for an Efficient RV Process webinar (Register HERE)
o April 4 @ 9 AM
o April 10 @ 1 PM
o April 16 @ 9 AM
The RISE Award
Do you have a non-teaching employee that you would like to honor? If so, CLICK HERE to learn about the RISE Award.
Kelsi Wilcox Boyles
Remake Learning Days 2024
SAVE THE DATE: May 2 - May 22, 2024
WOW!! We have 120 school & community events on the Northwest PA event calendar! Take a SNEAK PEEK here of events in your area -- soon we will have promotional materials to share with schools. Please be sure to encourage families (and take your own) to participate in some joyful learning and fun opportunities this spring!
Parent/Teacher Ambassador Opportunity
Exciting News: 34(!) parent and teachers have signed up in Northwest PA to help increase awareness, enthusiasm, and attendance during Remake Learning Days (RLD). RLD Ambassadors will receive guidance from the festival in the form of virtual training and office hour sessions. There are still a few spots left, if any others are interested. All parents/caregivers and teachers are welcome to apply. Ambassadors are eligible for a stipend of $250. Apply Here by April 4, 2024
Youth Ambassador Opportunity
LAST CALL: Do you know a 9th-12th grader interested in marketing, social media content creation, event promos, or looking to build their communication skills, creativity, and connection with their community?
In partnership with Saturday Light Brigade, the Remake Learning Days Youth Ambassador Program is an opportunity for high school teenagers to help increase awareness, enthusiasm, and attendance during Remake Learning Days (RLD). Youth Ambassadors will cover two Remake Learning Days events taking place in their region. “Coverage” of an event includes the creation of an event promo, attendance of the event, and an event review. Ambassadors are eligible for a honorarium of up to $250. Apply Here by March 29, 2024
DiscoverED: A Statewide Design Challenge
On May 7th, DiscoverED kicks off the Remake Learning Days festival across Pennsylvania. First and Second Grade Classrooms will participate in a STEM design challenge of building a catapult and all participating students will earn a digital badge for their career readiness portfolio as part of the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge. Here's the highlights:
1) Schools will receive ALL materials and supplies FREE of charge for students to plan, create, and iterate a catapult design.
2) Classrooms will virtually connect with another PA class to experience how STEAM and maker pedagogies are thriving in different spaced from their own.
The following schools have signed up to participate: Clarion, C-L, North Clarion, Redbank Valley, Brockway, Brookville, DuBois, DuBois Catholic, Franklin, and Forest
- Video of past DiscoverED events can be found here.
Student Competitions
STEM Design Challenge (Grades 4th-8th)
April 4, 2024
The STEM Design Challenge is a competition open to ALL 4th through 8th-grade students who attend a public or private school, or home school groups. Students may work in teams of 2-4 to design and build their projects out of K’Nex pieces.
2024 Challenge:
Pennsylvania agriculture contributes $132.5 billion to our state economy annually and supports more than 593,600 jobs, paying wages of $32.8 billion. Did you know that farmers use robots to help them? “High-tech Farming” is important especially as our population grows and food demand increases. Your team is being challenged to help our Pennsylvania farmers by creating an agricultural robot or other type of “high-tech farming” equipment that they could use.
Participating Schools: Oil City, Clarion, North Clarion, AD Valley, Brookville, Clarion-Limestone, Redbank Valley, Union, Cranberry
Media and Design Competition (Grades 6-12)
April 25, 2024
Categories: 3D Design, Animation, Logo and Graphic Design, Digital Movie, Programming, Web Page Design
Katie Farbo
PDE Updates for HPE and Dual Enrollment
Highlights on the HPE school profile, added on the question documents. Multiple schools were listed or a contact for that school could not be found. Any school engaged in Dual Credit Grant, money should be flowing shortly. Can be used retroactively to 2022.Grant sunsets in June 2024. Recommendation to work with the institution of Higher Ed to prepurchase seats.
SEL Training Options
Here are Social Emotional Learning Trainings offerings to choose from. If interested, please fill out a professional development request. Any questions, please email kfarbo@riu6.org
Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge Webinar
Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge Webinar on April 16th, 2024, at 11 am. During the webinar, we will explore the details of the challenge and discuss how you can best leverage this opportunity for the benefit of your students.
Here is the link to register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Source of Strength
Sources of Strength is an evidence-based program that involves peer leaders to enhance protective factors associated with reducing suicide at the school population level by engaging youth as peer leaders and school staff as adult allies. OMHSAS has provided this program for free for PA schools through a grant where Youth Move provides the training and a stipend for messaging campaign materials and training.
Here is the link: https://youthmovepa.wildapricot.org/Sources-of-Strength
Training would be dependent on the individual school. YouthMove will do an MOU. They can contact ympa@youthmovepa.org to set that up and have the initial conversation.
C.O.R.E. of Youth
Description: A youth-driven organization that we are launching in the area. Our mission is to empower students to increase their self-advocacy skills and leadership skills while reducing isolation among youth with and without disabilities.
Ben Brobst
Assessment Updates
Combined Test/Answer Booklets Coming This Spring
Starting in the Spring of 2024, the Math PSSA Grades 3-8 and the Algebra Keystone will have combined test and answer booklets. Students ARE permitted to write in the test/answer booklet. They may underline, circle, and lightly highlight important information. Students should not use a dark marker when highlighting. There is one caution – students should not cross out the bubbles for answer choices as they eliminate incorrect options. Students may cross out the answer text (words and numbers) but not the actual bubbles, as the machine will read the cross out as a stray mark.
No More Red Stickers!
The transition to combined test/answer booklets for PSSA Mathematics presented an opportunity to reformat the non-calculator section that was previously in the test booklets. The non-calculator section in the new booklets will not need to be sealed with a red sticker upon student compleƟon. Instead, the section will include a colored border that will be highly visible to both students and test administrators and will alert both to any intentional or unintentional access of the completed section. ⭐Click Here to Read More About These Changes⭐
23/24 Updated Math Reference/Formula Sheets for Math PSSA & Keystone Exams
***We also have an updated Keystone Algebra formula sheet that now includes the perimeter of a rectangle formula***
⭐Click Here to read more about the specific changes and for links to the updated documents⭐
Robin Fillman, rfillman@riu6.org (curriculum, instruction, assessment)
Katie Neal, kneal@riu6.org (SEL, college and career ready)
Kelsi Boyles, kboyles@riu6.org (STEM, literacy)
Ben Brobst, bbrobst@riu6.org (STEELS, Math, STEM)